Ophumanangels ClR for the poor of aceh

in #ophumanangels7 years ago (edited)

Dear steemians

today our team, cet langet rumoh movement team do opafer duafa that need in remote area of ​​aceh nisam Indonesia, on this occasion we distribute groceries to the needy.

hari ini tim kami,tim gerakan cet langet rumoh melakukan oprerasi duafa yang mebutuhkan di pelosok nisam aceh indonesia, pada kesempatan ini kami membagikan sembako kepada yang membutuhkan.

our food-shaped relief supplies may help a little bit of the burden they feel

bantuan berbentuk sembako kami bagikan semoga dapat membantu sedikit beban yang mereka rasakan saat ini..

in the midst of the economy getting narrower in aceh after prolonged conflict between gam and republic of indonesia, in proceeding with the tremendous tsunami disaster in 2004 then, economy of aceh society not yet so stable, the worst in aceh north,

di tengah ekonomi semakin sempit di aceh pasca konflik berkepanjangan antara gam dan republik indonesia,di lanjutkan dengan musibah tsunami yang maha dahsyat pada tahun 2004 lalu,ekonomi masyarakat aceh belum begitu stabil, yang terparah di aceh bagian utara,

still a lot of people have to endure hunger, due to the lack of job opportunities, there are still many orphans who cry because there is no food,
widows who still live in a house that is very unfit for habitation, there are still many poor people who are rushed from the house that has been badly damaged.

masih banyak masyarakat harus menahan kelaparan, akibat lapangan kerja yang masih minim, masih banyak yatim piatu yang menangis akibat tidak ada makanan,
para janda yang masih hidup di rumah yang sangat tidak layak huni, masih banyak pula para fakir miskin yang kehujanan akibat rumah yang sudah rusak parah.

then we aceh youth trying to find a solution, raising funds from donors to lighten a little burden on those who need, then we from the CLR team have a chance to share a few submissions from the donors, and alhamdulillah all we have channeled well and very well targeted .

maka kami para pemuda aceh mencoba mencari solusi, menggalang dana dari para donatur untuk meringankan sedikit beban pada mereka yang membutuh, maka kami dari tim CLR punya kesempatan untuk membagi sedikit kiriman dari para donatur, dan alhamdulillah semua sudah kami salurkan dengan baik dan sangat tepat sasaran.

And if anyone wants to donate again we are still ready to help channel to the dhuafa, we do not need to cost anything because we work with ihklas, because we hope that they can also feel the same as other human beings.

Dan apabila ada yang mau menyumbang lagi kami masih siap membantu menyalurkan kepada para dhuafa, kami tidak perlu biaya apapun krena kami bekerja dengan ihklas, karena kami berharap agar mereka juga dapat merasakan kebagaian sebagaimana manusia yang lain.

Thus the activity of today may be that the current economic crisis can be resolved quickly ...

Greetings of humanity

Follow me @taminsteem..

Upvote and resteem when pleased, because some of the vote will we submit to the ones who need ..


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Thank you very much

Fantastic! Such a worthy cause! So great that you help these people. I hope for no poverty in the world every day. 💜

Release the Kraken! You got a 2.16% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @taminsteem!

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