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RE: Redeeming Christ: An Indispensable Introduction

in #philosophy8 years ago

What you're saying reminds me a lot of Charles Babbage's ninth Bridgewater Treatise. In chapters 4 and 5, he makes arguments reconciling the book of Genesis with the impossibility of Earth being 6000 years old.

It's hard to quote him because his sentences are usually very long, but that work of his is what pops in to my head when I read your post. Here's one quote that is relevant:

If, when speaking of the creation, instead of using the terms light and water, he had spoken of the former as a wave, and of the latter as the union of two invisible airs, he would assuredly have been perfectly unintelligible to his countrymen:—at the distance of above three thousand years his writings would just have begun to be comprehended; and possibly three thousand years hence those views may be as inapplicable to the then existing state of human knowledge as they would have been when the first chapter of Genesis was written.