Human Energy Hacking - Psychic Function Research is Way Farther Along Than You Realize

in #paranormal5 years ago (edited)

I wanted to share this presentation from AllatRa TV because it gives a perfect visual for the concept of Brain Function and Hemispheres of Energy and Bioplasma as studied in the field of Energetics. This is how we all perceive reality through interconnected hives of brainwaves, resonance and vibration. This was studied by the US Military, CIA, and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) and I've done hours worth of material on these topics which you can locate on my YouTube Channel, Gabriel Cruz Research.

The human energy structure in the invisible world (from AllatRa TV)

This is important to learn because human energy or what Eastern and Asian cultures refer to as Chi, Prana, Qi, or Ki is an extractable resource that can be defined as Bioplasma. Bioplasma, is sort of an aether or vaporous form of your Blood, Plasma, Water Content and Male/Female Reproductive Biomaterial which can be extracted through Psychotronic Generators. This was being discussed by the US Army and Defense Intelligence Agency in the 70's so none of this should be shocking to anyone. It's sort of like the ability to remove human energy or the 'timeline/longevity' via this extractable Bioplasma which can be used by others, similar to blood transfer wherein the groups must be matching like for like (RH- O Blood compatibility for example.) You can see this compatibility between Blood and Plasma in the following charts I pulled from Wikipedia.

Blood Types -
Red Blood Cell Compatibility Table - AB+ - O- .jpg

It's important to understand this because if you are Rh- O or AB+ there is a much stronger likelihood of this being done to you without your knowledge or consent. Symptoms feel like a low-volt tasing sensation when the equipment is in place. By pulsing the human body with various frequencies at high amplitude, Bions are released which is effectively an extractable aether certain privileged parties have learned to contain and 'bottle' into an essential oil.

I've done an enormous amount of research on this in my Energetics Series but you may want to start with Part 8 which discusses this exact concept in more detail

If you find that interesting you'll want to review the entire series which can be found here
Energetics and Archaeometry

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Anger is an Energy