Why This Lifelong Environmentalist is 97% Sure That "Climate Change" Is A Scam
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View this post on Hive: Why This Lifelong Environmentalist is 97% Sure That "Climate Change" Is A Scam
People breathe out CO2! (Epiphany moment)
Most of what you wrote I'm aware of, but this never crossed my mind before. I'm fully aware that the top wealthiest 10% of people produce half of the entire world's pollution and wondered how they justify the fact that it's the poorest populations they want to eradicate, when they are producing negligible amounts of pollution. I guess this would justify it well enough for them, if they needed any justification.
It baffles me why so many complain about how inactive and useless the government is about climate change, yet they then go and protest to appeal to that same government to do something about it. I feel like screaming at them, "how are THEY going to benefit by doing what YOU want?" Because you can be darn sure that if they do, do something, it will be in their best interests, not yours and the chances are you won't like it. Someone pretty much said that if you're not attending protests, then you're getting in they way, so get out of the way and let the bigger people get on with saving the world. Sure, I'll go and ask my government to become more of a dictatorship than they already are!
...sorry, going off on a rant now.
Right?! And plants absolutely require it. As a thought experiment, just think what would have happened over the last 100 years if petroleum use was increased at the same rate, but deforestation was something unheard of. The Earth would be massively greener now than it was in 1900.
It's pretty much the standard ivory tower mindset we see in so many other places. It's wrong for anyone to steal... except government. It's wrong for anyone to kill... except government. We're all held responsible for our actions... unless we happen to run a corporation. And on and on and on. Given how
It really blows me away that most of the people begging government to take control of everything, in order to "stop Climate Change" are the same folks who will rant about how wrong the government is and how terribly it handles things like:
Somehow these same folks think that having government control everyone's energy, food, travel allotments is just a great idea. Good lord < /facepalm>
I like your thought experiment! Never thought about it that way. Reminds me of the greenhouse gas factories in my Mars terraforming video game.
Last year I read the Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson, and one of the most interesting parts of the series was the ongoing debate around terraforming practices. They were actively pumping all kinds of chemicals into the air to help create an atmosphere, digging DEEP tunnels straight down to release heat from the core, and all sorts of things that sound potentially catastrophic for those of us living on an already-green planet.
I think the only thing blocking us now from terraforming Mars (apart from getting there in the first place) is its lack of magnetic field. We can pump however many gasses we want in an attempt to build an atmosphere but without a spinning liquid core Mars just won't be able to hold onto an atmosphere. Solar winds will strip it away again. In the game Surviving Mars, you can build magnetic field generators but they are costly and require tremendous power. I imagine, if we had the technology, that would be accurate. Is there some other way?
I haven't had time to do too much reading yet but this is great stuff. For anyone that's interested the first five minutes of this video are alone are enough to get you thinking differently about this topic
(just singling this out from @kennyskitchen recommendations).
I need to research all of this further, but at the end of the day the idea that we should be living lightly because it's ethically or spiritually sound, or just simply easier (more efficient) rather than because the experts say so.
Come to think of it deferring to distant experts, especially those making claims about 'big systems' is quite possibly the thing which keeps us locked into sub-optimal ways of living.
For some reason I'm now wondering whether Big Bang Theory is part of a wider system of ideological control - kind of celebrating 'big science' while making the scientists seem harmless and cute individuals... (that's possibly not related to this post!)
As I said I need a bit of time to read over all of this material, but this is certainly the most interesting new knowledge I've come across for a while.
@tipu curate
This is the sort of thing I live for!
This is so much of my focus. It's better for each one of us, individually, to live in healthier, less toxic ways. It's better right now, it's better next year, it's better in a decade or two. Even if our actions in no way affected the rest of the world, eating healthy, avoiding radiation and toxins, and drinking clean water are going to make your life better, both short- and long-term.
Yes! The main problem humanity has been dealing with for the entirety of history is "authority." People giving up responsibility for their actions, because an authority figure told them to, or forced them to, generally at the barrel of a gun held by someone else who has bought into that "authority." Whether it's religion, the feudal system, The State, or the new religion of scientism, nothing good comes of people not thinking for themselves.
