Raising Anarchist Children

I have been a practicing anarchist for three years and over the ten years I have spent waking up, it's been terrifying evolution from statism to anarchism. For a long time I lived in fear. Fear that took many psychedelic experiences in my pre-parent years to learn how to manage. My last psilocybin cubensis experienced left me convinced to go against my previous decision to not have children. Those tricky shroomies. The jokes on me.

Now, I have two daughters, both born at home with midwives present, both medically unadulterated and both incredibly healthy. Raising them has been the most difficult thing I've ever done. What has made it so hard is the last visage of my own statist rearing: spanking, threats and yelling. Undoing that damage in myself has been a struggle. Anyone who says "I was spanked and I turned out ok" isn't being honest with themselves. I strive to be a peaceful parent, everyday, it's possible, I'm telling you, it's worth it. Most people already know how and do a great job. My sister managed to halt the cycle of violence pretty effectively with her children. I respect her greatly for being an example to me. She's not even an anarchist.

My oldest daughter was 4 years old when she stood up during an Adam Kokesh talk about "FREEDOM!" and said, "My mommy spanks me", in a room full of libertarians and the like. Humiliation does serve a purpose. I've had a desire to change ever since and I have no one else to thank than my daughter, who was strong enough to hold me accountable, even as innocent as it was. See children are born Anarchists and we should nurture that. I'm thankful to Adam for being understanding and helping me to see the moral contradiction of my behavior.

I've used a variation of sources for advice but I have found this book to be most helpful and educational in terms of understanding the development of children:  



I enjoy teaching my children about philosophy, science and how to govern themselves. Early on, I'll be honest, I made mistakes with my oldest daughter. We were a bit too candid in our opinions around her. She has mistrust for government and law enforcement that mirrors my own. She's 6 years old and always makes sure she points cops out to me if she sees them and insists we avoid them at all cost. I make it a point to teach her that those individuals are only a threat to us because of their choices. They are people and they can change their minds. We just have to figure out how to reach them.

When I see mothers like Korryn Gaines who clearly had an understandable fear of law enforcement and taught her son to be cautious, I empathize. She was a woman not unlike myself, who just wanted the state to leave her alone. There are no books for this. We are on our own. It breaks my heart that Korryn was alone in her battle with the state. She needed support, education and philosophical guidance. We all do. I wish I could have been there for her.

I just wanted you to know that I am here for you.

It's not enough to just "smash the state away" we have to be there for each other while we are raising these children. Families supporting families. Encouraging Peaceful Parenting. We can't be afraid to speak to parents that violently oppress their own children. We can't be afraid to offer suggestions and solutions. I'll be honest, my communications skills could be more non-aggressive. I'm working on it. For myself, for others.

As I write this, my third baby anarchist grows in my womb. Not even our family knows. I wish I could say it was planned, but it was not. (I'm only 8wks: no known sex yet, hence: "it") Again, I'm terrified. I'm grateful, but terrified. Financially, it may not be the smartest idea to "keep" this baby, but if I don't "keep" it, then what?! It's a violation of my moral code to 'evict' a human from the place it requires to stay alive. I could never. I will find a way! I have nothing but love and respect for life. So with deep gratitude and joy I welcome this challenge with open arms. Anarchist family, I hope you will join me in welcoming another future-self governing individual into the fold.


Great post! I love that you opened up about your own experiences with transitioning to Peaceful Parenting. I can relate! In fact, I just wrote about the same topic. :) Hopefully this idea will continue to spread quickly.

That's right...... children are born anarchists. Never dawned on me till just now.

Congratulations on the new addition. I always say that our first child is our practice child (unfortunately for the eldest!) and as we learn better, we DO better. Your children are lucky to have you as a mom. You are making the world a better place, one child at a time. Do not despair... you will find a way!

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