Pizzagate: The Web Expands

in #pedophilia8 years ago

I've been watching some videos by George Webb and like him stumbled across the Pizzagate phenomenon while investigating corruption in the Clinton Foundation. The more I investigate, the bigger and deeper it gets. In the words of Jeff Rense: "Pizzagate is just a gnat on an elephant." The cast of characters has grown to almost astronomical proportions as well. Now it appears that James Alefantis' father, Achilles, is involved with Haitian orphans too, along with the Maccoby's, Max and his father Michael.

Yesterday, @mammacitta did a great article about child trafficking for sex and organ harvesting by DynCorp. A pattern that I didn't really see before, but makes perfect sense began to emerge. I've written before about children being used for their blood to halt aging. Why let the rest go to waste? What I'm beginning to see is this: First children are kidnapped for sex and ritual abuse. This goes on worldwide. There is a plethora of evidence that it went on in the Balkans during the conflict there (under the auspices of the UN). Bill Clinton was president at the time. DynCorp has been involved in organ trafficking for decades.

After the children are subjected to sexual abuse, they are subsequently murdered. This explains the lack of victims and/or witnesses. Their blood is drained and their organs harvested and sold. When Bill Clinton left office he, Hillary and Chelsea started the Clinton Foundation and later the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). If you watch videos like Clinton Cash it will show the Clinton's ties to Haiti and less than reputable business interests. One thing has become painfully clear about the Clintons...they will do ANYTHING for money. I wish I could emphasize ANYTHING more.

Laura Silsby, a friend of the Clinton's was arrested in Haiti in 2010 for attempting to smuggle children into the Dominican Republic. She worked for an organization called Friends of the Orphans. Her ties to the Clintons (HRC in particular) was evidenced in emails from Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills (Hillary's Chief of Staff) telling her that "Laura's in trouble." These came from Wikileaks. Max Maccoby is on the Board of Directors of Friends of the Orphans. His father, Michael, trains staff members for Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos an organization that runs orphanages throughout Central America and has ties to Friends.

Yoichi Shimatsu has done the most comprehensive job I've found so far in tying everything together. Shimatsu is an independent journalist from Japan who has written extensively on the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. He has also done a 10 part series on Pizzagate some of which I listened to in a series of interviews with Jeff Rense. The 10th part was released recently and although not part of the Rense series. It is well worth paying attention to. I apologize for the computer generated voice, but this is too important to ignore. I also recommend the other parts of the series.


Great post but very frightening information

It keeps getting bigger! In the video they talk about Michael maccoby who has ties to Erich Fromm who has CIA ties (and we know how reputable they are when it comes to money) This is becoming 6 degrees of separation on steroids!

((( ★★★ ANYTHING ★★★ ))) ?

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