OFFICIAL: Open-Mic | @passion-ground's Top-5 Entries for Week 89

in #openmic6 years ago (edited)


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In my recent and quite fruitful judges reply to Nathan Kaye and the Open-Mic Community, much was discussed and subsequently discovered throughout the course of the comment thread that ensued.

Before I expound upon one of the biggest “takeaway’s,” I have to say that the sheer number of strong, intelligent, thoughtful, passionate, and caring people involved in the Open-Mic Community is rather striking. I am super-honored and proud to be a part of it. You guys rock from top-to-bottom and everywhere in between!

As the title of my week #89 forward implies, Artist Appreciation in the form of “Digital Applause” was perhaps one of the biggest takeaways from the varied and informative discussions that recently took place. We can thank @nathankaye for coining this most clever and relevant phrase.

To paraphrase the basic genesis of Nathans concept, "although it is never expected nor taken for granted, historically, “applause” is a very tangible and meaningful measure by which artists can gauge just how well of a job they have done in pleasing their audiences."

As it is quite difficult at times to accurately express oneself exclusively in the form of a comment thread alone, stumbling onto the concept of “Digital Applause” in the way that we did was somewhat of a revelation, at least for me and Nathan anyway.

With the Open-Mic Venue clearly in mind, Nathan then went on to elaborate and suggest what specific protocols might be associated with varying degrees of “Digital Applause.” I thought it was rather brilliant of him to suggest some basic interactive guidelines, so, for the benefit of the community as a whole, I thought I’d share Nathan’s suggested protocols (plus an addendum) - as simple suggestions as to how we might translate our appreciation for artists in this digital realm, and how we might improve further - the way in which we interact with, value, and appreciate one another.

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Digital Applause Protocol (D.A.P)

The following D.A.P protocol was conceived of by Nathan Kaye for the suggested enrichment and benefit of everyone associated with the Open-Mic Community.

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...for fellow Artists and the General Audience

  • Genuine Comments – sharing comments is a form of meaningful and intimate interaction that is easily on par with - if not better than physically clapping or applauding as an unidentified member of a collective audience.
  • Resteem a Performance - Giving an artist a “resteem” may be equated with enthusiastic, fervent or extended applause.

  • The combination of a “Genuine Comment” coupled with a “Resteem” is one of the most appreciative expressions of digital applause one can give within this virtual realm of reality.

    Basic up-votes are wonderful and encouraged, however, they can’t really be considered a form of genuine applause because as Nathan put it, art isn’t all about money and unfortunately, up-votes are not only automated by follow-trails (votes without views), but simple "votes" are easily bought and sold here on Steemit as well.

    ...for Open-Mic Judges and Selected Artists

    • Honorable Mentions – Artists given a simple text-based or "notification" listing in the form of an “honorable mention” by an official Open-Mic judge may consider such a distinction on par with receiving extended applause or perhaps a “standing ovation.”
    • Top-5 listings and Video Placements - Artists whose videos have been reposted or given a “Top-5 Listing” by an official Open-Mic judge may consider such not only on par with receiving extended applause or a “standing ovation,” but such video placements may also be considered to embody the added distinction of evoking an actual “Encore Video Performance.”

    • @passion-grounds Addendum:

      If you see and hear anything you like that makes you feel good in any way at all...

    Say Something - COMMENT!

    Say what comes to your heart and soul! Spell it out boldly and clearly… Say what you feel – short and sweet or long and nice!

    I for one am certain, and I'm sure that Nathan would agree, that the artists to which you direct such written accolades will receive such with great appreciation - and perhaps with even MORE appreciation than actual real-life applause!

    Better yet...

    In addition to your #digitalapplause, if an artist touches you in a unique and special way:

    Send Artists a TIP directly!

    Doing so is no different than tossing a $1.00, $5.00, or $10.00 dollar bill into a street performers guitar case whose public performance simply made your day! That little show of (going out of your way) appreciation will certainly make their day in kind. It's a win-win situation! Be always thankful and grateful for all that we have to give and all that we have to share.

    Never stop "having" and never stop "sharing!"

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    As you can tell, I feel quite strongly that all of our interactions via that comment thread were truly valuable and productive on many levels and for many people. My hat’s off to all you guys!

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    @katrina-ariel summed it up quite succinctly when she stated - “I love this whole freaking post! Integrity, humility, honesty, respect… love, love, love…” … - All of the attributes she mentions are truly what makes this world a better place.

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    There is always something new to learn, and there is always another way to look at things. As long as we consistently lean toward maintaining open minds and open hearts, our world can only get better.

