in #openmic7 years ago

Feliz domingo para todos!

Me encontré ayer tratando de vaciar un poco la data en mi teléfono y descubrí la razón de que la memoria ya estuviera a punto de colapsar-

La cantidad de tomas previas al producto final para las entradas al open mic es considerable!!

Pero, como siempre me ha gustado hacer de los errores algo agradable, y reirme de mi misma no me cuesta, se me ocurrió editar un mosaico de esas tomas descartadas de nuestro material de las semanas 75, 76 y 77 del #openmic

En el siguiente video encontrarán casi 3 minutos de Maria Valeria y yo dañando los performances una y otra vez- porque no todo es tan serio, todos nos equivocamos y tenemos días en los que, ni que hagas lo que hagas para recuperar la concentración, logras el objetivo.

De hecho, precisamente con nuestro cover de The scientist , nos pasó y tocó dejarlo porque lo que quedó al final después de tantas risas y errores, no era lo suficientemente competente para el concurso y decidimos retomarlo un día después- lo que luego me dejó ese pensamiento de que las cosas no se deben forzar, porque haber decidido dejarlo ir un día hizo que al siguiente vinieramos con la mente fresca y con mejores ideas que convirtieron este cover específicamente en mi personal favorito!!! ♥

Mención especial a @afroadrianv porque se escucha su voz en off un par de veces allí jajajaj

Translation - ♥ For our fellow English speaking steemians:

Yesterday, I found myself trying to get rid of some data on my phone and i found out the reason why my memory was just about to collapse-

The amount of takes prior to the final product for our openmic entries was atonishing.

I've always been one to make fun of my own mistakes though and I'm always the first one laughing at myself so, I thought why not? edit a bunch of those discarded takes from our entries for #openmic from weeks 75, 76 & 77.

In the following video, you'll find almost 3 mins of Maria Valeria and I messing up over and over again. Because not everything is so serious, we all make mistakes and we ALL also have days where, no matter what you do to get some focus, you just don't succeed.

In fact, living proof of that is our experience filming our Coldplay cover of The Scientist, we had to let it go the first time we tried because after an hour of mistakes and laughs the results weren't good enough for an openmic entry so we left and decided to give it one more try the next day- which at the end left me thinking we should never force things, because having decided to let it go the first time gave us the chance to come back with our minds at ease and with new ideas that made this particular cover my personal favourite!!!

Hope you enjoy it and we'll definitely be back in a few days with a REAL entry for this week's openmic! hehe

Special shout out to the judges @krystle, @luzcypher and @passion-ground who have been constant supporters of our material and we honestly can't thank you enough!


Pero pa' laaaante!! jajajaja está divertido el post, me gustó mucho vale!! <3 <3

pana, que misión ese dia!!!! jajajaja graciassss bebe

If you are not entering Open Mic please do not use openmic as the first tag.

oooh my bad... i really didnt think that through! it won't happen again. Thanks!

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