The Truth will Set You Free - Take Responsibility for your Mistakes - Avoid the Spreading of Rumours - Make this World a Place of Love

in #onelovedtube6 years ago (edited)

The Truth will Set You Free - Take Responsibility for your Mistakes - Avoid the Spreading of Rumours - Make this World a Place of Love

Hello Steemians and Dtubers,

So this is a two-part video. The first part is about me telling you my plans for the weekend. I will be in Monrovia California on Friday night from around 6 to 9 p.m. at the Farmers Market Street Festival. On Saturday, myself and my mom are going to Library Park also in Monrovia California for the Motown concert that's free and runs from 7 to 8:30 p.m.On Sunday, I am going to the Jazz concert again at library Park from 7 to 8:30 p.m. These are all free events for everybody and I hope that all of you can make it with your family.

So, let's talk about “Responsibility and Mistakes in Life”. mistakes are fact of life, we all make mistakes because none of us are perfect. Most mistakes are unintentional or accidental. it is not something that we intended to do it just happened. sort of like a Murphy's Law. but the actions that we take after the mistakes that we made is what is really important. we must be responsible and take responsibility for all of our mistakes. Unfortunately, This doesn't happen as often as it should. Too many people want to avoid taking responsibility for their mistakes and their actions. There are even cases where people will try and insinuate or suggest that it was somebody else who actually made this mistake. This is really bad and should never happen. This is when we get into untruths or have half truths and end up causing more problems than good.

“Honesty is Always the Best Policy”. Being honest and responsible makes us a better person and we'll make the world a much better place to live in. When we begin to be dishonest and point the finger at other people we hurt people whether it be intentionally or unintentionally. Nothing good ever comes from dishonesty or a lack of responsibility. I tell everybody that I know this exact same thing all the time. being honest, forthcoming, and responsible in life is always the best practice for anyone. There is an old saying that I remember about this and my grandmother used to tell me all the time.

“When we begin with the truth we only need to tell it once. But when we begin with a lie we have to tell it for the rest of our life”. I keep these words close to my heart always.

There are many things that will come from dishonesty and irresponsibility. One of the worst things that comes from these two things are “Rumors”. rumors are extremely bad and hurt so many people in the world today. They cause families to fall apart, friendships end, relationships to be destroyed, and an extreme amount of negativity Spilled Out into the world to darken and even put out the lights in a lot of lives. Many people have created suicide because of rumors. and this is the ultimate horrible thing that can come from them.

I remember another old saying about this,

“When you come across a situation Always start by believing half of what you see and none of what you hear until you have heard both sides of the story”.

The reason this is said is because you can walk halfway into a situation and only see the ending or hear the ending of what is happening. You are not there when started so you do not have all of the information you need to come to a reasonable conclusion.

So to sum all of this up, always be responsible for your actions and your mistakes and never spread rumors about anything ever especially about things that you know very little about or have just heard in passing. Doing this will always keep you at peace and it will Ensure that you never intentionally or unintentionally hurt anybody ever.

Peace and Godspeed everybody. May all of your new Journey turn into successful happy moment and carry on for generations to come. remember to love yourself because you deserve it. because you are a miracle of life. And if you are going to prosper, prosper in peace, happiness, and love first always.

Thank you to my Beautiful Fiance Vanja, Our Wonderful Children Angeles and David and all of my family from around the world in Norway, Thailand, Mexico, and here in the United States for all your wonderful love and support that you give to me every single day. You always inspire me and motivate me to be a better person for all of you.

To all of you #steemians and #dtubers, Thank you for all of your wonderful love, comments, and amazing support that you give to me every single day. I am humbled by all of you and I love you all.

Thank you to @dtube, @onelovedtube, @helpie, @steemt, and @adsactly For all the amazing friendship, amazing support, love, and amazing mobile platforms in tools that I have received from all of you on my journey here on these amazing platforms. I love you all.

We'll talk again soon. Love @jeronimorubio

▶️ DTube

Really be with truth , you will always win over your evils.

Usually people do not like to admit their mistakes. Such behavior is formed in childhood, children tend to tease each other for blunders, and for serious miscalculations to punish. Such an attitude of others can manifest itself in adulthood. As a result, it is easier and more comfortable for a person not to notice and not to acknowledge his mistakes.
In adult life, this behavior is difficult to call effective. When you keep silent, do not recognize, deny your mistake, then a number of difficulties arise.
For example:
The responsibility for the mistake is shifted to circumstances or other people. And once the responsibility is not on you, then others must solve the current situation. This behavior leads to the formation of the victim's position.
When you do not admit your mistake, then people around you begin to tell you honestly. You will persist - there will be misunderstanding and conflict. If, in doing so, you still throw responsibility for the mistake on others, the attitude of decent people to you will completely deteriorate.
If a person does not admit his mistake, then he does not correct its consequences, does not draw conclusions for the future.

Your words are always very pleasing and kind to the ear @aydogdy. It is always a pleasure to read them as well. Have a blessed day.

Accept the challenges so that you can feel the exhilaration of victory.

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