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in #philosophy7 years ago

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Description of the publication, moving towards providing both introducing and informative reception.  I want to most welcome your person, and your interests to this Publication.

Let me explain the situation for you, to assure you that if you are going to lose time by reading this, you will be most surely notified, and your perception of the Time will be glorified by the Greatest and Gentlest ways.  

Your Journey Begins Here...
I have no picture of how you, the Person of my dear reader, are enlightened, by the light of Existence.
My Work, You are reading now, is an Outcome of Numerous Events happened to Me. I am stumbled doubting about the right way of my Bearing as You, The reader, can be... Let me use a metaphor to avoid mis-touching.

The sun, raising up every Your morning, is giving you a Gift, of Life. And as you wake up, each morning, You become more and more strong, and metaphorically Hot. Some of us do Give all the light we are gifted, away, as a Gift to our closest. Some of us, do Keep the light of Life, and become brighter. But when we do have too much of this beautiful Light, nothing can be seen trough it, and we barely understand each other As one Dominates the Second. But yet, there is still nothing, disharmonious, in seeing our Closest in Our own Bright Light.

But same, as Light have colors, the gifts that Life gives Us, has their trails. I, I personally, I do see the Reason why I am writing. I have too much light falling to me in my Life, and I am most grateful for this, so I want to share this Happiness Same as Life is sharing it with Me.

You see that what I am writing about is Life, and You may Know, that we can speak about Light forever, never understanding it completely. But I think I've said too much of Light and now, this post deserves a bit of Darkness.

There is this Elder Dilemma: What is worse? A sweet Lie, or the Sad Truth. The Worst, is the feeling of finding out when the sad Truth hits you Unprepared.
The truth is, That some People think, that our time is the Most Undesirable, and though we are unable to know,  yet still some of Us feel sad, about our Fate. But I think the the opposite of light is much darker than light, and we've been enough in Darkness.

The Bright Side o Everything, is that we Are Facing the Unknown, and we Believe it can be Anything. More of it, it matters only upon ourselves, How this unknown will be shown Us. Every single moment, of Our life, The Life is speaking back to Us. And though we should be careful about It, though we will forever Fear It, we should be happy, that we are Those, Who Choose how it will Be. Now let us resonate back to shadows.

As the dark Opposite for me, taken by myself, from what I've said. I am a bright person, and I prefer Light. But I love darkness As I hope to understand the reason of it eventual appear, and Enjoy it as much as I will. This is my standing, and there are People who give themselves, to bring dark back to it's place, where it should be hated, but my position is Blind towards those one, as Bright one cannot see Another Shining. And I know I don't understand them as they do not understand me, But once again, I hope that one day, after something really powerful will happen to both of Us, we will redraw our positions in New Game.

The darkness I want to show you in the most bright Light, must be understood, or it will never fade back to bright. Now is not the time for sweet words, but instead take my word's seriously and face prepared the truth you are approaching. 

Dark side of Life, is not Evil. You can't say that Lions are evil only because they eat cute rabbits and zebras. Lions are Majestic. And the dark side is Majestic. It won't allow you to play with it like with a toy. But as soon as you understand the real reason, and take a bright step towards it, it will fade back to light, where you can enjoy and be happy about it.

But the problem goes like this, the bigger darkness is, the more light it requires. If to speak more correctly, the It takes same size of an event that caused it and some light intends over it.

Some people find sharing of wisdom as the bright events, and some as dark side of their lives. If you are like the second ones, just forget about it, and let me instead convince you by very Bright Idea of Our Future. But before, we have to visit the Present.

In our Times - Which is right now, this day, this month, this year, and slightly towards larger and larger numbers of time, we are Lost. We are in Fact Lost Civilization as I am convinced, that nobody, not even 1 man, women or child or earth and I am not going to speak about animals of course. Nobody knows and understands the situation going on Earth. Many can pretend that their actions take the major attention of Our Race, but such an evidences fall apart very shortly after their publication. Yet we know nothing, this is still a fact, and though I can't say that I know what situation's are going on Earth, and I have no Idea, how this will affect Life in Future or at least I can't be sure how exactly, I still know... In ...What situation we are existing now. I think that I don't have to remind you about the ecologic situations, production and concuration impacts on our Life.

When we are Born, it is like we stand on one side of A river, and want to get on the other side. Somewhere the flow is gentle, somewhere rough, but the important thing is to not forget that we are swimming to the other side, or we will loose our strength.

With the wisdom in my head, that reminds me that everyone is lost I see that it is the time to take situation in our hands, and understand it. Because when you are on the road you don't see the finish, but if you are really sure that you know You are walking down the right road, then you will get to the End one day.
Now let us raise back from this twinkling words, both bright and dark. We should go somewhere in this script where is nor the light nor the darkness. There is one place in time, that fits the description. It is the present moment. The bright Idea will help me to get in that certain place. We are very material, materialistic, social, individual, original, smart, patient, strong, joyful beings. There is a reason why we call ourselves Beings. Only we ourselves know who and where and when in time line we are.

