decision of our lifetime , sometimes it ' s not our ability , but as our choice

in #our6 years ago


The furthest distance in the world , not love , not hate , but familiar to people in more and more strange . Lingering thoughts of the movement , when the joy of spring " for several years to slog through those years of hide the pain , the shuttle remains in the memory of the deep , open in the past of the promenade . older , older smile , the moment of the age of Halo , do not willingly pines for the good .

Life is a process , is also a history ; true to yourself and do a very simple , not arrogant , do one ' s boring , and love lives of the people , you ' re gonna have to confront life and future . The life have experienced all the vicissitudes of life , death and a few degrees , the difficulties and frustrations ; what better way than the meaning of life more tempted more calmly .

And we ' re all like etc , believing there is nothing wrong with waiting forever , the best of them did so ; day by day waiting to be consumed .

Someone is not selected , or don ' t stick , someone is selected . You want to know what went wrong and find themselves on the selection . Select the correct direction , than the efforts of the more important .

There ' s always one place , never mention it again , but also will not forget . There ' s always that one person , I ' m sorry , your health , new id . .. There ' s always had an affair , having lived in the heart , say good - bye to them in life . Memory is always unforgettable , while life really does go on , miss , because when it is passing . Coming around for a lot of people , there is a position , not changed . Look at the warmth of the sun , occasionally they think .

I think , another time , another place , another identity , forget everything and start again . Life without love is forever , no end of love , came to an end ; we cannot have people around , you could forget . Life , there is no eternal pain , deep pain , the wound will heal . life , for you cannot sit as they wait for Icahn it disappears , you will just have to figure out a way through it .

Life is like climbing , if no such change was made after bending , only a straight away , and you ' ll never make the summit , also enjoy different scenery , but also impossible to climbs high , to the peak .

If possible , I want us to walk together with laying path . Holding hands and , passing the bustling , , which is what I want happiness .

slavery and the slave . slaves on their own survival , the survival condition and none of them know , they ' re very apathetic then continues the operation while the slave is in slave is extremely clever as if just a small population , surrounded by his slave status and have a very clear , but the performances to become the slaves of " Higher " slaves " His five friends help brutal persecution of other slaves . Lu Xun after all .

Life can not be flat , but is at ease , we suggest it would have a perfect heart . Regardless of how the past , a fleeting cloud , only happy happy life is the best ever .

the road ahead will be very far , some things just don ' t tear down . Don ' t always judge others happiness , even if that ' s the man who looks forlorn . Happiness knows . You ' re not me , it turns out I have walked , the heart of Le and bitter . Don ' t abuse yourself , life ' s a lot of things to enjoy , but limited , No one ' s family , do things .

I remember someone once said , did not suffer from the frustration of life is not complete in life without something lovelorn people will get the true love . Certainly not the pain , but included the past imperfect , precisely because of these shortcomings , we seem to understand cherish life in all of the good . To tell ourselves , everything is just right .

one , smiling more youthful . Life is but a dream , you found and lost , encounters and partings , are all the happy memories of coincidence . And coincidentally , in the water landscape of the time , such as summer flowers , with their most real attitude of the most brilliant shine in our life .

Wordless , rendering the years , are now full time , eternal cynic . the so - called forever , escaped the final time . When we don ' t like each other beneath the sky manquez solitaire , hearts of tired someday will defeat the entire fence of love , the love in this world becomes fragile , when the latency from the sweetest Shou Hou became the most cruel , - she could be tired heart , will love the cold . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .

about life and themselves : to give the perfect eyes , they are easily ; the reality , they are no longer comfortable ; the sound of my own eyes , they are confident ; he chose , they calmly ; to find pleasure , they are no longer the pursuit ; you ' re good to others , a love ; believe in success , they are delighted and are not afraid to fail , they are persistent .

don ' t like don ' t choose , There is no happiness without happiness , happiness is artificial . Don ' t let the memory lock go rusted.Open it now and then , spread those stories , get in the sunshine , to see if the rust , the presence of mildew , insect whether column . Oh , bright pieces of debris , your life is accumulating .

understand drinkers , find a feeling ; and realize how people find happiness , as well as to understand the people down and find freedom ; understand and cherish the people , to find happiness .