    Next Up, a few words about our Sponsors

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    Please, VOTE for These WITNESSES...

    IMPORTANT: Before we move on, please don't forget to vote for @Pfunk as witnesses! @pfunk is our biggest supporter, and plays a major role in helping to fund, the Open Mic contest each week.

    In addition to @pfunk, I am also adding @curie, @ausbitbank, and @aggroed to my short list of “must-vote-for” witnesses who support the Open-Mic venue.

    You can vote for each of these witnesses right now by going directly to this link:

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    With all of that said, following some further insights as to how I judge entries, let’s get on with it, shall we?

    Steemit Open Mic Week 89

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    My Process

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    As one of the esteemed Open Mic judges, it is my job to come up with (or “curate” as it were) a short-list of my top 5 entrants each week. With all of the great talent here, that is by no means an easy task. Sure, tossing in another 5 honorable mentions helps, but not when my weekly list starts out with 100 or more of my favorite entries... You guy's rock - I'm tellin ya!

    Yes, I am a Libra – so I have an inherent drive deep within me to be fair and balanced – good qualities for a “judge” if you ask me. That being said, I’m still human – filled with emotion and subjective feelings – just like you. So, in order to mitigate my subjective tendencies to the best extent possible, I’ve come up with a method by which to narrow down my selections in a more objective vs. arbitrary manner.

    Here’s how I go about my personal judging process: I first start out with a list of 100 or more of my most favorite entries for the week, and score them (yes, subjectively) in six distinct categories via a spreadsheet. The categories I’ve selected for scoring are in general harmony with those explained by @luzcypher in his post titled How We Pick The Top 3 Entries, referencing such.

    To get a more in-depth perspective as to how I personally go about selecting my artists, please refer to What I go through as an Open-Mic Judge.

    Even though it’s still a “subjective” process – diligently going through each scoring category to come up with a “total” score for each entrant helps to minimize any overzealous subjectivity that I may harbor with respect to any specific entrants.

    Quite often, this exercise doesn’t give me the exact results I would personally prefer to see – but that only means that my system of judging is working as intended and designed. With all of that said, here are...

    My Top-5 Picks in Order

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    FIRST PLACE: @darrenclaxton – Resolve - (Original)

Don’t blame me, guys… Darren just so happens to be on fire of late. “Resolve” is a stunningly beautiful and timely Fathers Day tribute to Darren’s incredible Dad. He had me at my knees within 15 seconds with his initial guitar passages, which magically connected directly to the part my central nervous system that measures pure emotion. Thereafter, the slightly eastern melodic flavor combined with the story being told alongside the skillful and impassioned execution of it all left me helpless to do anything else but to top Darren out at the height of my list.

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SECOND PLACE: @wilins – Porque podemos- (Original)

For those who may not know or recall, this “Wilins Classic,” “Because We Can,” (Porque podemos) is a product of week #4 from season-1 of the Songwriters Challenge, which was created and sponsored by @meno. That’s right folks; this song was conceived of and written on-demand within the course of just 6-days! Wilins definitely resides within my conception of the COTC - there is no doubt about it. Prompted by the weekly theme presented by the judges, Wilin’s was forced out of his comfort zone, stood tall, and delivered these goods like nobody’s business! Passion spills out of Wilins like the rain falls from a dark stormy sky. When I listened to this new rendition for week 89, it immediately brought back all of the joy (and then some) that I experienced the very first time I heard it. For this and a whole lot more, I give Wilin’s my number-2 spot this week. As an aside, there’s been a bit of buzz about it of late, but let’s see what happens, - perhaps in the near future, season-2 of the Songwriters Challenge will be upon us in due course.

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THIRD PLACE: @armandolnrs – My Childhood - (Original)

Before I comment on this amazing entry, I first wish to express my utmost respect and appreciation for the people of Venezuela and the entire Hispanic community here at the Open-Mic. Please bear with me for a stretch, as I need to say this, and I think this is the perfect place and time to do it.

I don’t know what it is – maybe it’s my Italian upbringing, or maybe it’s something else entirely, but I feel very proud and directly connected to this beautiful community. They are a genuine, strong, and impassioned people who possess a high level of integrity, love, and dedication for their families - despite overbearing hardships beyond their control.

Of the 300 or so entries the Open-Mic receives each week, a very large portion of them emanate from Venezuela. One might wonder why that might be. Well, for one thing, the average reward for @luzcypher accepting an entry to the open-mic trail and including it in the weekly “see who played” list, earns an average of 2 SBD or $2.58 USD, which just so happens to be the amount of money that the average Venezuelan earns each MONTH!

