Watching My Girlish Figure

in #palnet5 years ago (edited)


I did a BMI test online the other day based on my height and weight, and it said I was only 5 lbs overweight! Hogwash. I could lose a good 30 lbs. No joke. So until then, what I do is wear things that compliment my features, rather than suck themselves up against them and POINT THEM OUT !!!


See the skirt/shirt combo above with the slimming pointy shoes? Doesn't that look lovely? You would never know I have something of a 15 pound gorilla on my front half! Minus the hair. I don't have a hairy gorilla. Just a hairless one. With a belly button on it.

So what I've been doing lately is a lot of this!

salad 4.jpg notice the ample dressing. don't judge

And sometimes I add a little O' this:

salad 2.jpg

And I'm trying to avoid things like this:

image.pngimg pixabay

And cut back on things like this:

image.pngimg pixabay

So I can look like this!

image.pngimg pixabay

But I'd settle for this:


Cuz that's basically my body shape right now

only she's a bit more tone, and shapely. And who needs the stress, right?.....RIGHT???!!! Plus, option A is waaay too skinny. And skinny is overrated. So...

As Always



Long time no see!

Posted using Partiko Android

Improv!!! Love the new pic with the bebe. I still remember the steem baby shower! How old is he now? 2 I'm thinking? Wow. Has it been that long? Can't be...can it?

Good to see you! I was off the planet for about 5 months. Had to take a leave. But I'm glad to be back! How's things??? Still punstering?

Make sure and nudge me.

19 months!
I'll tag you in a comment on this week's

Posted using Partiko Android

I'll need to enroll in the ginabot again. I'm using a new littlescribe account now on discord. So I haven't been looking for tags. What are all the cool kids using these days? Is it Gina still?

Ah I know it can't be easy so well done and keep it up I hope you reach your goals @littlescribe but don't get too little, the settling doesn't seem like a bad option at all

After I posted this article, I went and looked in the mirror just to see how I compared, and I think in some ways, I'm very similar. Although, her cup size is decidedly larger than mine! But still, I'm kinda squooshy in places I'd rather not be squooshy in. It's the athlete in me I think. I grew up as a swimmer, soccer player, and water polo-ist. So I am not used to having to struggle with shape or metabolism. It's a bit foreign. Not sure what to make of it. Other than, well, cut back on the cupcakes! HAHA!

Thanks for the encouragement though! Honestly, I prefer option B anyway. Healthier looking, and frankly I think I would feel out of place as option A. Way too skinny. So I'm glad we're on the same page there.

Skinny is kind of overrated.

Well if you grew up being so active your muscles don't soon forget maybe the metabolism isn't has quick as it used to be and needs a little encouragement but once you get going the effects start to take hold and yeah cutting back on cupcakes really helps.

Then maybe we should change your name from littlescribe to voluptuousscibe lol!

Haha! Voluptuscribe! I love it. And actually, you are right about that metabolism. I always had a great one until I hit kid #3. Then it sort of tanked. Plus....some added stress.

But I think I'm in a better burn state these days. And it should improve if I get out and move those feet, which I couldn't do for about 6 months due to the injury in my foot (see previous post). But now I can!

So I have no excuse other than I'd rather blog and hang out on Discord!!!