Dear Diary: I Hope That The Weather Would Be Mild This Year

in #onemealaday7 years ago (edited)


I am worried that in my pain days it would be flooding in my home due to some heavy rains and i hope that it will not happen since being immobile and having a breathing problem is just pure inconvenience not only for me but also for my parents who are the sole support that I get around the house.

So the help that I get from my parents are very valuable for me if I can't think about it if they are not around anymore. That is why my wish is that i want to leave this world before them because of the obvious reasons that there is no one to help me anymore as my siblings can just do much and also they have no obligation to help me and even my parents too.

It is well a real worry that I do not want to happen that I am left out, it is a disabled person's mental stress. So steemit will come into a big role now in my life as it will empower me to help myself more than I could imagine because I can lift myself with the support of the community.

This time I just hope that the weather and the time would not be hard for me because I am already living a hard because of my joints pains all over my body and my condition now is unpredictable on how it will go. Another problem via inconveniences in the weather is too much to bear now if it won't cooperate.


Ya saya berdoa agar banjir tidak terjadi di rumah anda, karna anda akan mengalami kesulitan, tetap bersabar dalam menjalani hidup ini @cryptopie

Saya menghargai doa Anda @fahmiy dan harap selalu sertakan saya dalam pikiran Anda.

The first day I stumbled on your diary, I was stuck and had no other choice than to follow you. You strike me as someone with a lot of inner strength. Strength only an average person can only dream of.

Despite all you're going through, you didn't give up on yourself. Your will to survive has kept you going even when your body is failing you. Where there is a will, there is a way and you've proven this beyond doubt.

I can only imagine your worries with the weather, I want to assure you that all is well. You'll survive this. You'll overcome. You're stronger than you think. Keep the hope alive.

I was sad the first day i went through your diary, i know you are going through a hard time but death shouldn't be the next thing you should be thinking about. very soon things will be fine and well with you.Time matters most. If there's any help we steemians can render, i think we will do. And dont ever thing of dying again @cryptopie death is not the next thing, you still have something much to do on this earth. and about the weather, it will be well soon by God's grace.

<That is why my wish is that i want to leave this world before them because of the obvious reasons that there is no one to help me anymore as my siblings can just do much and also they have no obligation to help me and even my parents too.

Well I'm afraid that the mild climate would not allow your fluids to come out of the body in the form of sweat . Don't worry bro no one is going to leave the earth , stay confident . Have a speedy recovery bro :)

yeah,weather is the meld from this year.i know you always fighting in your life and alots of pain streess of your body.i wish to god your problem very soon be end and all dreams comes,keep faith to god and be patient dear.alots of thanks of your good parents for take care u.@cryptopie

I'm so happy to hear that Steemit and the community here are your source of support and strength through your hardship. Stay strong and keep on Steeming on!

You shouldn't think of dying not of your parents leaving this world. It is possible that you get some sort of miracle at any time.

It is also possible to get someone who will be so fond of you they think not of helping you the way your parents do right now.

May God continue to keep you strong and alive. May he continue to bless your parents for their sacrifices towards. Above all, may he bring divine helpers into your life. You are an inspiration to many

Always think positively, you also have this means to express your feelings and at the same time solidarity.

I believe it will be better. I have you in my prayers. Please @cryptopie, is there no final medical solution to your problem? Would a kidney transplant not suffice? If it will, I think we can start a steemit campaign to garner assistance for you. You may be asking why this fellow has been bugging you severally for this, well, I lost my dad to this same thing because we didn't have the resources. I think help can come if you will let us help. Please think about it. I'm Ikechi Ndamati on Facebook and ikechi#0601 on discord in case you'd want us to talk

I am in the process of helping myself via steemit @ikechi
Transplant is a bit more complicated and my leontiasis and back problem made it more complicated and as of now am saving funds for that purpose.

It will be better brother, it will by God's grace. If you need any assistance, Holland me OK?

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