openmic week 11 got no problem
I really enjoy this one. I wrote this about a girl I was talking to who was constantly trying to change me in one way or
another. and this was me saying I am always trying to be better but if you don't like who I am now then I don't need you.
everyone moves at their own pace and you should like who you are with for who they are. if not they are not the one for you.
Very nice, really enjoyed the soul and feeling in your voice and warm guitar tone.
thank you very much!
I always respect those who write their own original songs, skillfully at that too. Really nice free flowing entry josh aka @chasingstarss I enjoyed the passionate singing, luring guitar playing and rhythmic delivery. You have good control on what you express. Keep the soulfulness alive and great message in your lyrics. Thanks for entering the open mic and sharing your artwork. Best of luck to your entry. Upvoted
thanks man I appreciate you taking the time to listen. best of luck to you guys as well. get with the Blockchain is a great entry. cant wait to hear more from you guys!