How to Kill it with the Hot, Young Ladies (continued)

in #personal7 years ago (edited)

In How to Kill it with the Hot, Young Ladies I gave useful advice on how to manifest your innate masculinity and sexual confidence
ending with a bit on how to use visualization to move the process along.

Here I offer a few more suggestions on how and what to visualize to make it a success.

All focus should be on extreme masculine traits
those traits of a highly sexually confident man
what some might call a "natural" with women.

We can play with visualizing in first and third person
and it probably doesn't hurt to mix it up from time to time to "work all the mind muscles"
as I said in the last post
there has been a lot of studies that show visualizing in third person to be more effective.
On top of that
the more senses we include in the visualization
the more colors and scents and details we add to the picture
the more effective
as it is more believable to our subconscious if we can make it feel real.

That's the key
we have to make it look and feel as real as possible.

Assuming you're a heterosexual male like myself
being attractive to the hottest women
the most sought after women
is a huge turn on to us.
To know that we make a hot woman horny
to know that she craves you
that has a significant impact on your self-esteem.
It makes you feel wonderful.
At the very least
it reinforces the belief that you're a desirable man.
if you don't already have that belief about yourself
it will make it grow very quickly
especially if many such women make it clear that they're attracted to you.

Because the opinion of hot women has such a strong influence on how we see ourselves
we can manipulate it to help us change our self-image.
We can visualize ourselves from the perspective of a hot girl
either one that we completely make up in our mind
or a girl that we've known
that gives us a raging hard-on.
If you can make it feel real that this girl is uncontrollably
addicted to you
then you can convince your mind that you're attractive
as if you were getting this type of feedback from this girl in real life.

This is why I'm convinced that visualizing ourselves from the perspective of hot women is the most potent approach.

to make it clear
when you visualize
you see yourself doing things
gesturing with your arms
facial movements
focusing your eyes on different things
but you do it through the eyes and mind of this hot girl.
You may have her watching you from a distance without you being aware.
You can have her and yourself locking eyes from a distance.
You can imagine talking to her or interacting with her in some way.
You can visualize flirting with her.
Literally any type of situation where she is aware of you
as long as it paints her as seeing you as a wildly attractive and masculine man.

The best results would likely come from mixing up the scenarios
and including more than one woman's perspective.
So you can imagine simply walking down a sidewalk and being observed by a random hot girl that you don't know
and switch over to another hot girl interacting with you in some way
then flip to a scene of a woman observing you interacting with another woman
then flip the channel to her studying how you lead men in conversation.

We're after what she's thinking and feeling about you
and we want those things to be the picture perfect alpha male
the man with just enough bad to really work her up into a sweat down there.

One word thoughts should be enough to really kick off this transformation.

As she looks and studies you
have her think simple phrases such as:
he's so dominant
he's so sexy
he makes me horny
I'm so attracted to him
he's so confident
he's so relaxed
he's making me wet
I can't take my eyes off of him
I can't stop thinking about him
he's like a dream
he's like a drug
he's so masculine and sexy
how is he so confident?
how does he do this to me?
how does he make me feel so much hornier than any other man that I've ever seen/ interacted with?
he's always in his element
he's so's making me wet
he doesn't give a fuck...such a turn on
he's so charismatic
he's so sexually confident and charismatic

But the words
by themselves
are lifeless
they're plastic
they're just words.
The key is to get to the feelings and emotions that accompany such thoughts
the feeling of attraction that they evoke.
While the words imply that she's impressed
the tingling sensation of her pussy
and general excitement to be in your presence and to imagine different scenarios involving you
THAT is what will really drive home the message.
This isn't a girl sitting there reading these words off of a marker-board
this is her actual thoughts about you.
This is a girl who is beyond impressed with what she sees
this is a girl who's absolutely enticed by you
who not only wants to get to know you better
but wants you on her
tasting her
fucking her
right now.
In the bathroom
a closet

with that having been cleared up
we can imagine from her own mind
that's she's visualizing sucking you off
and getting completely turned on by the idea.
Imagine that she's so turned on by you
and so wants to be sexually dominated by you
that she
perhaps for the first time ever
starts to imagine being a sex slave that will do whatever you sexually desire.
She's so turned on that she will lick and suck your ass
she'll get on the floor and bark like a dog
she'll let you do anal on her and suck the taste of her ass off of your dick.
She'll suck and lick you everywhere and anywhere you ask her to.
She'll submit to you in every way.
And it only turns her on that you're man enough to accept that position of sexual dominance
because you are a sexually confident and naturally dominant man.

of course
we can imagine that we really have sex with her
from her perspective.
to build on what we've already accomplished by imagining her being excited by the idea of having sex with us
we can have the real experience for her of having such with us be even more amazing than she had imagined.
Visualize being an absolute beast in bed
a complete animal
that curls her toes
and makes her scream your name as she orgasms.
You can pull out to a third person that's neither you nor her
making it like a porn
where perhaps another party
make it a second
hot girl
watches you in excitement
better yet
have her fingering herself as she watches you
because she's so turned on by watching you fuck that girl
with all that sexual energy and confidence.

