in #pensamiento6 years ago

Si piensas que tu felicidad depende de otra personal o de alguna cosa o situacion en particular, nunca lograras ser feliz, la felicidad depende de ti y son destellos de luz en la oscuridad de la noche, sonrisas, abrazos, besos, palabras recibidas y otorgadas, son gestos y detalles que llenan de paz el alma, eres tu el dueño de tu felicidad no le des ese poder a nadie.

If you think that your happiness depends on another person or something or situation in particular, you will never be happy, happiness depends on you and are flashes of light in the darkness of the night, smiles, hugs, kisses, words received and granted , are gestures and details that fill the soul with peace, you are the owner of your happiness do not give that power to anyone.