Just let that sink in for a minute…

Venezuela, (and next, perhaps Argentina) is suffering from an extreme and elongated crisis of intense hyperinflation, making it utterly impossible for the vast majority of people to feed and clothe themselves, and to keep a roof over their heads.

I would venture to guess that there are at least 100+ entries each week of this origin that @luzcypher could easily skip over – but he instead goes out of his way to be inclusive, and in doing so, he is single-handedly making a HUGE difference in the lives of so many who deserve such a helping hand – or more aptly described, deserve an opportunity.

These folks aren’t simply looking for “handouts” – they have way too much pride for such nonsense, but instead, they do whatever they can to honestly “earn” whatever they can in whatever respectable way possible – and that’s just one of the reasons why I love them so much!

Unlike the corrupt politicians and bankers who are in large part responsible for such messes - and then have the gall to claim they are indeed the financial saviors of the modern world, it is indeed people like @luzcypher and the rest of us who support him in his efforts, who are indeed doing a form of “God’s Work” – and not the Goldman Sachs bankers of the world.

Sorry that took so long, but I just needed to get that off my chest. Now, back to this most incredible entry! So, allow me to introduce you once again to the winner of:

THIRD PLACE: @armandolnrs – My Childhood - (Original)

I’ve been listening to this older gentleman’s weekly entries for quite some time now. (He’s actually right around my age (59) – yeah, I’m older too, ha!) He enters each week like clockwork! His entries are soothingly simple and comforting, but nothing over-the-top “wow” if you know what I mean.

I must admit that there are times that I am often tempted to skip over listening to such familiar faces with such familiar patterns of entries. However, thank God for that persistent voice inside my head that says, “Hey, you never know what this person might come up with,” – this voice inside my head always tells me – “just hit play, take a listen, and see what they’ve got.”

Well, I’m so glad I have that voice in my head because when I hit play on Armando’s entry this week, I was totally shocked! “YES!” I said to myself, this voice in my head has struck pure gold!

I wish I had the lyrics for this composition – I’m certain that reading them would make it that much more special for me. However, music is a language unto itself, and although I cannot understand the lyrics, I do understand the incredible beauty of the music and touching images accompanying this special story of one’s childhood, and the incredible musical collaboration and talent that went into making it.

Armando’s brother, Cesar Linares composed this masterpiece. It appears that in addition to himself, Armando’s siblings comprise the balance of this musical tour de force. I can only assume that this is a song about their lives growing up together as brothers and sisters. I am literally dying to know the lyrics – this is such a touching and beautiful production! What an incredibly talented family, and what a beautiful recollection of the love and joy they shared throughout their lifetimes. This is one special production and most definitely a piece of treasured legacy music for the Linares family and for us as well. I extend my thanks to each of them for sharing this treasure with us all. Bravo!

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FOURTH PLACE: @lecocoramos – Hallelujah - (Cover)

Ahem, ahem, look who’s here again? That’s right folks, it’s Coco, and she’s driving me absolutely mad in more ways than one! Just when I thought that I’ve heard all the coverage of this classic that I could possibly hope for, along comes Coco to shock me into complete and utter submission. My life just wouldn’t be the same if I were to have been denied hearing her particular rendition of this most amazing classic. Yes, no doubt her new pink hair is definitely a short-term bonus; however, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the sheer brilliance of her guitar work within the first 30-seconds of listening. Thereafter, her dynamic vocal builds, inflections, and returns are simply jaw-dropping. Couple all of that with her opening smiles and her closing conveyance of sincere humility, and you’ve got yourself a “golden production” and an outstanding entry quite worthy of placement in my top-5 list any day of the week.

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FIFTH PLACE: @damcrow – Obsesión - (Original)

Here we have a very cool outlier entry, folks! @damcrow’s “Obsession” can be described in part as a semi-ethereal hard-rockin head-banger of sorts – a genre and realm to which I’m rather familiar and quite fond of in the proper context. This is only his second Open-Mic submission, and although I can’t immediately recall his first, “Obsession” definitely caught my undivided attention this week! @damcrow has assembled, executed, and produced a rather bold and passionate original production here. Sure, a tad rough around the edges and a bit raw perhaps, but hey, that’s what this genre is all about! I dug it and thought that he and this genre needed a bit of rep and props here in week 89. I hope you guys enjoy it as much as I did!

