[Bilingual] Ama (Father), You are my Hero - People Photography by worldcapture week #3

in #peoplephotography6 years ago (edited)


Kamu lihat laki-laki ini ? Bekerja di terik mentari bermodalkan topi petani bukan merupakan hal yang asing baginya. Aku menyaksikannnya setiap sabtu dan minggu saat menyinggahi sebuah warung kopi temanku di seputaran Darussalam Banda Aceh. Dari tampilannya aku yakin bahwa ia adalah seorang pekerja keras dan pastinya dia adalah seorang Ayah. Melihatnya bekerja dengan sepenuh hati, aku tertarik ingin mengabadikan maka mendekatlah aku kepada si Bapak itu. Ia memberi senyuman kepadaku saat aku meminta izin untuk mengambil gambar kegiatannya saat itu.

Did you see this man? Working in the hot sun with a farmer's hat is not a burden thing for him. I saw it every saturday and sunday when I visited my friend's coffee shop in Darussalam Banda Aceh. From his looking I was sure that he is a hard worker and of course he was a father. Seeing his work wholeheartedly, I am interesting to close, he give me a smile when I asked permission to took pictures of his activities.

Aku kemudian teringat kepada sosok yang begitu aku banggakan yaitu Ayah (dalam bahasa Gayo : Ama). Sosok Ama bagiku adalah pahlawan yang gagah berani. Betapa tidak, 3 pekerjaan sekaligus diembannya. Ama adalah seorang Guru Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam berstatus sebagai Pegawai Negeri Sipil, di samping itu Ama adalah Petani Kopi yang ulet, Ama juga menjalankan peran sebagai suami dari ibuku, ayah bagiku dan anak dari nenek yang saat itu diasuhnya.

It's remind me with a figure who I was so proud of, that is my Father (in Gayo Language : Ama). Ama for me is a the hero who was brave. Why ? Because he get 3 jobs at once. Ama is a Natural Science Teacher with a status as a Civil Servant, he is also a tenacious Coffee Farmer, he also as husband of my mother, father for me and child of grandmother who was nurtured at that time.

Menjalankan peran seperti itu bukan perkara mudah dong. Menghidupi 8 anak, 1 istri dan 1 ibu adalah hal yang berat akan tetapi semua sukses ia laksanakan. The most incridible thing adalah ia tidak pernah lupa siapa penciptaNya. Sebagai guru yang disiplin dan menguasai beberapa cabang ilmu pengetahuan tentu tidak harus menghantarkan kami ke tempat pendidikan ekstra di luar rumah. Hemat dan hubungan kami tetap dekat. Tapi jangan bayangkan kedekatan yang terbangun antara anak dan ayah seperti di televisi ya. Kedekatan antara aku, abang dan adikku dengan ama terbangun dalam sebuah kekakuan dan ketegasan ama.

Tooking a role like that is not an easy matter. Living 8 children, 1 wife and 1 mother is a hard thing, but all the success he was did. The most incridible thing is that he never forgets who is The Creator. As a teacher who is disciplined and masters several subjects of science, of course it was have not took us to places of extra education outside. Save and our relationship remains close. But don't imagine the closeness that is built between child and father like on television. The closeness between me, my brother and my sister was awakened in a rigid and firmness.

Hampir tidak ada yang berani menatap wajah ama saat memberi pelajaran di rumah dan mengawasi kami ketika sedang belajar dan mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah. Selama ama belum berdehem dan berbicara singkat tanda selesai, maka jangan harap ada yang beranjak dari meja belajar berjamaah tersebut. Paling kalau sudah penat, air mata keluar dan menghambur ke mamak mencari perlindungan. Selesai ? Tidak, mamak dengan lembut akan membawa kami kembali ke meja belajar.

Almost no one dared to looked at Ama face when he gave lessons at home and watched out us while learning and doing homework. As long as Ama haven't cleared his throat and spoke briefly as a sign is over, then don't expect anyone to move from the table. If you are tired, tears come out from your eyes and ran into mother for looking protection. Is it finished ? No, my mother will gently bring us back to the study table.


Tahun 1992, masih terngiang saat aku mendengar adu argumen antara ama dan mamak tentang secarik kertas yang kemudian aku ketahui adalah brosur sekolah yang berada di Ibukota Provinsi Aceh, Banda Aceh. Mamak tidak bisa lagi menahan keinginan ama untuk memberangkatkanku ke Banda Aceh untuk sekolah. Bagiku saat itu belum ada perasaan apa-apa, karena ketaatan tingkat tinggi kepada perintah ayah. Terjadilah peristiwa pengusiran halus itu. Aku pun di transfer oleh ama ke banda aceh untuk menuntut ilmu.

In 1992, it was still remembered when I heard the argument between ama and mamak about a piece of paper that I knew was a school brochure in the capital of Aceh Province, Banda Aceh. Mamak could no longer resist the desire to send me to Banda Aceh for school. For me at that time there was no feeling, because of the high level of obedience to father's orders. There was a fine eviction event. I was sent by ama to banda aceh to study.

Mengapa pengusiran halus ? Ah, itu hanya bahasaku setelah mengetahui kalau aku kemudian ditinggalkan dan baru dijenguk 6 bulam sekali. Aku mengatakan pengusiran halus karena setelah itu satu persatu, abang dan adik ku juga dikirim oleh ama ke Banda Aceh untuk menuntut ilmu. Bedanya adalah mereka diberangkatkan saat usia sudah remaja atau setelah tamat dari MTsN dan MAN. Sedang aku ? Baru berumur 12 tahun sudah harus dipaksa untuk bertarung di negeri orang yang saat itu masih kental dengan ajaran Snouck Hourgranye alias tengku puteh yang membeda-bedakan antara Aceh dan Gayo.

