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RE: Performance and Scalability Updates

in #performance7 years ago

Thank you for communicating.

I appreciate how you are working around the clock, but I also expect communication when something that was working stops working. For the past couple of weeks, for many including me, Steemit has become almost unusable. Before that, it was functional. Something changed, but I don't know what because there's no technical communication about the issues. If those issues are so sensitive that communicating about them would provide real attack vectors, that's security by obscurity which is concerning.

I'm glad you have metrics in place giving you visibility on the time it takes for transactions from the browser to hit your servers. Does that include logging of browser errors? Due to the complexities of JavaScript-based front ends, I imagine tracking the things which time out and never make it to your server is quite difficult. If you do have that visibility, but it hasn't been a priority to discuss until now, that's also quite frustrating. Communication takes time away from development, sure, but it's critical for building trust with this community. I believe it's really important, not something to get to two weeks later. Many share my position on the value of communication and why it should be prioritized higher than it has been in the past. IMO, this post has a theme of "We're working on it" but not much of a "We're sorry for letting you down." Maybe you don't feel an apology is needed, but I think it would have been helpful here. The frustration many of us have had trying to use the site is quite high and though you may know that intellectually, the data shows you can't fully know it experientially. Or if you can, I'm not sure how.

I ran some SQL queries on the steem database to see how often the Steemit, inc team has published comments and posts since the DDoS attack. They are not encouraging numbers. As a SaaS software developer myself, I really strongly believe in eating your own dog food. I hope the team prioritizes this to fully feel what users are feeling along with seeing the data and the metrics in reports. As I've experienced bugs using my own software, I've found it motivates me quickly to prioritize and fix them.

Illustration: Have you ever been on a wifi connection that kind of works but not really? That's really, really frustrating. It's hard to explain how frustrating to people unless they've experienced it. When I talk about the emotional frustration and feelings of the community, it's like that. I hope the steemit team decides to prioritize using the site more often to get that same experiential knowledge.

I imagine you're all under a lot of stress to get things done prior to Steemfest2. I hope you get plenty of rest and meet and exceed your goals. Many of us believe in you, while many others have lost faith and are vocal about their bitterness. My previous post on this topic wasn't meant to troll or be accusatory as I was trying to speak in terms of facts and bring helpful solutions. I hope this comment will be received well. I really do want you to succeed, and I want the community's experiences to be fully validated and appreciated.

Thank you. I look forward to meeting you all in Lisbon.

Again, thank you for communicating. I hope it continues as we see improvements in site performance.


It took two tries, one reload, and over a minute just to upvote this good comment. This is a frustrating user experience and I want to see it acknowledged direc.

Edit: and a Transaction broadcast error. while trying to correct a small typo in this comment in the first edit. Let's see if it goes through on try 2tly. edit2: <- see that "tly" that inexplicably moved from the end of the pre-edit comment to the end of edit1? Yeah I didn't do that.

This is a frustrating user experience

Thank you, @pfunk. You truly understand how frustrating it is by experiencing it directly. In my opinion, based on the data I've seen on the blockchain, you have experiential knowledge the Steemit team does not have on an emotional level. I hope they gain it soon and it helps them prioritize communication and performance improvements.

This comments contains a false statement.

I said "in my opinion." I didn't think I was making a factual truth claim which could be considered "false." If the intention of your comment is to provide value and increase communication, could you please clarify what parts of my comment you disagree with and why?

The data I've seen shows the number of posts, comments, and votes by members of the steemit team (based on account names others have told me are involved with steemit, inc) to be quite low compared to active members of the community who are really frustrated right now. I am making an opinionated claim: It's hard to fully understand how frustrating the site is right now unless you are trying to use it a lot. Those who are using it a lot seem to be more frustrated and concerned than those who aren't. They are at least far more vocal about their frustration. I'm doing my best to base my opinions on the evidence I can gather.

Instead of an apology response which would indicate a high level of understanding about the frustration involved here, I'm seeing a "We're working on it" response. Ned's reply to me, as an example, isn't something I or my business partner CEO would ever say to a user of our platform. If we weren't meeting expectations or if our service availability started to degrade, we would first and foremost apologize and show empathy.

