I'm Still Steeming!

in #payitforward6 years ago (edited)

How is my Pay It Forward project going?

I have been rolling my eyes, waving my hands, doing some silly walking, running around aimless and speaking with funny voices. What can I say, I have pretty important things to do and the most important thing of all of them is to amuse myself. So that the real life doesn't make me grumpy, angry and sane.

I've also been here in Steemit. Doing things that people hate, leaving too long comments on subjects that barely have anything to do with the original post and trying my hardest to make that one more comment so that I wouldn't be the one ending the conversation. It's not about who gets the last word, it's about endurance. Who can prolong the conversation best by using awkward transition from one topic to another.

And of course upvoting 99% of the comments in the conversations I have with others. Just to drive people insane because they think they have to do the same thing for me and that I'm there on someone elses blog only fishing for upvotes on my comments and saying "one more thing" endlessly until Steemit blockchain is so long that it can be wrapped around the universe gazillion times + 1. That critical one. Because of it the universe implodes and everything starts again.

Such fun times, fun times.

Photo: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

Speaking of awkward transitions or pons asinorum (two adorable words I found from the dictionary) or as we Finns say, aasinsilta = donkeys bridge, here's an aphorism for you. Life is a neverending worksite. You constantly stop doing something in order to do something else and are never completely finished. Just like Steemit. This justifies my photographs taken 21:30-20:00, October 25th, 2018 in Tampere. Asphalt workers on the Hämeensilta. (The bridge of Häme.) Steam, steam, steam and more steam!

Photo: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

I decided to do a tiny categorization with the accounts that I've presented to you. I hope it's easy to understand and far more simpler than my usual thoughts and the actions due to those thoughts.


Photography and more


Student from Venezuela.

Yes, another student from Venezuela. If these aren't who they say they are, I've given them about 0.05 cents for identity theft. I hope that's not the case. Fortunately only 0.05 cents.

These I've mentioned before.

@cutthruyou, @eccles, @juliamulcahy, @kanttiadvanture, @m-marinova, @magnus.harboe, @michaias & @pehteem


7 days has passed since the latest blog post

Active on comments
@codeomatic & @tonsbe

@silentexpression & @willhreserved

How to get yourself heard if you are a plankton


How to find new people

@arcange, @asapers, @juliakponsford, @ocd, @pifc & @upvoteplankton.

Photo: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

Finally a word about all the things going on in Tampere. The city has this year a record amount of construction sites. That of course puts the people driving their cars in the middle of the city, public transport users, cyclists and pedestrians on a neverending spiral of complains about the work sites. Every single day. And of course those clowns who say they will never ever in their whole life come here to the city center, because of all the things that are happening now.

Photo: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

First of all those who think everything should stay exactly the same, even thou the city is growing. More people than ever before want to life here, work somewhere and go to places. Second of all those who think demolishing the old buildings is the only option. And then there's about a million reasons more to complain about everything.

Photo: CC BY-SA Insaneworks

How the tram that will be here the year 2020 is obsolete technology that should have not been favored in stead of wider roads for cars, complains about the parking spaces that no longer exist because under the ground parking lots do not count, people not knowing where the nearest bus stop is the next day because they don't know how to use the internet or their eyes, cyclists still continuing to cycle where ever they want and how fast they want, pedestrians not paying attention and walking in black clothes after dark so that it's impossible to see anything until it's too late, city fathers and mothers wondering where to save next and which museum to sell because all the money has gone to building new and allocating money to more important things than education for children and care for seniors, wining people wondering about when we are getting back that one significant street called Viistokatu (Diagonalstreet) crossing Keskustori (Central town square) diagonally, which hasn't been there for 40 years or so, but if revived, would solve everything, complains about old building that should have been demolished years ago and complains about old buildings that should have been renovated years ago, everyone wanting to use their own cars and parking in front of the store doors, preferably inside the stores, wanting to live outside the city and complaining how inconvenient it is to use the public transport, roaming in the city but not realizing that it's someone elses backyard and late at night, coming out of the pub, peeing on the first available gateway because it was impossible to use the pubs restrooms, throwing McDonald's garbage on to the streets and to the work site pits and complaining how all the other people are mad and don't know shit about anything.

Did I forget something?

Photo: CC BY-SA Insaneworks


Amusing post!
I specially loved the smoke and the motions in the photographs.
Whenever you're free can you tell me something about CC licensing? I see that you've been using it.

