After crying comes good feelings

This morning I started thinking about the disease I had when I was 6 months old. It was called meningitis, and I was very close of dying.
Then I thought about what would happen if I would have died of that disease. What impact that would have on my mother and the rest of the family. I started crying very much. Because It feel like I have saved my mother and my family from a whole lot of pain.

So later that day I ate lunch with my parents, preparing to tell them this realization. I was nervous because my mind telling me all this false evidence like, "ah but what if they do not take it well".
30 seconds before telling them I started to feel the tears coming and remember thinking, yes I am going to cry now. I tell them and then I cannot hold the tears any more. I cry like a baby. It was brutal. I remember my mother telling me, you are alive because you are yourself.
That was powerful. My dad sat in silence, maybe in chock I do not know. He is very sterile when it comes to feelings. I have great compassion for him, because I can feel he is carrying lots of of limited believes.

I hear people I meet telling me how important it is to express ones feelings. That´s true. But I don´t see a lot of people doing that. It´s scary to show vulnerability. Because then the person might judge you. Facing fears of some sort is hard but I have realized, the more fear I feel before doing one thing, the better I felt afterwards.
In the beginning I started small, telling something personal to someone I could trust. After doing small step over and over again it have resulted in me feeling extremely confident talking about personal stuff. I´m now beyond caring. I feel free and more alive than I have ever felt before.

After crying comes good feelings.

This was in the morning, from very sad and felling so lycky at the same time to the last picture: euphoria.


//Gustav Newman


Props man having a moment like that can be growth but don't get to stuck on the past your here now and everything you've done lead you here some bad some good but they shape how people see you.
Just don't let your past determine your future actions cause as I believe human potential is limitless until you put a limit on it so don't let your past failures limit your potential

Thanks for the good article

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