As to the big bang, I stand firmly in the belief that I don't know, and neither does any human alive. I personally see the physical world as the effect side, purely a manifestation of the causal (consciousness) side of things. But I don't know for sure there either.
I'm sure you've come across Kuhn's Paradigm Critique of science - in which he argues scientists operate in a kind of mob mentality - within a paradigm, ignoring any evidence that doesn't fit it, until enough mounts up to smash through the illusion, and then onto the next.
Basically a critique of the claim that science is objective, and gradually cumulative - that particular documentary really reminded me of that.
As to the Big Bang, I think we all need to admit we're in the dark on that.
Pun not entirely intended.
Oh ya. I refer to the current phenomenon as the the Religion of Scientism, because it works exactly the same. Folks like Neil DeGrasse Tyson & Bill Nye are cardinals, and the average person just assumes that because someone is a "scientist" (or a "science guy"), that they must be closer to truth, so we should just listen to them.
Science is the search for truth, a logical means of questioning the things we think/believe/are curious about. Science doesn't really leave room for the kind of faith that we see around SO many topics, and certainly science is never settled.
Just the fact that humans are utterly incapable of observing reality, due to our limited sensory input and HUGE psychological filters, means that the best we can do is keep trying to get closer to what actually is. While acknowledging that we're basically deaf & blind, and what we know this year will mostly be disproven within a generation or two.
Fair point about not being able to observe reality, it always amazes me how arrogant we are in assuming we can know and understand the universe through our senses, which really are quite narrow - all one has to do is to think what certain animals can see, hear and smell that we humans can't - and that's just scratching the surface of our limitations!
Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 0/3 - need recharge?)
Have you read/watched much about the 'electric universe' theory?
This explains things much differently than 'big bang', dispels 'dark matter' as a 'thing' (something i've always had trouble reconciling).
I'm no aficionado, but it's very interesting, and fills lots of holes holes (not black ones) in things that I never really understood (in my limited knowledge), or made any sense.
When you put it in perspective of fractals (from the the atom to the universe), and the fact they are all doing essentially the same thing, and all observing the same laws - it seems to make a lot more sense.( to me)
I haven't heard of it no, something else to look into.
On dark matter, have a look at the first 90 seconds of this.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p02ltxcq
I don't know if it was deliberate, but the way they sync all the experts reeling off the same line about Dark Matter Theory it makes it look no more believable than Genesis.
I have known for a long time not to trust anything the media tells and certainly not any government, hence why me and my girls are not registered anywhere, don't take any assistance from them and don't pay any taxes.
We have a responsibility to be informed, all the information is there once you scratch away at the surface. How indoctrinated some of us have become believing that we are parasites and that we are doomed, how well that plays into the hands of the elite. Forgetting how we are a part of the natural cycles of the earth, we have our place just as all other life forms in this beautiful planet.
I remember when I done my permacuture design course a few years ago and realizing that I already knew all that I was being taught, that it is a wisdom that is imbedded within us all. We have a natural instinct to want to be of service to the earth, we are born fully aware of our connection.
But then so many of us were ripped away from nature, put into schools and taught how to conform.
I grew up in a very unstable home, but my sanctuary was always the natural world. I have carried that with me since I was a child.
My eyes wide open to what is really happening. The more disconnected people become the more they can not see.
And now here we are, divided and segregated in our beliefs, so much so that we reject our own power, our own connection, feeding instead into this very well orchestrated fear that segregates us more.
I remember being in Australia and hearing time and time again about water shortages, yet no one was talking about the millions of litres of water being used daily to cool down nuclear reactors, water that was then contaminated. Instead people were told how much water they were allowed to use.
This is such a confrontational subject, I have been called delusional when I have tried to point out how much propaganda is being shoved down our throats and been told I obviously don't care about the environment if I think like this, but it is because I care so much that I take full responsibility for how I live.