Thanks. :)

Basically it's about the ability to use someones pics if the photographer / artist / author is mentioned. But with certain terms. I think the best explanation can be found from Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_Commons_license

Here's a short version of the license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/ and from there you find a longer explanation too.

But hey, than you for giving me an idea about what to write a post about next. Or some day. :)

Thanks. Wikibot is awesome too.

Creative Commons license
A Creative Commons (CC) license is the one of several public copyright licenses that enable the free distribution of an otherwise copyrighted work. A CC license is used when an author wants to give people the right to share, use, and build upon a work that they have created. CC provides an author flexibility (for example, they might choose to allow only non-commercial uses of their own work) and protects the people who use or redistribute an author's work from concerns of copyright infringement as long as they abide by the conditions that are specified in the license by which the author distributes the work.There are several types of CC licenses. The licenses differ by several combinations that condition the terms of distribution.

These are repercussions from an above average nice summer in Finland. You will need a proper winter right now so everybody can find their balance again.
I can only tell from Helsinki but I bet the same goes for Tampere 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes. The winter is coming and hopefully everyone will freeze, although we here in Finland have central heating. So actually there's almost zero change of anyone freezing so that the complaining would end.

I think complaining about stuff is our national hobby. I have no hobbies so I never ever never ever complain. But, I have heard complains my whole life so I have a pretty good picture how things are gonna go. Construction sites and the biggest complain target, the tram, has been an issue for about a year or two before it was decided that it will come to Tampere. The whole summer people complained how it is too hot and sunny and how that thing is the trams fault. (Don't ask me how but it is.)

When the winter comes people will start to complain about the fact that before the snow comes, it is so depressing and dark and how the city should pay more attention to the city light decorations, but then again there's something called light pollution. When the snow comes, all the people driving cars will be taken by surprise that winter always comes at some point and something should have been done to the summer tires. Then there's the fact that it's hard to walk in the snow if there's lots of it and that sometimes it's slippery. City should plow the snow more and spread salt and sand on the snow that there would be perfect summer conditions for people to walk around, although it is WINTER.

And when the snow melts away, there's the issue with the dog poo that reveals itself from under the snow. Let's just say that before fresh grass can smell, there will be another kind of smell to bring home on your shoe soles. But hey, eeeeevrybody want's to own an adorable puppy, but noooooobody want's to deal with the poo they leave because there are people who can do that. The city will of course hire more people. And then there's the dust to breathe that comes with the spring from all the sand that had to be spread all over the streets is the winter so that people could walk with their summer shoes.

National hobby. Complaining. Best done so, that if someone that could do something about it, asks, everything is fine. But right after that the masters of complaining go to their neighbor / friend / relative and complain how everything is so wrong and bad and not working.

Yes. Interesting topic.
I think about it like this: many people are feeling socially awkward and are not used to communicating with a fellow human. At the same time there is a great need of feeling a connection to the community.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to start ranting (who hasn't an opinion about weather, traffic...?), hoping it turns in to a nice conversation.
It's troublesome if the other person just keeps on ranting. Then you have to flee the negativity because it will only be depressing.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is: ranting as icebreaker.

Posted using Partiko Android

It is an icebreaker! And I really do think that most people are wise and don't complain about little things. It's just the overall picture that one gets when few people have louder voices and complain about everything.

Lol.. there're many more to rant about 😂 but what can we do while everybody is rushing for the future but only care about their own need.. no matter how wide the road they built or how many sky crapers they build or how many cars they have.. if they don't want to produce a good human and educate them about humanity.. who will live forever?

I guess it's hard to give away some of the things that make everyday life easier in modern society. And I guess it's hard to realise that sometimes one has to give also, not only take and demand more of everything.

Absolutely.. no pain no gain.. a constant change sometimes will direct us to a bad situation, but who to blame? While some people keep fighting the corruption and environmental destruction.. some people keep exploring and mining the fossils to provide the tools to make a dream come true..

But as long as there're some people who keep thinking and fight for the better life for humankind.. I think all we can do is to slow down the process. With what? Your post is one of many ways to let others listen to some concerned voice

Well.. I'm kinda like you.. 😂 love to comments a lot and really know how yo change the topics too

Thanks for taking part in my little #payitforward experiment! :-)
I tend to upvote the comments in my posts, but in this case it might create some confusion. So, here's my "thank you" vote!

Thank you, too.