How to build steam video game collection

in #pc7 years ago

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After finding out about site called I have managed to gather collection of 976 games and even t-shirts and disc copies of games plus game prototypes which never get released, also do digital comics and books plus think got android bundles too , you pay just $1 for handful of game's and when pay over average sometimes get silly amount of game's and can pay top whack which more in $10-$40 range and even receive games in later weeks, some games I have never played but others i would of never brought but was in bundle which purchased for another title and ended up loving a game i never heard about, PLUS the site lets you choose how much you pay to either site/devs or charity's which is running the bundle, now and again ORIGIN (EA) do bundle which have games such as battlefield 4 and dead space series when i brought that bundle bf4 was not even year old so fairly new titles, if own pc or even android device this site definitely worth checking out!

Also I will still be giving way loads of double keys I got from this site so keep tuned, over N out!


I have a Steam Collector Profile because I have 300 Games.... I may have a problem, but I dont regret even 1 dollar spent :D

don't blame you ! better to spend money on steam games rather trhan D or D which will never see again, I bit of ASUS and steam fan boy and i not bothered if called that!

Me too... I get turned off if a game isnt in STEEM

I have many problem's , nothing to worry about! that Libary, check bundle site like Humble Bundle n Bundle Stars!

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