Recreational Outrage at Emojis! Day 10

in #openmic โ€ข 7 years ago

Welcome to your post of the day! ๐Ÿค—

Though fair warning to ye, lads and lassies; this one may frighten you, and with good reason:

The math totally makes sense.

We've all witnessed together, this month, just how many subtle, under-the-radar, subconsciously hidden messages there are in the world.

ONE influencer in particular, that hides in plain sight... Lying in wait...
At the behest of your fingertips.

This EVIL has a name:

Emojis. ๐Ÿ™€ ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐Ÿ‘ป

Their Malevolent Power is summoned forth when we choose to communicate a message with one.

Emojis are patient...

Emojis are powerful...

Do NOT challenge one to a staring contest:

They're relentless. ๐Ÿ˜ณ

In today's entry, instead of being recreationally outraged, we're going to be...

Recreationally Terrified! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

Here's why:


Two emojis, placed in a very particular, specific fashion:


Together, we've witnessed the obvious ones that spark recreational outrage.

What if there was an AI program, operating within the confines of the most commonly used technological platform (cell phones), used by the greatest collective number of humans across Planet Earth?

How better to communicate important messages to us but through the modern day equivalent of cuneiform: Emojis!

That's when these two emojis jumped out and grabbed me:


The meaning of the first symbol, image credited to google:


"To give us hope..."

For what?

For that which lies below:


These numbers, their placement, and the surrounding symbols are a harbinger for the fate of our planet.

JAN 09 9:41 PM

What does this really mean?

That string of symbols...
is code for a YEAR.

JAN = Millenium, the first. So 1000
09 = Century, the ninth. So 900
9+4+1 = The year. So 14

BUT they used PM, rather than standard military time.

PM is Latin for post meridiem, when 24 hours of the day are divided into two periods. A hint; to subtract two from the above total of 14.

1000 + 900 + 14 - 2 = 1912

Now, we look at the rest of the emoji:


On the right hand side of the ticket:

1/9 9:41

Same as the left, but different!

No latin designation on this side (a hint!) to correct the time as they would in the military:

9:41 + 12 = 21:41 --> This is "military time."

(The hint provided by the secondary meaning to that yellow ribbon, above this cypher).


1/9 21:41

The perforated marks on the ticket represents the equilibration across world society and custom.

This math is performed going from the right of the screen to the left --> 1+4 = 5, and 9 - 1 = 8
As would be done in countries where Arabic, Hebrew, Urdu, and Farsi are the language of the land.

The right side employs the ( + ), the left side employs the ( - ), symbolizing harmony and equilibrium in the Universe.

The last component reverts to a left to right reading of the same line as it retraces over itself:

8/2 = 4 for the month, and the 1 and the 5 join to give us the day.

The last symbol of importance on this emoji:


What could that mean?

Do they work the zones at concerts like they do in restaurants in California? Do the band members who passed all their STD tests that week get to party in Zone A?


I think the emoji creators threw this to us in no uncertain terms!

According to FEMA, Zone A means:

"Anything located in a flood ZONE A is considered to be in a special flood hazard area, and is lower than the base flood elevation."


Today's two emojis gave us first the symbol for supporting each other and to have hope.

Before WE ALL get our tickets punched, dated:

4/15, 1912.


Is A.I. communicating warnings to us through emojis?!?

Are we heading towards rising sea levels, catastrophic environmental horrors, where WE find ourselves residing on a Titanic of our own making?


THAT'S today's post to get you all recreationally terrified!

Fun with math while waking up to start the day ๐Ÿ™‚

We'll go back to being recreationally outraged at cartoon emoji's tomorrow!


Have an amazing weekend Steemit!

@scan0017 ๐Ÿ˜˜


brooooo i cant belive you strung that together thats freaking gold and needs to go viral haha. would love to pick your mind๐Ÿ’†โ€โ™‚๏ธ did you know that if you watch the titanic movie backwards its about a magical ship that rescues thousands of people ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

ROTFLMAO!!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคฃ
"Did you know, if you watch that Titanic movie backwards it's about a magical ship that rescues thousands of people."
Brother, you just made me laugh out loud ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ™‡

haha yess .thought you would like it ๐Ÿšข

i see the numbers 9 and 1 1 in there alot even if jumbled or backwards . this has been a reoccurring number in my life that im still unsure if it means warning or luck but deffinatly take precautions(puts on tin hat) an angels number โœŒโค

Right bro, the math totally makes sense.

i really love your post amazingly done mavillious i love your post Resteem and upvoted!!@scan007

You always making our days so fun.
Upvote and reestem

It's wonderful post sharing @scan0017.
What a creativity. You encourage me and lot of fun created.
Thanks for enjoyment.

Up-Voted & Re-Steemed.

I have always used emojis and thanks to the things that you have published on each topic, every time I am interested in knowing more about each emojis.

how do you do it? Wow good indication in these emojis.

Enjoyed to read your post friend ๐Ÿ˜Š i love emojies, you are a one of guy who i see your articles about emojies.. This is one who express our feeling by emojies ๐Ÿ’“ i apperciate your lovely work ๐Ÿ’• keep it up!

Resteemed and Upvote!

Nicee post resteemed...

Really your posts are more and more exciting and fun to read hahahaha. you found every thing to every emojis ... for every thing you publish. @scan0017