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RE: The Bill and Melinda Gates Annual Letter for 2017

in #philanthropy8 years ago

Did you read the letter before commenting? It seems to me you're having a separate conversation based on the video which was just my additional compliment to the letter. I'm familiar with the problems of fiat currency and discuss it often. What's being discussed here are the actions taken and their effect as described in the letter.

I like the sentiment you're describing, but if you die as infant, it's quite difficult to do those things.


The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has left a trail of destruction behind it, whether by bad luck or design. Thus, I found myself only wanting to write scathing review. So, I nixt that.

Instead, I wrote a piece about actual philanthropy, and how hard it is to really help someone.

My goal is to create a world where there is a true safety net. Free minimum housing, clothing and food for anyone that shows up. After that, free market, for as high as you can go.
I intend to bring manufacturing to the personal level. But, the intermediate stages require a lot of people and a lot of training. The money to do this is actually almost minuscule. Getting that many people to work together and give of their time, monumentous.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has left a trail of destruction behind it, whether by bad luck or design.

Can you give me some examples?

  • First link: Many link to the same source (LifeSiteNews) but few link to their follow up here: which says:

The Health Ministry submitted its test results on the tetanus vaccine to the committee last week, showing no trace of HCG.

As the Snopes article explains, women who got the vaccine had children. So... yeah. Great thing about falsifiable claims is, once they are falsified, we can move on. Also, no mention of Bill Gates' work unless he is behind the WHO?

  • Second link:

On top of it all, less than one percent of children with wild polio are likely to become paralyzed in the first place, so why all the concern and commitment by one Bill Gates?

That is directly answer by this year's letter.

Bill Microsoft Gates wants to get rid of one billion people – one of three ways

By saving 122 million people? Again, read the letter. Birth rates do go down when women can control whether or not they want to have the child which directly leads to getting whole areas out of poverty, decreasing infant mortality, and a whole host of other tragic results in society. The letter explains this well if you read it with an open mind instead of a pre-confirmed conspiracy theory.

I'm still not seeing a "a trail of destruction" here.

  • Third Link:

We probably agree that most formal education systems are failures. My favorite book on that is Free to Learn by Peter Gray. I'm not yet convinced attempts to support education systems is a "trail of destruction" but in this case, maybe we agree. I wouldn't single out the Gates foundation, however, as most governments on the planet do this, yes? I was homeschooled, I homeschool my children, and I'm learning more about unschooling all the time. I'll watch this whole thing later, but skimming the show notes didn't seem like a very good justification for vilifying them, IMO.

I'm still not seeing a "a trail of destruction" here.

yeah, I could not find the articles I want to link you to. Maybe I will look again.

Did you know that The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been banned from India?

I no longer trust Snopes. I found too many things that I know from personal experience to be falsely falsified there.

If there was a smoking gun evidence that the foundation was actually doing evil things... it would be swept under the rug just like Hitlery's foundation. There are a lot of women who appear to be infertile now, after the run in with The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The problem is, they are in a 3rd world country. They do not have a medical doctors they can go to in order to find out why they are not getting pregnant.

I will never trust The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation because of all the things that I know, first hand, that Microsoft has done.

I no longer trust Snopes. I found too many things that I know from personal experience to be falsely falsified there.

Can you give me some examples? I hear this claim often, but have yet to see a single, concrete example of something Snopes said which is factually inaccurate based on real evidence. I don't blindly trust a source as much as I look at the actual argument. To do otherwise is either a genetic fallacy or an ad hominem.

Can you give me an example of Microsoft business practice which informs your opinion of a non-profit organization?

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