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My Top-5 Honorable Mentions in Order:

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Fifth: @bennettitalia – A Fairytale - (Original)

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Thank you for reviewing my selections for this week’s Open-Mic contest. If you find this content I’ve curated entertaining and of value to you, then please consider up-voting and/or re-steeming it.

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Peace, Love, and Justice for All

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A Very Special Shout Out To:

The following 20 artists who were very much on my radar, each within a splitting hair of making it into my overall top-10, and whose performances I loved, cherish, and respect most assuredly. This special list is very much an extension of my most honorable mentions.

They are - in no particular order:

@k0wsk1, @lillym, @moccamonica, @betzaelcorvo, @honeymoon-1611, @oswaldotorres, @chamberpunk, @carlosgu, @maycorjerjes18, @yessellyloscomps, @elliotjgardner, @mayneth, @tribedownsouth, @lk666, @senzenfrenz, @camuel, @franj26, @samjgonz, @johannesburghart, and @juanmolina!

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Another Special Shout Out To:

The following artists whose performances I very much enjoyed this week.

They are - in no particular order:

@tarotbyfergus, @acousticsteveo, @funkmedia, @andreabortone, @moderndayjester, @miaapado, @daily-musings, @jonmagnusson, @rjcha, @katrina-ariel, @juanhobos, @shookriya, @danieldedosd2, @gibber, @mcmusic, @mariajruizb, @digitalopus, @siomarasalmeron, @drewley, @rodolfoyanez, @andreamaestre1, @coruscate, @fax4u, @franyelisanchez, @jetperalta, @enriquemarval, @dianakyv, @danne10, @carlosvidal, @exzorltg, @almagatuna, @jembee, @grayarty, @yetxuni, @wethepatsies, @lorenzopistolesi, @orlandogonzalez, @lisettegarcia, @mendike, @klynic, @itslobianco, @miguelblanco, @johnchester, @elisonr13, @scottone, @diegopadilla, @vanne, @andreag, @michelleozza, @tcpolymath, @edwardstobia, @cesaramos, @kingtamarah, @duocover, @yulita, @jerrytsuseer, @lozanocarmen, @robertonavs, @aalejandroj, @fernando.lubezki, @dreamrafa, @ylich, @luis2702, @lerpdrummerboy, @, @, @, @, and @joanm897!

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Much love and thanks to each and every one of you who have touched a part of my heart and soul - not only this week but forever!

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Fantastic! I'm stoked that you liked my concept of digital applause. Hopefully, it'll catch on!

I really do think that this new understanding of the age-old protocol, or etiquette, that has been in performing arts between audiences and performers for many millennia of Digital applause here will make Open Mic (which is an online music performance contest) even more dynamic and interactive than it already is.

What exciting times for our community!!!

Your Top 5ers and honourable mentions are again a wonderful revelation of the exemplary standard of music performance that is being unveiled, and/or reiterated, in Open Mic each week.

Yesterday I had a big listening session of the open mic entries whilst driving. I opened up their entries in tabs to save for later so I could go comment on them.
What’s fascinating is how many of those were also in your picks! (Great minds think alike!)

Thanks so much for your respectful acknowledgment in this awesome post!

Gosh! I hope I find time this week to get an Open Mic entry in for week 90. Last week was hectic!

Blessings & good vibes mate @passion-ground!

I love your idea of Digital Applause Protocol mate.
I was thinking that we should create a DTB -
Digital Tip Bucket
where people can send bits and bobs of Steem and SBD, and we share it out between the honourable mention musicians.

That would be a nice addition to sending an individual tip directly! One only has to go a tad out of their way to send a direct tip - it's easy-peasy to do!

I don't know how community tip bucket (DTB) might be managed or administered to, but it's a great idea, mate!

As @passion-ground said, tipping is relatively easy, but I do like the actual idea of a designated Digital Tipping Bucket
I mean, at those kinds of gigs, people forget to tip until someone goes around with the hat. It's like a reminder, not because people are parsimonious, but more because they are simply in their own worlds and forget.
Let's DM to think tank it someone Dazza @darrenclaxton!
Blissful blessings and smiles
in joy


i'm so glad you enjoyed my performance this week! i send to you good vibes and greetings!!!! THANK U!

You're welcome, Andrea... You sang your heart out this week, girlfriend!

How can I not be happy if I'm inside your mentions! Thank you very much my dear friend! Greetings and hugs from Venezuela.

Your entry this week was lovely, @yetxuni!

You are very welcome! It makes me happy to know that you are happy! :-) I always look forward to and enjoy your performances. Hugs and greetings from America.

