in #peace7 years ago


If you can remain calm in a negative situation, you win because the storm was their to trouble the waters but if you become disturbed and loose peace, it will stay there for as long as you decide to be troubled.

Remember that Jesus was calm when there was turbulence in the sea. He never panicked or even took notice because he knew that "IT WILL NOT LAST" and deep within him he strongly believes without doubt that "THIS WILL PASS TOO"
Leveraging on that faith, He was calm and was able to calm the seas. You cannot give what you don't have. Jesus had calm that's why he was able to calm the storm.
He gave peace to us, His own peace not as the world giveth.

Most situations we encounter in our life are ones we could have simply overcame just by understanding that it's just for a while and it will come and go like the rain. But because of our lack of faith which is a result of lack of "knowledge of whom God is and his power" we tend to fight on our own terms and ways thereby getting scathed.

Sometimes ago, some group of people became convinced that I was this and that. They labeled me so many names that made me l troubled. I lost my peace and reacted. I reacted with what I had then which was anger. Did it solve the problem, No! It only stirred more troubles. It made me stay in the defensive position.

When I realized that I didn't have to continue proving my innocent self to everybody; that everything works for my gain, that the situation will pass soon, I had my peace and with that calmness of spirit, it reflected in my personality and soon, some people became convinced that all those things said about me was simply lies and a program of "Gang conviction".

So today, I urge you to be calm and know that the situation will not last, it will pass too.