Five Eyes Alliance Exposed By Anonymous - #OpCyberPrivacy FiveEyes RejectFear OpForest

in #opforest7 years ago

Five Eyes Alliance Exposed By Anonymous - #OpForest #FiveEyes #RejectFear #OpCyberPrivacy

In this video I am addressing the information presented on the Games Exposed YouTube channel about the Five Eyes Alliance. The Five Eyes Alliance is a deal between the five intelligence communities of United Kingdom, United States, Canada, New Zealand and Australia to gather all the data on their citizens whilst agreeing to not spy on each other's politicians. Thus the politicians are selling their citizens right to free speech away for their own benefit and privacy.

The Five Original Countries of the Five Eyes Alliance (Now Over Fifty more have joined)

Original 5:

  1. United States
  2. United Kingdom
  3. Canada
  4. New Zealand
  5. Australia

List of the Intelligence Agencies in the Five Eyes Alliance:


KimDotCom, John Lennon, Princess Diana, Angela Merkel just some of their notable targets.


Don't worry I told KimDotCom on twitter:

Please Enjoy My YouTube Film and Please Share this Information

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Original Video By @GamesExposed:

"#RejectFear #OpCyberPrivacy #FiveEyes #OpForest
Join anonymous operations irc network : | if you don't have an irc client join channel #OpForest on the webchat

We are Anonymous ! and this is Operation Forest.

Despite being over 70 years old, the Five Eyes Alliance is one of the most ambiguous, yet publicly-known, international agencies of the modern era. An outfit which has operated under secret policies and behind the backs of citizens and political administrations for almost 30 years. The Five Eyes first began to reveal itself to the public in the form of the UKUSA Agreement during the aftermath of the second world war, but it wasn't until Edward Snowden brought to light the implications of The Five Eyes, that the public began to take notice.

We noticed.

We've faced and fought against some of the most significant cyber legislations the internet has ever seen in the wake of Snowden's disclosure. While nations are scrambling to establish and implement their own standard of privacy, protection and surveillance governing the internet, no one seems to be considering the powers of the seemingly 'final boss' of data control and exchange. Until this day, these powers continue to meet in secrecy establishing their own guidelines for the exchange of our personal information amongst themselves.

The USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia make up the original five, but over the years nearly 50 nations have sought membership with this exclusive organization. Membership that exchanges the privacy of the citizen for the protection of the elite. Heavily redacted documents released by the NSA, as well as the Snowden leaks, detail the expectations under which membership is retained. The most alarming, perhaps, is the assurance that if you nations leaders continue to share your personal data with it's counterparts, it will be virtually free of surveillance from allied nations. This means your country will sell you out for the promise of their political operations not being monitored by other governments. Released, official documents suggest that the entity sharing data has the say over how and to what extent it is shared, however a number of breaches of that provision have occurred. The agency has failed to fulfill it's so called commitment to censor unnecessary data during exchanges several times, and despite such failures, the alliance seems only to grow stronger.

As many as 15 agencies and their representatives met secretly in New Zealand as recently as April and as of yesterday are meeting again in Ottawa. This meeting is reported to cover the use of privacy and anonymity tools by citizens as well as the desire to force social media and communications companies to store and turn over sensitive user data to be compiled with existing collections. This means that if so decided, internet users will no longer be able to use, distribute or even create tools like VPNs, encrypted communications and essentially any other means of protecting private data and communications online.

When our national security leaders are so unable to disrupt terrorism without such blanketed, draconian measures, how are they to be expected to protect our data from domestic and international cyber threats once they've stripped us of our ability to protect ourselves? When the biggest threat to privacy exploitation is the same entity that has the power to dictate if and how you are permitted to protect it, how can citizens fight back against such exploitation?

You can educate yourselves. Understand that not only criminals and terrorists are in need of privacy. Understand that privacy is a fundamental right of citizens set forth in every participating country. Ask yourself that while threats are supposedly increasing online; why is your country allowing secret agencies to enforce less and less protections for private citizens.

You can write, call, fax and otherwise make noise to your own political representatives. You can rally together in your cities. Let them know that invasive, and often illegal surveillance and restrictions are something you're willing to fight for.

If you are near Ottawa, pay attention, rally together to oppose this meeting. Protest this agencies existence and demand that your nation withdraw.

If you're not, you can join us in protest online, by following the links and hashtags included in the video description."

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"Thus the politicians are selling their citizens right to free speech away for their own benefit and privacy."
This is important, thank you for bringing awareness to this issue

ImperatorTruth Titus Frost tweeted @ 21 Jun 2017 - 17:54 UTC

The #FiveEyes Surveillance list includes @KimDotcom... #OpForest #RejectFear

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

thank you for sharing

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