To make it as real as possible
imagine smelling the scent of her pussy
and feeling how lubricated it is with her sweat and pussy juices.
Imagine the taste of her
her mouth
her tongue
her neck
the skin on her abdomen and butt and thighs
her nipples
her pussy
imagine playfully biting her and spanking her
and just generally being naughty with her
and her being completely turned on by all of it
because you're confirming for her that you're the sexually confident man that she had imagined you'd be
that she had hoped you'd be.

You give her multiple orgasms
like the stud that you are
you go at it again and again
you're full of sexual stamina
and your cock stays hard as a rock the whole time
and you spray cum like a fire house on full blast.
Then come back for more.
You fuck her for hours
tiring her and making her fill the sheets with her sweat and pussy juices
but she doesn't want to quit either
she can't get enough of you.
She's absolutely obsessed with you
because you can provide her with everything that she could have ever dreamed to have in a man.
Not only do you provide for her emotional needs as a man
being the calm
yet dominant and in control man that you are
but you can fill her with a sexual euphoria like no other man or drug on earth.
You're the real deal.
You're worth fighting for.
You're worth giving up everything for to be with.
You're a stud
on top of that
a real man
and a winner at life.

one could say
sex with hot girls is the ultimate pay off in life
at least for a man in his sexual prime
it would be foolish not to include it in our visualization.

To focus only on the sex may not get the intended results.
it'll make us horny as a cactus
without proper guiding
it won't have the effect of reinforcing the right self-beliefs.

To make it work
a lot of focus has to go into the hot women thinking wonderful thoughts about you
and being utterly impressed and aroused by watching you do different things and interact with her.

It's important too to develop the belief that you're always on top of your game
always in your element
that you are a masculine energy and presence that rules everywhere you go
that your world is the stronger more influential
that your wishes and your actions dominate the field
which is why you will include many different types of third person scenes in different settings and situations.
We must build up the image that you're comfortable and in control in all possible scenarios
that you can handle yourself like a genuine
sexually confident man
at all times
with everybody
no matter how tense the situation may be become.
You're a fearless and supremely self-confident man who can stand up to anything and anyone and make it your bitch!

because watching in third person might have the tendency to make almost like a split personality
if we aren't careful in how we identify with or describe the man who we're supposed to be within the visualization
if we keep referring to that man as "that man" or "he", "him", etc.
and because we need to make it blindingly clear that "that man" IS you
there comes a point in the visualization
likely towards the end of it
that you should "merge" with that image
and make it become a first person experience of you being inside of that man that you've been studying through the eyes of these different women and having sexual experiences with
or having women imagine that they're experiencing these sexual encounters with
you get the idea.

The point is to make it clear that you're the man that these women are observing and describing.
When visualizing from the woman's perspective
of course it makes sense to describe in words like "that man" or "he"
because you're watching through their eyes and their mind
and only seeing yourself in third person.
In third person you are a "that man" or "he" or "him".
to bring it all together
to bring it home
to make the transformation a conclusion
we have to identify with that image of a man
not just see him as "that man"
but "me"

When we visualize the merging
we can use it to amplify the feeling and belief that a real transformation happened
that we really just became the man that we were envisioning
with all those desirable effects on hot women
by taking that time to look around and feel the changes in this new mindset
of the man that we just watched having all those desirable effects on women.
We can "feel it out"
and be amazed at how natural everything comes
how it feels to be an amazing
masculine and sexually confident man.
Be impressed by how much better and natural you feel
to be in charge of your life
to be on top of your sex life
to have the world open up to you
because you aren't afraid of the world as this man who has been freed to be all that he is.
You aren't the least bit concerned about what people think about you
and this frees you in all kinds of ways to be yourself and to do what you want to do
free of inhibitions.
Freedom to be a man
to fearlessly express all the man and masculinity that you are.

You're a powerful
extremely desirable man
in more ways than you can count.
You're in control of your life and your future.
You're finally who you are
what you're meant to be.
You're natural.
You're real.
You can't be stopped.
You're on top of the world.

then you can wake up out of it.

Make it as real as possible
finish it by making it clear that this is YOU
then call it good.

Do this at least once a day
for as long as it takes to go through many scenarios as it takes to arrive at what was just described above
it may only require five minutes
or it may take an hour
but put in the time to make sure that the transformation happens.
Prove to yourself that you have the determination to make it happen.
Prove that you're worth it
that you deserve it.
Do this daily for as long as it takes for you to 100% become the man that you're visualizing yourself being.
this may happen quickly or not
it could take only a couple of weeks
it could take a year or more
but it will eventually happen.
You just have to believe that it can happen
if you don't at first
you will in time
as positive effects will come from this visualization
even if you aren't putting as much effort to make it as real or thorough as you could or 100% believing that it will work.

Good things come from healthy habits.
