Organization is Happiness - Preaching to the Quire

I've recently become something of an evangelist for a piece of software, because it's just so damn good.

I needed a hierarchical, user-friendly, group-enabled checklist. After a fair amount of research and evaluating, I found Quire. I haven't been this happy with a piece of productivity software in quite a while. I'm convinced that Quire usage is part of the path to success.

It's an app. It's a webpage. It's free. It's extremely powerful, focused, and great at what it does.

After a quick and painless sign-up, you're able to create projects. If you want to get ahead in life, make projects for everything. Everything.

Each project consists of top-level entries, with an infinite (?) amount of sub-entries available. With sub-entries for your sub-entries, if you need. And so on.

Specifically, I have something like 1000 isometric drawing packages to track, each of which are fairly complicated, to a degree. Each needs verified completion to move on to the next stage of the construction project. That's my job.

Every iso exists at a specific elevation, in a specific module. And each of them has a myriad of items that can be missing, or incorrect. This is normally tracked on paper. Lots and lots of paper. Most of which exists in the form of multiple copies.

To hell with that.

I made a 3000 pipe rack project. Then I made an entry for each module. In those, I made an entry for each elevation. In each elevation, I made an entry for each iso associated with it.

Each iso entry can now have each problem tracked within it. Organization problem solved. When a line is sold off to QC, the entire entry can be checked off. Then each elevation. Then each module.

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It's incredibly powerful, and is a huge innovation for what we do. It's too bad I'm the only person at work who uses it. So many questions could be answered for my bosses if they would just...look. Oh, well. Lead, follow, or get out of the way.

So...many...features. You can get notifications for new entries and completed items. Statistical data in the form of charts and percentages. You can assign tasks to specific people or groups, and attach deadlines. Did I mention the entries are draggable and droppable?

It's easy to add a new person to a project, all you need is their email address. Of course, you can assign levels of access, and people can only view the projects they're added to.

We now use Quire for everything from budgeting, auto maintenance, toy collecting, to grocery shopping. There is literally no limit to what can be done with this very satisfying piece of software.

Download it. Use it. Prosper. Quire.

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