I'm trying not to take any of this personally, and I hope you and other Steemit, Inc members appreciate my intention is not to attack or belittle them individually in any way. I just want what's best for the community here and as a witness, I want to represent their concerns as best I can.

I just want what's best for the community here and as a witness, I want to represent their concerns as best I can.

And it is that attitude that you and @timcliff were voted as a witness by me. Keep up the good work and maybe you will be able to get across our frustration with current system, (new pretty face) is like @rich11 said just lipstick on a pig. I will try again to upvote your comment, did not work the first time.
Timeout error while I was typing this. Well how about that, I was just getting ready to hit the post button, and my vote did go through.

Thanks for your support. :)

I hope we'll get through this time of frustration and have fun "remember when...?" stories for the future masses who will be joining Steemit.

Im afraid all you are saying is falling on intentionally deaf ears, but thanks for saying it anyways.

"Intentionally deaf ears" makes a judgement about the intention of others. I prefer to take a NVC approach, assume the best, deal with my own emotional responses, and work towards a solution.

That said, it sure does seem intentional, doesn't it? ;-)

Maybe the moaning at them worked. The site is running better?!

Somewhat better. Still seeing quite a few errors though. I think we'll get there over time. I hope we will, anyway. More importantly, I hope Steemit, inc has a culture of humility and empathy towards the community which creates all the value here.

I don't need to care whether the comments contains false statement or not, as long as can work smoothly. Unfortunately,'s performance is very very bad for the last few weeks.

The good thing of this bad performance is that now everybody can taste the experience of users in China, inside the Great Fire Wall.

One major difficulty for potential Chinese users are: they cannot register Steemit, because they cannot see the image of the the CAPTCHA. The image of the CAPTCHA does not show up in China, because it's service of Google. You know Google was banned in China.

Can you help the potential Chinese users to register steemit a little easier. I believe you can help them. You need to find a CAPTCHA that can work in China.

Thank you very much

I use the same site and interface and set of bugs that you do, every day. We hear you and are working on all of it.

Thank you, @sneak. This simple comment implies you do hear us and you do care.

This is what we want to hear more of.

That said, I still stand by my opinion that you may not fully appreciate the frustration active users feel due to the difference between the amount of usage you have and that of active users. The frustration increases for those who try to use the site more.


SELECT count(*) from Comments where author = 'sneak' and created > '2017-10-06';
SELECT count(*) from Comments where author = 'lukestokes' and created > '2017-10-06';
SELECT count(*) from TxVotes where author = 'sneak' and timestamp > '2017-10-06';
SELECT count(*) from TxVotes where author = 'lukestokes' and timestamp > '2017-10-06';

Since the DDoS, you have commented on average 2.4 times a day and you have voted 16.95 times a day. On average, that's a bit of an annoyance every other day as maybe 1 out of eery 4 interactions (that's a total random assumption, I don't know what the real number is, but based on my personal, subject experience, that's being generous) currently has problems of some kind.

In contrast, I'm commenting 18.2 times a day, so that's 4.55 frustrating moments every single day (using my made-up, completely subject metric of 1 out of 4). I'm also voting 184.15 times a day (on average). That doesn't include how many automated votes failed and never got properly saved to the blockchain.

Again, my intention is not to belittle, troll, or discourage you. You are our only hope! We want you and your team to be hugely successful. The point I'm trying to make is many are feeling the pain of things not working more than others. Empathetic people can acknowledge that pain and validate it. That matters.

I look forward to hanging out together in Lisbon and discussing why CloudFront is not an option (since AWS already has your TLS/SSL keys) for dealing with DDoS attacks and what aspects of the specific Steemit security concerns I'm currently ignorant of. Keep working hard as we believe in STEEM and we love Steemit.

Yes, it's a frustrating user experience.
The only good thing for this experience is that the users can taste a little bit of how frustrating the people in China, inside the Great Fire Wall.
One major problem for Chinese people to use Steemit is registration. Because Steemit registration uses Google CAPTCHA, the image of the CAPTCHA cannot show up. Therefore, they cannot register Steemit.
When I visited China, I tried it. It's a more frustrating user experience.

