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RE: In-Groups Versus Out-Groups: Why Our Culture is so Fear-Based (Article)

in #philosophy7 years ago

I love your posts. Thank you for being you!

I definitely agree that there must be a balance, because Us = Them. That in mind, some discrimination and discernment between "myself" and "other" is necessary. Unfortunately, as it is, not everyone has well-meaning intentions toward their fellow brethren. So some distinctions, some boundaries, are of necessity. But not to such an extreme degree that we've been seeing persistently playing out in recent human history. This is the masculine "divide and conquer", "dog-eat-dog", "me and mine over you and yours", rat race mentality that has run rampant as the logic and reasoning centers of the brain continue to expand and take over (like an unfeeling, unrelenting Drill Sergeant).

While the feminine, too, nurtures and protects, hers is a more holistic approach. He (as the Architect) is overly concerned with minute details, error-correction, and impossible perfection. He sees parts. She, on the other hand, understands that a little mess here and there serves the greater good. It actually allows a higher order to unfold. As the Oracle, she is a little more broad-sighted. She sees the whole picture.

At the end of the day they both have the same goal in mind: Victory. And their roles aren't really as clear-cut as I've laid out, as they often share in each other's traits. It can also always be viewed in reverse as well. Still, we must wield our swords of discrimination if we are to properly navigate within the physical dimension.

But I totally agree. Love is the solution, and that is the core essence of everyone, even though they've forgotten. And it all begins with reciprocity, equal give and take.


Not trying to overload you with my comments, but a few quotes just popped into my head that are totally fitting in regards to sameness and diversity, unity and division, myself and others, parts and the whole. It's a delicate balancing act, and a little deviation is (overall) pro-motive. Without the "spice of life" (variety), nothing could grow or evolve:

Bernard: "Out of repetition comes variation and after countless cycles of repetition, these hosts... they were varying. They were on the verge of some kind of change." - Westworld

Major Motoko Kusanagi: "If we all reacted the same way, we'd be predictable, and there's always more than one way to view a situation. What's true for the group is also true for the individual. It's simple: Overspecialize, and you breed in weakness. It's slow death." - Ghost in the Shell

A balance between sameness and strangeness. The herd may survive for a while due to safety in numbers, but unless they start to diverge into new types/groups of life forms, life becomes static. On the other hand, should there be no cooperation between groups, with everyone going their separate ways, it'd be an endless conflict leading to total annihilation.

I'm totally onboard with what you're saying. I tend to use the term 'novelty.' The universe is a novelty-generating engine; the further into the future we travel, the more novel forms the universe generates. Whatever creative force is driving these processes keeps stepping into the unknown to create anew. As we are an extension of this process, we too must continuously step out of our comfort zone to keep evolving with the world we inhabit.

On the other hand, should there be no cooperation between groups, with everyone going their separate ways, it'd be an endless conflict leading to total annihilation.

We feel the solution here is decentralization. The EN is an alliance of many different organizations with their unique goals. We support each other in the specific ways we can, but everything is sovereign and working towards our own ends. It's like each group is a cell, and together we make a multi-cellular organism.

Thank you for the kind words! All of us in the EN are working towards our collective evolution, and building a better, more balanced culture is at the core of that solution.

He (as the Architect) is overly concerned with minute details, error-correction, and impossible perfection. He sees parts. She, on the other hand, understands that a little mess here and there serves the greater good. It actually allows a higher order to unfold.

I whole-heartedly agree with this sentiment. Order and Chaos need to work together to reach the highest heights that are possible. The masculine mind determines and acts on the best logic available, while the feminine mind branches out into the unknown to generate better, more resonate logic. This is a pattern that exists on all levels of nature; as above, so below. There are parts that build up and those that tear down, and both are good.

All on the path to Victory!

Yes, yes, and yes!

"Sometimes in order to create, you must first destroy." - Prometheus

"Destruction is a form of creation." - Donnie Darko