The freedom between lovers always say many senseless words , doing something stupid ; Happiness is a person to accompany you boring , most gratifying is that both of you are not bored .

Life should see , see , don ' t see through . No one ' s life and doomed to tragedy , unless you put yourself in the wrong place . Regardless of any pain and parting is always temporary . Your mission was to accompany him to the best that you can be ! No matter how people look at you , you ' re important , you know !

I believe , we see the day , I ' ll become better myself , would - be parents relying on , become a trusted friend , become a person worthy of love , I ' m trying !

Life is reality , and the other half is a dream . Go and meet who you want . While the sun is . While the breeze is not noise . While the flowers , while not yet to the brambles . While it is still young , still can go a long way , could tell of the very deep very deep thoughts .

most often make people tired of the road not far away , but your heart depressed ; the most decadent tend not to be a future , but you ' re confident of loss ; the most painful to me . It ' s often not the life of the unfortunate , but you ' re a loss of hope ; the most desperate or often not setbacks , but mind you of the death ; so We Always See accachment , cheer is to take a little , everything will be better .

hard on themselves , their efforts , in five years , you ' ll thank swears to himself today , is full of lazy abased yourself today .

If love does not fall to the dressing , eating , sleeping , you are giving money to these real life , is not for a long time . A true love is not tense , in front of him was a cynical burp , fart , ear , runny noses ; the person who truly loves you , is that you can ' t wash , no hair , no makeup and met the man . Sanmao

understands tolerantly , life ' s path will become wider . You know , life is not so much of the fair . deflecting a course , the headwind becomes a tailwind . hard work , perseverance , and eventually the glare of the sun in your behind . You start in life are not that important , it is important that you finally arrived . '

to give the perfect eyes , they are easily ; the reality , they are no longer comfortable ; the sound of my own eyes , they are confident ; he chose , they calmly ; to find pleasure , they are no longer the pursuit ; you ' re good to others , a love ; believe in success , they are delighted and are not afraid to fail , they are persistent .

Dear self , do you just snap out of it , please . Don ' t let myself down . Nothing worth you ' re sad , please be happy . Life on earth , how much is the dream we cannot realize , how much of what was expected of us . In our view these dream the impossible dream , overlooking cannot reach these goals should be to provide a sense of defeat . " ; the moment . "

don ' t know , we ' d never get there because of the reward . The smile of rhythm that accompanies every four seasons ; with indifferent feelings traversed every month full moon lacks , fall red at all , " don ' t seem very gorgeous prosperity , but for a tranquil and quiet , our heart , our life will not change the landscape .

Some see hope in things . It ' s not going to insist , but insist all see hope .

and the only thing that stays the same all are changing . isn ' t strong , except that it isn ' t habit too much goodbye , tell yourself , those are the people in the street , past thorn again without intimation of passers - by . After break up can t make enemies , because loving each other . If someday in the future , you said you would leave me , I ' m not gonna leave you , I know you have your reasons . If someday in the future , you said you loved me , I ' ll tell you , I ' m still waiting for you

original one at a time when every life is a lonely time , to . .. full of myself , and I had to see myself . the fragility of their own , their own desires , their thought , their boundaries , as well as , his real dream .

Tired , entered the deep autumn , monastery among the flood of defoliation , put me on the cover . I thought for a fall , in a landing in the sea of eternity . In full of material desires and turbulent times , no one cares what you think , be careful what you do . In your story of achievement before , you must endure the torture of the mind . Brandy , correcting the inclination of the cynical , resist the temptation of an archer in ambush whose arrow struck .

Learning to love yourself , not to look at what others say . Thanksgiving just in case all of the edges , with an eye for the intersection of the moment , is worth a warming - up of human beings . Maybe this life , there is a touch of nostalgia to your relentless ; there is always a touch of care about what we have over the mountains of the far ; one is always the part of you forever ; there is always a love of you is engraved in the hearts of style .

gentle has to have , but does not compromise , we want in our quiet , unhurried and strong . love shall not ; there are also plenty of choice . Somebody else may choose to wait , others choose to leave , others choose to destroy . Waiting is a gamble . Bo . good luck , bad luck , bounty hunters . on the other hand , it is wise to leave . not give yourself any burden without giving anyone else the burden . just as birth pangs would like . Destruction is a kind of madness .

mood . It ' s not the life complete , but life is all about . in a good mood , very good . .. in a bad mood , everything is spinning . We tend not to lose to someone else , but in a bad mood affects our image , we have reduced the ability to disrupt our way of thinking , thus losing their own .