Smooth ejection? Oh yea. that is only my language after knowing that I was later abandoned and only visited once in six months. I said smooth eviction because after that one by one, my brother and sister were also sent to Banda Aceh to study. The difference is they are departed when they are teenagers or after graduating from MTsN and MAN. While me? Only 12 years old had to be forced to fight in the land of people who at that time were still thick with Snouck Hourgranye teachings aka tengku puteh that discriminated between Aceh and Gayo.

Dengan waktu kunjung yang relatif lama bermodal jajan 5.000 s.d 10.000 rupiah selama sebulan, sudah cukup menjadi bukti bagaimana kerasnya dan tegasnya seorang ayah mendidikku. Belum pernah kulihat ayah menundukan wajah tanda sedih atau kasihan dengan kehidupanku di perantauan. Bahkan kala waktu libur yang relatif lama itu tiba. Jangan coba-coba untuk pulang kampung tanpa seizin ayah. Aku masih teringat bagaimana ayah tidak mengizinkanku untuk waktu 2 tahun. Sebagaimana seorang anak yang masih butuh belaian kasih sayang tentu ada rasa rindu kepada mamak, abang, nenek dan kawan-kawan di kampungku dan tentu aku juga rindu ayah. Tapi itu harus kukubur dalam karena tidak ada kuasa untuk menolak ketegasan ayah.

With a relatively long time and only 5,000 s.d. 10,000 rupiahs for a month in my hand, it is enough to prove how hard and firm a my father educates me. I've never seen my father lower his face with a sign of sadness or pity with my life overseas. Even when the relatively long holiday time arrives. Don't try to go home without permission from your father. I still remember how dad didn't allow me for two years. As a child who still needs caresses, there is a sense of longing for mamak, brother, grandmother and friends in my village and of course I also miss father. But I have to burrow it in because there is no power to resist father's firmness.

Begitulah, andai hari ini dihadapanku disediakan satu rem kertas, tentu tidak akan pernah habis kata dan kalimat jika aku bercerita tentang ayah. Demikian hebat, salut dan banggaku kepada ayah. Apalagi saat ini aku melihat kenyataan yang benar-benar nyata bahwa aku hari ini adalah karena ayah berhasil menjalankan tugasnya. Ikrar janjinya di samping tubuh yang terbujur kaku sebab ruh tak lagi di jasad ibuku pada tahun 2001 tentang tekad ayah melanjutkan cita-cita mereka berdua sampai detik terakhir dan darah penghabisan dalam menyekolahkan dan membawa aku dan anak-anaknya ke jenjang pendidikan tertinggi dan kesuksesan. Senyum keikhlasan mamak seolah menyahuti tekad dan janji ayah itu.

If today in front of me is provided a paper brake, of course it will never run out of words and sentences if I tell you about my father. So great, salute and proud of him. Especially at this time when I saw the really reality that real because my father managed to carry out his duties. Promise pledge beside the body that is rigid because the soul is no longer in my mother's body in 2001 about the determination of my father to continue their ideal goals for sending me and his children to the highest education and success. Mamak's sincerity smile seemed to respond to the father's promise.

Hari ini, ada setumpuk rindu dan harapan berjumpa selalu dengan ayah. Meski baru dua hari lalu berjumpa. Ayah.. Tetaplah dengan ketegasanmu, sehat selalu dan selalu dalam lindungan Penciptamu. Anak-anakmu mencintaimu. Cerita kehidupanku bersama ama semoga tetap berlanjut dan izinkan aku mengambil ilmu ayah darimu.

Today, there is a pile of longing and hope to meet always with dad. Although only two days ago met. Dad .. Stay with your assertiveness, healthy always and always in the protection of your Creator. Your children love you. I hope the story of my life with ama still continues and please let me take the father knowledge from you.


How do you think after look my photography ?? If you interesting, please drop your comment and follow me to get spirit for some exciting post in near future. for my friend who loves photography @abbiephoto, @kus-knee, @royalmacro, @deltasteem, @drwom and @my451r. God Bless You All.

This is also my entry for #peoplephotography by @worldcapture week#3. I Hope you like my photography and my truen story.

My best regard


[All Pictures taken original by me]
[Camera maker : Canon EOS 800D]
[Date taken : September 6, 2018]

[Author : @khaimi]

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Great entry! Thank you very much for participating ! :))

You are welcome sir @worldcapture. Hope you like it. I participate to try my ability and just learn more and more. Thhanks for this oppurnity.

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Thanks soo much @esteemapp. Wonderful application

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Amazing pictures and a great writing full of emotions, my brother. Your love for your ama touched me. Keep sharing your love and emotions and awesome pictures friend.

Thank you very much my brother @cave-man. Father is the first hero in our life.

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Berhasil buatku nangis...😢😢mengingatkanku pada ayah yang teramat sangat aku rindu 😢😢

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Aduhh, maafkan diriku yang membuatmu menangis, aku baru berbicara tentang ketgasan dan keyakinan ayah, bagaimana kalau nanti aku berbicara kesabaran ayah ya ?? Makasih @ainee.

wonderful artticle, love your style friend. god bless you.

Thanks @ykdesign. I just learn from day a day, this is the result from #esteem-university-indonesia class.

nice photos man :)

Thank my brother @cityofstars. I really appreciate.

Your photography is amazing, but of course no matter how good your photography is, your Ama is better! Family of 10, firm, gentle and caring? He's a real warrior.

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