About the fact of venezuelans actually being a huge percentage of the contestants in Open Mic, the actual fact is that they're are people who was already doing music here and there before Steemit, because, I don't know if you know about Simón Bolívar Symphony Orquestra of Venezuela and everything their system have done for Venezuelan music. Musical culture here is alive... Not as the global industry tought us to live it. It is something different. That is the reality behind all those Venezuelans you see week by week. For this next I was today working on a collaboration with some pretty talented musician from where I live. I live in Venezuelan East Coasts. I will bring to you my own participation too. So... All this is to thank you, guys, for running this contest. You are like huge for a movement that is growing, growing in yo, with you, thanks to you and, in a sense, in you. So, thanks again for all that you've given and for all that much which we know you will continue giving. Greetings, @passion-ground, and thank you for another little but motivating mention.

I did not know about the Simon Bolivar Symphony - thank you for sharing this information with us! I am glad to know that the music culture is very much alive in Venezuela. I'm sure this goes a long way in explaining some of the great musical talent coming from the Hispanic community.

However, I also see more than 100+ weekly entries coming from everyday people with skill levels that are very basic. Perhaps the influence of the Symphony and the vibrant culture of music extends far and wide to every level of skill and participation. I think this is what you are trying to explain to me, and if correct, it is a very beautiful thing!

All of that aside, there are many who rise to the challenge and look forward to the opportunity to earn money for their families through Steemit in general and the Open-Mic specifically - regardless of their skill level. This too is a beautiful and honorable thing and one that I wished to direct some attention toward.

Thank you again, @siomarasalmeron for your lovely comment, and I look forward to seeing and hearing more of your artistry and music! hugs.

Here is a brand new "Voices of Open-Mic" submission. The "Voices of Open-Mic" was an initiative created by @luzcypher several months ago, which allowed people to make a video and answer several questions about their experience with the Open-Mic.

This lastest submission is a lovely testament to just how much of a difference the Open-Mic makes to this Venezualen family.

You are welcome, @siomarasalmeron!

I loved your cover of this Carpenters classic!

Cool, I like the equation of thoughtful comments and resteems with applause... this digital Open Mic, and Steemit in general, wouldn't be nearly as much fun without meaningful human interaction :)

And thanks for the mention @passion-ground! Honored to be included in this post with so many amazing performances.

"Open Mic, and Steemit, in general, wouldn't be nearly as much fun without meaningful human interaction. "

I agree with you 100% there, Bennett! You are welcome, brother - and you got more than just a mention, you got a Video Encore dude! (and a ReSteem too!) :-)

:D thank you for all three! I have no idea what a Video Encore is, but it sounds good. Do I have to do anything for it?

Ha! No, bro... you're good to go! Basis Nathan's protocol, if a judge reposts an entrants video anywhere within their Top-5 or honorable mentions, one may consider such a video placement an"Encore!!"

Ah! lol ok, got it :)

Good morning brother!
I would like to graciously thank you for connecting with 'Resolve'. It is so much more than a song to me. You have yet again, magically found the correlation between the story of my journey into adulthood. It's weird because, I wasn't planning on the whole Father's Day thing, yet it was obvious that my dad was present in my thoughts as he always is. He bought us up as a single parent and is my actual real life hero.
Heroes come in all guises, and he is my very own Super Dad.
Thank you again for placing me at the top of your musical tree! It really warms my heart man!
Your friend

Brother, you are so welcome... Thank you for touching me and everyone else so deeply with your music. For me, it is priceless! Happy Fathers Day, Darren - and to your amazing Dad too!
Your friend in kind

@passion-graund thank you for the mention, I am pleased to know that my music came to you in some way, definitely:


You are most welcome, @damcrow... You did a fine job with your production this week and you definitely rock with pure passion, brother... Nice!

Thanks so much!!!

You're quite welcome! You guys were great this week. I especially like when all the vocals come in at the 1:11 mark.

Once again thanks for your special cries, this is my second week in your mentions, even in a very small space but for me it is important, I am also Venezuelan, very proud of being one, and also belonged to that system of choirs and children and youth orchestras of venezuela, for us it is very emotional that they take us into account and listen to us. you have given us that opportunity in openmic. a hug and I congratulate you for your work, Both you and @luzcyphe

Thank you so much, Diana! Your comment means a lot to me. Hugs...

Your cover of this Beatles classic was beautiful, Diana! Bonita!

Hey @passion-ground, thank you for the mention... I can hear the claps! :-D

Good choices!

I can hear the claps! :-D

And so you should, @ylich! Your performance this week was truly outstanding! ...I loved it!

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