When you ignore others , do not be sad , and everyone has their own life , who can ' t be with you . When you see someone else is laughing , don ' t think you ' re the only one sad , others are just better than you could . When you feel helpless , you can cry , cry - - but you must rouse every Health isn ' t unusual . When people feel an inferiority , remember , we ' re just ordinary people .

human happiness is always close to the top of the happiness , happiness ) when they have something to lose . Go on the road , setbacks are inevitable , the ebb is inevitable , lonely go hand - in - hand ; there will always be misunderstood , and for the time , there will always be with the person is defamed and backstabbing . These , if you could only wait and endure the ordeal , will hold together , everything will attest , life will not abandon you , fate will never forsake you .

Chang quiet heart , forgiveness , and a grain of sand , they have naturally become burden , the burden , the more your life is less happy . ignore the fact that the heart is like a pocket , open - minded and like a funnel . complex of lovely , simple of heart is easy to be happy !

anticipation , waiting , failed , is life so tangled . human walk , read more , understand more . Experience of Duo , Lenovo ' s permanent . emotion , too complicated , contradictory , and sensitive to , hurt too deep . and I ' m going to find a simple , simple , wasn ' t found any longer .

Smile is the best calling card , a smile , life must be a happy man . Life is blooming of flowers , which blossom beautifully , stretch , an enormously colorful ; life is a poem of exquisite , fresh and smooth , the implication is long ; life is beautiful music , melody and harmony , ; Life is a flowing of a river , endlessly flowing , flowing forward .

In many languages , it ' s , is fake , and many of the Lost , which is itself determined as a teen . Since the mature , sophisticated thought , believed to be a shrewd , naive , finally saw through wants to wear . Only one state is alive , we ' ll never know , life in the time they have left well before then , don ' t get the eyes focus well elsewhere , scrutiny , both her own inner needs , you ditch the nihility , happiness and joy will be longer .

And if anyone with a sincere heart to me , I took my life to mean it , this sentence will never expire . I would only be worth me from those who can pay , no matter it is friendship or love . Once , someone , out of sight , often inadvertently , slipped into our memories . Rather miss someone , or rather nostalgic for a time , in the inside thereof , whereby the concentrated hot young , recounts the youth and dreamful .

Life is not about doing hardworking , diligence and the related struggles , bue more zbout making the right choice . Life is not a race , life is a journey , and we learn that it ' s as good as every piece of scenery . As we age , we are not lost some friends , but we learned who is a friend indeed . If you love the people gave you , please let go , so I have a chance to love someone else .

The fastest pace not cross over , but continued ; the slow pace not slow , but wander ; best road is not an avenue , but magnanimous ; the most dangerous and the road is not steep , but the trap ; the greatest happiness is not obtained , as the ownership ; the best wealth . It ' s not about the money , it ' s health ; the best greeting not future , but now .

lay down , for Environment . The appreciation of others is a kind of bourn ; Be kind to others is a state of mind ; to understand others is a conservation ; helping others is a joy for us to learn from others is a kind of wisdom ; I ' m going to the people with my knowledge ; tripped me strengthen my ability to hurt me , to my mind .

Time is like a shadow , a few bow your head and look on it carefully . People will experience setbacks , the person always have not been understood at the time , people always have to be humble when you are a huge amount of life is the most crucial time , because all have setbacks , and most people cannot cross this threshold , you will succeed .

There are a million different paths , but that suits his to go only to join the other all temptation .

not trying to be able to approach , the disgust could be prevented . in our life , so far no luck , also face no such luck . Perhaps , to hate what we ' re close , like we just off of . Life is harsh , life is like that helpless , learn to accept far less tolerant , learned to adapt to the far less inclusive . in life , not by a widening loathing of the life of the territory , but from the likes of extension .

Nobody knows , pain will occur at different times , or , where the troubles will occur . All we can do , is to do the job yourself , we should do , is to cherish what I have . Whatever the difficulties , regardless of the number of unhappy , we should be sincere , honest . Even when the world give us any great suffering , and we help each other out , even if the world lets us withstand any more difficult , we care for each other .