in #philosophy7 years ago

Peta Aceh di tuangi kopi /Aceh map poured coffee

"Lam kupi na philosophy silatuurahmi sira poh cakra"
Roughly the meaning contained in the aceh proverb is a pilosofy drinking coffee together it is very useful to establish silaturrahmi while discussing or brainstorming.

Hence the name of one coffee shop in banda aceh given the name of philosophy so that the connoisseurs know the meaning of a philosophy to drink coffee.

The city of Banda Aceh lately is often also called the country of a thousand (1000) coffee stalls whereas once this city has a mecca serambi city.

History about would thus advance the Kingdom era of Sultan Iskandar Muda Negeri Aceh is very thick with Islamic Shari'a is nearly equal masyhurnya with Islamic Shari'a in Mecca so the royal guests and dignitaries tether name acehnese the porch mecca whose capital was in Banda Aceh and advance Called Kuta Raja (city kings)

Ba'ada earthquake and tsunami hit Aceh last year-end 2014 at which time it was very many migrants NGOs (non governmental organizations), representatives of the countries in the world and the United Nations to help Aceh, at the same coffee shop began to flourish in the capital of Aceh are Banda Aceh .

From then until 2017 in every nook and alleys of the town for sure we find a coffee shop both modern and traditional coupled with the availability of wifi internet access is free for visitors and an affordable price for students and unemployed youths so insured the every morning afternoon and night in every coffee shop .
Finally, many of the problems of life such as buying and selling, misunderstandings among friends, political, social to governmental positions of mutation matters discussed at the coffee shop.

Hopefully, the people of Aceh did not like beans forget the skin, where the original life of yore the problems of life in musyawarahkan in the mosque is not in a coffee shop .. Wallahualam

philosophy art

“lam kupi na philosophy silatuurahmi sira poh cakra”
kira-kira makna yang terkandung dalam pepatah aceh itu adalah pilosofy minum kopi bersama itu sangat berguna untuk menjalin silaturrahmi sambil diskusi atau tukar pikiran.

Makanya nama salah satu warung kopi di banda aceh diberi nama philosophy agar para penikmat kopi tau arti dari sebuah philosopi minum kopi.
Kota Banda Aceh belakangan ini sering juga di sebut negeri seribu (1000) warung kopi padahal dulunya kota ini bergelar kota serambi mekkah.

Sejarah kira-kiranya begini dahulu pada zaman Kerajaan Sultan Iskandar Muda Negeri Aceh sangat kental dengan Syariat Islam yang hamper sama Masyhurnya dengan Syariat Islam di Mekkah makanya para tamu kerajaan dan para tokoh terhormat menambatkan nama aceh itu serambi mekkah yang ibukotanya adalah di Banda Aceh dan dahulu di sebut Kuta Raja (kotanya para raja)

Ba’ada gempa dan Tsunami melanda aceh akhir tahun 2014 yang lalu dimana saat itu sangat banyak pendatang NGO ( organisasi non pemerintah), perwakilan Negara-negara di dunia dan PBB yang membantu Aceh, saat itu pula warung kopi mulai tumbuh subur di ibukota aceh yaitu Banda Aceh .

Sejak saat itu sampai tahun 2017 di setiap sudut dan lorong kota pasti kita temukan warung kopi baik modern maupun tradisional ditambah dengan tersedianya wifi akses internet gratis bagi pengunjung serta harga yang terjangkau bagi mahasiswa dan pemuda pengangguran jadi ramailah setiap pagi petang dan malam di setiap warung kopi.

Akhirnya banyak permasalahan kehidupan seperti jual beli, perselisihan faham sesama sahabat, politik, sosial kemasyarakatan hingga urusan mutasi jabatan pemerintahan di bahas di warung kopi.

Semoga saja masyarakat aceh tidak seperti kacang lupa kulitnya, dimana aslinya kehidupan dahulu kala itu permasalahan kehidupan di musyawarahkan di masjid bukan di warung kopi.. wallahualam



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nice story @ismi, best regard from coffee lover from Banda Aceh

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