Spreading Love & Joy Today in Hacketts Cove, Canada (Operation Human Angels)


Is my favourite activism by far. Walk with Me today while I chalk messages around my community in hopes to brighten up a few places (and hopefully brighten a few people's days) in our dull, grey, concrete(y), wage slave world.

Photo on 2018-02-06 at 11.14 AM #5.jpg

My Arsenal

Launch #1

We're not gonna question why I'm calling it a launch are we? Bwa hahahaa it just sounded good, that's why. Now hold on tight because I'm about to blast off some love bombs!


You Are Kind


You Rock


You Matter!

Okay, so a few cars drove by haha, it's tricky and more embarrassing doing this in our little community as opposed to the many other #Ops I've done over the years where I was in the big city. Trying to not feel self-conscious, I walk on...

Launch #2


You Matter!

Launch #3


I know, I know, just a heart hahaha! My self-consciousness may have been getting the best of me at this point. The funny part about the heart is that my son Eddie was out running this evening and when he came home he said he saw the heart. I asked him if he saw any of my other chalking, and he said no lolol!!

I hope a lot of other walkers and runners see this heart, and wonder WTF is that? That's what we're here for folks. To make people pause for a sec. To give them something they did not expect to see that day. To "break the matrix" bit by bit...

Launch #4


We Love You

Launch #5

So, I'm approaching this next mailbox, I already have my chalk in hand, and all the sudden a man is walking across the street directly towards me. I have my ultimate "fuck it" moment! I start chalking anyways. He's standing there trying to get the key in the box, and chuckling a bit, I said: "I'm just making the world a happier place, don't mind me...". Then he full on started laughing, in an awesome way, and I said: "Maybe this message is for you?".

I got up, took 2 quick ninja pics while he was getting his mail, and high tailed it out of there with a smile on my face and a laugh in my belly. I did it. I manned the fuck up and ended up breaking my own matrix too. I'll definitely not be so scared next time I go out to chalk.


You Will Succeed!


GIF by @SteveConnor


You ROCK the most Lyndsay!
Incoming message from Darth Layer......


"Go out right now and leave your clucking messages of love and hope or feel the weight of the FORCE Mother Cluckers!"

Darth Layer out........

She is the absolute Best! And a total BEAST too at the same time, just like her Poppy TP!! xoxoxo Thanks for the smiles every single day, I'm really growing attached to these morning messages, literally the first thing I see every day when I get online! xoox

Don't panic


very beautiful words

This is a very healthy activity indeed. And I salute you @lyndsaybowes by doing this HUMANITY. Nobody bothers now a days to get some time for others. But I believe there are still people alive who live in this same world with a very KIND and HUGE HEART for HUMANS.
Indeed you're the inspiration of several people by dong there ACTs of Kind. Your efforts will never waste and I believe you will get reward and reward could be in the shape of LOVE and RESPECT, which you have already earned.
I wish I was there with you guys to join this beautiful activity of CHALKING. The impact of this activity is too huge but looks a very small one. Please feel my emotions with you guys in this regards I really miss this one.
All the best and Stay Safe!

Hey @lyndsaybowes I just love #ophumanangels .. you never how someone may be feeling when they find these messages of love, it could change their perspective in more profound ways than we could imagine. Such a beautiful and selfless act! But don't get caught by the police when writing your messages lol Although I'm sure even they couldn't help but be moved by #ophumanangels .. keep up the amazing work!!

It would be the best civil infraction I could possibly think of haha! Thanks so much for always supporting us PerceptualFlaws! I love ya Bro!!

It would make a great post!! lol ... Love ya too lyndsay!

WOOHOO CHALK LOVE FTW! I am so proud of you that you kept going even with the guy at the mailbox! You rock, my friend! That was awesome!
I also love the idea about breaking the matrix, even if they just pause and wonder...

Each trip gives a wonderful impression, we only need to determine the direction, so that the goal to be precise and lead to beauty. hope your days are fun @lyndsaybowes.

You Will Succeed!..... I don't know why I felt like you were talking about me... lol
Maybe because I'm thinking about how to succeed now
yeah we can be making the world a happier place ... And no one can stop us.
thank you great friend @lyndsaybowes

That's such perfect timing, the message is definitely for you Yagoub, reach out and grab it!! Success is Yours!!

Yeah @lyndsaybowes ... thank you !!

Wow... You're weird and awesome. Seriously, this is really cool and random. I love it. This is something I definitely have to do myself in the nearest future. To do some weird, fun, random act like this.

I'll do it when I'm taking photos for the next #walkwithme post. The whole "2 birds with 1 stone" thing. It gives me the perfect opportunity.

I think I'll go with post-it notes instead though. - You rock and thanks for sharing! :)

That's awesome!! YASSS!! Join in the weird party we call #OpHumanAngels xoxo Definitely hitting many birds with one stone <3 <3 Every week I do a video round up of all the week's actions by everyone on the Steem Blockchain, I can't wait to talk about yours!!

How awesome all your chalk notes are! And cute that your son only noticed the heart! Maybe because it's almost Valentines Day. His heart is open to hearts! <3

Aw....you are so right Anna! xoxo <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 Sending a hug over to you!!

Thanks, Lyndsay! Hug right back atcha! xo

Cracking work overcome that fear! Love the chalking. Feel slack I have not done another yet, been very busy and away last weekend. Something in the pipeline I promise, be up dreckly (still in thinking stage :) ) 💯🐒

Omg with you, it's worth the wait!!! You are amazing Vibe!!!

Well thank you for the kind words, i'm touched #ophumanangels right there. You create such an happy energy around Steemit thanks 💯🐒

So do you!! I've been admiring you since the summer when I first saw your comments!!!

Such kinds words thanks! I think you were one of my first following actually :) 💯🐒