
Not the type of transactions you can think of. STEEM and SBD transactions will be free:)

Posted using Partiko iOS

Which transactions do you envision could have fees?

Some if the SMTs I think :)

Say you can buy Steem Monsters cards in Partiko. But I guess transaction fee wouldn’t be the right term. If the card costs 10 SBD, you will still pay 10 SBD. We will take commissions on that. Does that make sense to you?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yes :) That's already done by every SteemMonsters market right now. I was thinking of developing my own free software version to counteract these fees :PPP But I'm too lazy.

But anyway, it's cool :) You found a way to fund without harming the users.

Haha good to know! I hope you have a chance to try out Partiko!

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've already tried it :D But my cellphone was taken away 1 week later. I'm meaning to get a new one and I'll definitely use Partiko regularly.

Ah got it! Let me know if you have questions using it!

Posted using Partiko iOS