I think the "Transaction broadcast error" is corrected after a day. I saw this too when posting or editing a post.


Please remember Mr Luke Stokes it is important to have table manners even when eating your own dog food.

I hope you can see I'm putting in a real effort into communicating seriously and honestly about the frustration I see in this community directed at Steemit, inc. If I've been rude or offensive, I apologize as that's not my intention. If you think I have been, please address it directly because your response here doesn't make sense to me.

I was hoping for a more serious reply.

@ned, do you think eating your own dog food is important?


btw...Luke, I felt that your comment was done in completely good spirit, and was very on point. I really appreciate everything you had to say. Especially this.

Communication takes time away from development, sure, but it's critical for building trust with this community. I believe it's really important, not something to get to two weeks later. Many share my position on the value of communication and why it should be prioritized higher than it has been in the past. IMO, this post has a theme of "We're working on it" but not much of a "We're sorry for letting you down." Maybe you don't feel an apology is needed, but I think it would have been helpful here. The frustration many of us have had trying to use the site is quite high and though you may know that intellectually, the data shows you can't fully know it experientially. Or if you can, I'm not sure how.

There's absolutely no reason Steemit Inc can't afford to have someone on constant communication. Not doing so is suspiciously incompetent. I'm not trying to be mean, but come have 40% of the STEEM, which is barely short of 100 million USD in highly liquid assets. It's going to cost what $60k a year to get a great communications person?

They don't have to expose attack surfaces in order to be in conversation with the rest of the platform on a daily basis.

Please remember Mr Luke Stokes it is important to have table manners even when eating your own dog food.

Also @Ned, I dropped $60k USD of my own money into Steemit because I believe in it...and NOTHING in the last year has made me feel more hesitant it's future then the way you just responded to Luke Stokes, who was giving you some pretty solid feedback.

@bellyrub loves you!!

Sheesh keep up the great work, it shows you are devoted to steemit!!

This platform will continue to thrive.

@ned, @lukestokes said nothing rude to you. I'd like to know what you took offense to.

I haven’t taken offense. I am pointing out how inefficient, arguably inconsiderate and difficult it is for a platform to respond to incredibly myopic, incessant arguments. Refutation of myopic arguments requires myopic counter arguments and it’s a terrible use of resources. It’s the ultimate squeaky wheel problem and I explain this below.

A new SMT has been created in your name: ExcuseCoin care of SteemIt Inc. (STINC)

Hey @ned Can you please delegate me some power.

Good manners have much to do with emotions, to make them ring true one must truly feel them, not merely exhibit them.

Unprofessional response, clearly missing the point.

Unprofessional response, clearly missing the point.

This looks a lot like an insult, but I hope it isn't.

@ned Fixed up the Downvote for you.

accidental double post, flagging for visibility

And that reply from @ned says it all. We're all an experiment for a bunch of Douschebags...

As a SaaS software developer myself, I really strongly believe in eating your own dog food.


I'll try to say this as respectfully as I can...

These changes have been deployed to production for several days now, and we have seen a dramatic improvement in the efficiency of read requests from the Steemit website to the blockchain to retrieve data.

Perhaps this may partially be attributed to the fact that so many could not get a post or vote through, and after numerous attempts many people likely just gave up.

On the plus side, there are a bunch of alternative condensers (STEEMIT's front-end) that have popped up as backups, so if there are continued problems with STEEMIT's website, at least people have the choice of still interacting with the STEEMIT blockchain via the interface they're already familiar with.

If you do use an alternate condenser however, make sure it's hosted by a community member you trust. And as an additional precaution, it's best to sign in using only your POSTING key.

And with that, please pass the Bordeaux! :)

Exactly! I started here a couple of months ago and I've become thoroughly addicted! Lately, this platform has been unusable!

I'm sure the Devs are working hard to resolve the issues, but is it too much to ask for one "State of the State" post?

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