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RE: 🐬 With A STAKE In 5 Scot Tribes I'm Finally A WHALE / ORCA / 3 x DOLPHIN! 🐋

in #palnet5 years ago

Greetings, dear and honey @karenmckersie

Excelent news, from you. I cheer for you reach this achievement. Not just cheer, but, with my staked tokens, i will always help you to reach this!!!! Is not to much, but is from my heart!!!

Thank you and have a nice day!!!!!

#palnet #sct #battle #spt #weedcash #steemleo #aaa #zzan


Awe thanks so much for your kind reply and continued support, same back @julisavio ! #palnet #sct #battle #spt #weedcash #steemleo