How to Bypass Internet Restrictions and Blocks: Working Ways for China, Iran, India, and Russia


Internet censorship has become a serious problem for internet users today. Usually, governments and internet service providers block sites related to adult content and piracy.

However, it cannot be denied that today most torrent sites offer both pirated and free content that is not protected by copyright.

In the end, blocking websites is not the best solution, since people who do not intend to abuse pirated materials will face a big problem.

As examples, we can mention the situation associated with the blocking of several file-sharing sites over the past few years, or the blocking of popular web resources in China, Iran, India, or Russia.

However, no matter how hard the block is, there are always ways how to bypass internet censorship and blockage.

Online censorship and blocking in the world

Websites can be blocked in different ways, depending on who introduces censorship and at what stage of the internet connection it occurs. We can divide the page blocks into two categories – those that we imagine and control — most often to restrict our children's access to certain content — these are parent blocks.

The second group is blocking and censorship of websites imposed by network providers and government agencies, which we have no influence over. To get around these restrictions, you need to use special tools on your computer and phone.

But how is internet censorship developing all over the world, and which countries are leading in this issue?

Internet Censorship in China

The Chinese internet, according to analysts, is surrounded by a “great wall of censorship.” With the help of technologies similar to those used around the world to counter spam and pornography on the internet, the Chinese government has erected a virtual wall on the network, known as the Great China Firewall system. This “wall” or as it is also called the “Golden Shield” restricts Chinese access to foreign websites, forums, and news portals that contain information objectionable to the Communist authorities.

The entire internet in China is subject to very strict censorship, especially foreign sites. There are several reasons for this: firstly, the fight against unwanted content, and secondly, the nationalization of the internet (Chinese analogs have been created for all blocked sites).

Internet Censorship in Iran

It's no secret that Iran supports such a power in the field of technical freedom in the country. During the Iranian protests of 2009-2012, known as the “Green Revolution”, this was fully demonstrated, as Iran blocked most types of online media from entering and leaving the country. Nevertheless, the authorities of the country quickly (and some may say that unwittingly) learned about the power that the masses possess through social networks. Evidence of public unrest was evident on social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook, which at the time were difficult for the Iranian authorities to block.

Fast forward a few years. The Iranian government has learned a few things. Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and most other social networks are blocked wholesale, although some Iranian users still manage to bypass content blocks in different ways. Even major shopping sites like Amazon and eBay are blocked in Iran, primarily because Iran cannot effectively regulate the content on these sites, either.

Internet Censorship in India

The Government of India may legally order Internet Service Providers (ISPs) operating in its jurisdiction to block access to certain websites for its users. This distinguishes the situation from jurisdictions such as Iran and China, where Internet censorship is largely centralized.

The legislative provisions of India, namely articles 69A and 79 of the Information Technology (IT) Act, allow the central government and various courts of the country to issue orders to block websites, which Internet service providers are required to comply with by law.

Internet Censorship in Russia

Currently, internet censorship in Russia is at the stage of formation. If several years ago the Russian internet was relatively free and was not subjected to severe state control, now you can see that the work of the authorities has great success in the field of internet censorship and blocking.

Internet providers block websites, most often these are portals that distribute illegal content or pornography, but sometimes the media can also get into the list of blocked sites. This happens because of articles that relate to politics, government officials, the police — anything that can at least indirectly substitute the authorities.

How to bypass internet restrictions and blocks

VPN services are considered to be one of the most popular means of circumventing blocking and censorship on the internet. They have proven themselves well in most countries, and people are willing to sign up for paid subscriptions to get unique access to blocked web resources.

However, there is a free and safer way to bypass blocking and censorship — Utopia P2P. Utopia P2P is an anonymous and decentralized ecosystem created to ensure the privacy and security of online users. It is a closed platform that works without restrictions and blocks around the world. To start using it, you just need to download and install it on your PC, then go through anonymous registration: you do not need to enter a personal phone number or email address. Everything is as anonymous as possible and without unnecessary information for outsiders.

The ecosystem is a closed internet on the internet with all the necessary tools for private communication, data transfer, browsing, and much more. All tools are available for free use and without additional separate downloads.
The privacy and security of users in the ecosystem are ensured by multi-level data encryption, which prevents any attack from outside. In addition, the basis of the ecosystem is a specially designed-blockchain that has proven its reliability in reality.

Utopia P2P is perfect for all those who want to circumvent internet censorship and online restrictions. The ecosystem has a free Web Proxy in its arsenal, with which you can access any internet website in a matter of seconds without restrictions.


Web Proxy works in conjunction with the anonymous browser of the ecosystem — the Idyll Browser. However, to use a Web Proxy, you do not need to open Idyll initially independently.

*Absolutely all websites are opened anonymously, no one will know about the visit of these websites by specific users.
To use the Web Proxy, you need to download Utopia P2P to your computer (Windows, macOS, Linux) or update it to the latest version.


After anonymous registration, access to the pool of tools with the Utopia P2P Web Proxy will be opened.



The only possible way to combat internet censorship and blocking of web resources is to bypass such actions. The best option for circumvention is Utopia P2P — a reliable and secure tool for a private internet experience with a built-in tool for anonymous and unlimited browsing of any website — Utopia P2P Web Proxy.