We stand upon the threshold of a new era. But some would hold us back.

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

And those that restrain us are utter fools.

In this age of advanced technology, plentiful information, and abundant resources, you would think that it'd be easier to make a better life for yourself. You'd think there'd be less things to fear, less things to hold you down.

But no. Something or someone is making life purposefully difficult.

Perhaps you're not aware of the evolution of this species: We once lived outside without buildings, feared wild animals like tigers or bears, and food was scarce and never predictable. But that age is over now.

Yet somehow, we are still afraid. Afraid of passion, afraid of freedom, and afraid of each other.

But this was never my choice. I would never choose this situation.

Instead, it feels forced upon me. Like someone did this on purpose.

As if someone deliberately cast fear and cruelty into a world that doesn't need it. A situation where some people play predator, for the sake of profit, power, and control, while people such as myself don't even give thought to predator/prey type dynamics in society.

I simply live my own life, trying to make friends and allies. A desire to see people as enemies or prey doesn't exist to me.

But nevertheless, in this society, we still must still attempt to make a profitable living so that we can survive.

Yet, in the search for profit, perhaps we've forgotten the true nature of abundance.

It is like the search for truth.
Such a search for truth only needs to exist when you live in a society of lies.

Thus, profit only exists in a world of scarcity.

What do you think?



" A desire to see people as enemies or prey doesn't exist to me."

That for me is the mindset required for global peace and prosperity.

Good work!

Maybe you're not mindful of the development of this species: We once lived outside without structures, dreaded wild creatures like tigers or bears, and sustenance was rare and never unsurprising. Be that as it may, that age is over at this point.


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Well said,humans are becoming too selfish to the extent of being selfish to d environmental needs at our own detriment

Made me laugh talking about living in woods and hiding from bears, now we have a McDonalds drive through! Good article.

Your writing is alike the rejection of the limbic system by the cerebral cortex, which I concord. (the deterministic scenario we discussed before)

It is much easier to criticize a system/society (money, hierarchy, government) than recognizing these stem from every human being 'evil' to some degree, a fault in society is a fault in man.
That as a participant in society, to exist in itself, we all shoulder blame.

Au contraire there has to be some inequality for consequences of actions to result in improvement of some condition -not only money, expansion of knowledge/emotional/social all linked.

This depends if you view moral absolutism/consequentialism/
skepticism as in most accordance with reality.

By definition there are limits to things when they are physical in space.

As for the society of lies, if the society is hierarchical (all at present at least broadly) isn't deception always going to exist? (example fiat and crypto -those thinking crypto as a saviour)- created ex nihilo. I will soon be making a theorizing post about a parallel subject.

The search for absolute truth (illusory due to subjective perception?) is required in all societies in all times, as a form of introspection; for to know yourself first is to progress into knowing others.

I sometimes think of truth as an exponential function, where y=difficulty of finding truth, x=progress over time, or perhaps the inverse is true?

Thanks @heretickitten

If humanity rallied behind a common vision of abundance and freedom, I'm sure the world could be a vastly different place.

Keep working, stop paying.

I feel inspired already 🤗

I hate that we have to spend so much of our resources and energy trying to make money.

I try to reassure myself that in a hundred years technological advances will force us to restructure society so that's no longer the case.

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