Sorry this turned out to be quite long winded, but I am with you 100% here, that is why my goal is to help rewild as many folk as I can xxxx
I can imagine how it is a tough sell, I tried it out down the pub yesterday - I'm very keen myself to go non dom and axe my tax pay-outs, that's a goal for this year, next year at the latest!
It's quite difficult to strain the truth out about a lot of things. If I were a scientist and had the means to investigate climate change myself, I'd have a leg up but I'm not a scientist and have to rely on the research of others.
I'm a simple person, so my logic goes like this:
I'm guessing that they probably couldn't figure out a way to blame us and tax us for it if it was global cooling.
Not that I'm cynical or anything. hehe.. but I do so hate the act of lying. IMHO, it's one of the most violent things one person can do to another.
Give this a few minutes.
Good vid, ty. Funny how the truth NEVER seems to fit their agenda. Delay the truth for a couple of years, give them time to think up a cover story.
@jang has links to the full topic.
The sun is going to micronova.
The earth will stand still while the oceans continue on at 1000 mph.
That will be a heck of a few days!
lol.. okay, I'm staying in bed
That is as good a place as some others.
When the earth starts spinning again, all that water runs to the low places!
Until the next time, some 12k years later.
Awesome Post! Thanks for sharing this and with the right words (Something I'm learning to get better at).
This post shows me, like so many times before, that we all have this urge for a sain way of living together. My whole life I know that somethings off, as a child everybody told be: "No worries, you gonna understand one day! Now shut up and do what we tell you is right!" The day never came and I never did, which has put me trough some rough times...
As "adult" I got tired of asking always the same questions on why we can't live together in a peaceful an fair way! Playing the "being blind" game was working only for a couple of years, until the real nature in me started rebelling against me and the rebel I left behind some time ago needed to come back. I started to live the respectful way for me and all and lost nearly everything. People treated me Psycho and worse for living my life and I wasn't even asking them the why anymore.
After 15 years of going trough any possibility I could find, to work with humans for the better change... I realized that all is based on the judgement of a government and their rules. I appreciate all the effort of institutions like greenpeace, redcross or whatever you want to name here... it is a start where I always found humans with the right thinking for the "better world". Only, always in the parameters of "the law" of governments and/or some "I-know-better-then-you-folks-person". I observed the fact: "If you put sugar on crap, it still is crap."
Your point on the taxes is excellent, 'cause we all need to stop paying taxes and this would be the first step towards a new way... As long we support the "rulers" with money, we wont be able to live in liberty. So with 42 years I decided that I gonna show to myself that it is possible to get rid of all this slavery I was born into. That's 11 years now I'm living "outside" the rules of society. No more forced obligations and I accept all consequences coming with that, like no more passport all my travels are a little different, like no more banc account all my life style is based on exchange of something to assure I have eaten everyday... and so on.
My lifelong research on all this brought me along many excellent books, papers and internet sites... also about the propaganda on "climate change"... I would like to share especially two sites I still follow today, one is about the electric univers with an skeptic viewpoint on whats going on in science! The second is Suspicious0bservers with some stand out space weather news. All is related here and maybe someone is interested in more on this, as you also stated the mini-ice-age, which is connected to the solar cycle...
May this Subject Be the Force To Change... Looking forward to read more of your thoughts.
You're pretty well correct on everything here. Two points: anarchist communism isn't much different from your small local envirogroupings--at least from my sensibilities. Breadtubers are arguing for true Christian ethics as atomists while Christians demand exploitation and coercion from their capitalist religious ethno-states...We are truly in the upsidedown!
Who are these elites century after century who cause all this disturbance? The Christian Gnostics say they are metaphysical archons and if that's true it explains the perpetual toxicity of life on earth...
Wow.... Beautifully phrased... Reading your words brought me joy.
Great posts lately, thumbs up!
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Thanks! I'm definitely feeling in my flow, lots of good stuff coming through, having fun to a degree that I haven't in a long time :-)
Some things have been recently declassified by the c_a, but won't be published in the mainstream journals for two more years.
This is the short video, @jang has links to the rest.
Bro I agree... Have a good one be well stay free...
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