Here it is. The place of nowhere. Should I go further and write down, more of my words, as I feel that I have so much to say, or should I give, You, my reader, The Break.

The truth is, that You decide. I decide to go on with writing, but if You feel like you've had enough let me just please you to stay here for one more paragraph, I think you will find it most suiting.

It is very important to always remember, that although our Life sometimes appears to be a Fairy Tale, it is still a material an reality based story. I know I can say so much yet I've picked one sentence I think will brighten up you a little bit more than others. You always begin with yourself. And this means, you should not forget about you material sides of yourself. If you want to make your life worthy, remember that the most interesting and colorful sides of our Life take in very high amounts of our Energy. Now, if you feel tired, why don't you just come back to this post later of your day time. Surely you will find a while, like when you read a Book.

So, Why it is that I play with your attention? Why do I keep writing? I have no answer for this questions, so I can only imagine. I suppose that the reason for this may be hidden in my desire, say everything I want to say, and have it somewhere I will be able to access it. In that case I should break my publication in capters, and maybe it would be better then to do It by One post, but I don't think I have intentions to go back to somethings.

The thing is, how to keep yourself motivated, to write on without loosing too much sense? I think this situation is called art crisis. The solution is to know when to stop, like with drinking. But I know what can help. Let me show you one more place which just came to my mind and which fit the description of being nor light nor dark.

Remember, when I talked dark and bright, and how I am a bright person? Well. Actually I am not, but don't be scared, I am not dark as well. Yin and Yang are from my understandings the Ancient way of describing how does what I call a fourth dimension appears. In that sense, from what I talked about earlier, human being is not bright, or dark, but it is a place where dark or bright events can happen. If you want interesting question, then I am curious about, is the idea of bad and good fundamental, or can we fill the space for this kind of valuing by any imaginary idea. More correctly said, is Good and Bad an Idea or are those Names for something fundamental and unavoidable.
Let me introduce you a new phenomenon: The fourth Dimension. For the beginning I want to add that actually the third dimensional space description is only an Idea, and more accurate is to say that we live in the one dimension of two dimension, where time is third dimension, and the consciousness as the way of interacting with pre-created reality is the fourth dimension. Space is something where the matter move's, but we don't know nothing about space as all our attention is captured by the Matter. However, I the fact of existence of An Antimatter suggest that there could be also Anti-Space and Anti-Movement, then it makes much more sense to think and imagine the way universe behaves. Our scientist should really step forward again in what we call physics but this is very difficult, because every new invention is simplified to previous inventions matrix, while human should rather learn to understand better anything, without recalculating to the standard model.

I have an evidence of Human brain calculating difficult reality movements which prove that computer invention is unnecessary. Sadly enough this evidence is available only to myself, same as the results of calculation are very hardly understandable by another Human Beings. Mainly because you really hardly can run on the brain of someone else something energy-expensive as reality calculations.

As I was speaking in previous post, the fourth dimension is the reality of all possible outcomes of a situation, and is existing in very huge energy degradation, such as supernova explode or the big bang. But, good for us, fourth dimension is also observable in relations between biological beings, because there it really get's heavy on various possibilities. So to simplify: Any event has a number of possible outcomes. Nothing is precise in reality. For example the death of an atom, can cause unpredictable effect or of course we don't understand the matter correctly enough to predict atom death.

But one thing is to talk about physic, where with the perfect perception of existence we can predict everything correctly, and the biological relations interrupting the deeper laws of universe pattern. When people talk about karma, or honor in the European tradition, or about the relation ship between conscious Beings and the world around them, I believe that there are some relation-ship patterns that can be followed, by some actions, under some special circumstances - this would explain how animals with very limited brain power can still socially respond to another living Beings. This means, that somehow, there are more powerful laws of Universe, which formed very early when almost nothing existed. I say word Form, not created, because in Universe nothing is really created. It is rather formed by circumstances. Of course we can only imagine what was far back then, but there are many hints which we see when we understand our own space reality.

Back to Earth. Few days ago, I've came up with an Idea. I can't say it is clearly My Idea, I actually received this Idea from my Life, but it is very powerful thought and If you wan't to, I can share it with You. Just let me think out some sort of a protection against those who would want to use it with wrong intentions. Haha. I'm joking. This Idea is really cool. I understood that to really change to world the way we like it, we should come with an Idea first. So, now I try to come up with an Idea, that will be bright from the beginning, to balance all the Ideas, that come because of a Dark Event - A problem. In other words when we spread the chaos, people fear, and stumble to act, while when we spread an Idea that has good intentions and will bring good to all, people share it and help. I think this is the way we are going to change our World.

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