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RE: My Witness Pay-it-Forward Delegations Have Been Set

in #payitforward6 years ago

@krnel, I would like to thank you for the community support you have shown steemit. Infowars, I am sure Steve is just tickled pink about that, Asher, I know he is thrilled, he loves helping people out, and tending to the new users and encouraging steemit participation. And @apolymask, I know he is thrilled also, as will be all those enjoying and playing in his IFC games. All those on that list, and so many of the names I have seen, it is once again, a great thing you have done.

Super glad to see the support for Asher's League 2 members, they can now spread the votes to even more. @abh12345, and @davemccoy, helped me get to that 500SP magic number to get the slider and make voting easier, and it really spread my votes out to so many more people and has made a big difference.

My Sp has and continues to grow and with that growth I was able to spread,(delegate), a little SP out also. All rivers start with a little run-off, then soon they are a raging unstoppable torrent, that is what the delegations that people like you @abh12345, @davemcoy, and others do when they support the users of steemit. So thank you again for keeping the rivers flowing and peoples steem dreams alive.


I am using my SP a little differently this week @bashadow... I still want to focus on the community, but I want to do things like this and help get you to the top so that your message is very visible. I want messages like yours here to be seen so they can educate and maybe convince a few people to join us in trying to build something special here!

Very good comment... and you are right:

All rivers start with a little run-off, then soon they are a raging unstoppable torrent

Great job as always and happy to be your teammate here and growing this river together! :)

Thank you for that, I was really happy to see so many of the different people on there I know or have helped, or have helped me. The growth of newbieresteemday, and @apolymask IFC, the numbers of people in both discord channels just keep growing. And @Informationwar, I know he (Steve, @stevescoins) has got to be just blown away by that delegation. They help keep the new flowing with very few filters.

Looks like the right group to follow here on steem it!

Yes @cryptoj215, there are some real good communities on steemit. @newbieresteemday, (dave above is a cofounder), for news @informationwar is hard to beat. And for finding and learning about other people the "Pay it Forward" contest is a really good place to start. To track your progress in engagement or curation rewards, @abh12345's two leagues are simple to join, and he lets us know weekly how we did. (he will be gone this week) but next sunday he will be back posting the results.).

Education and engagement on steemit is what most of us are here for, so we try to help each other and new users.

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