Every person on Earth is you in a different dimension

in #philosophy7 years ago


What if every person on earth, whether you met them or not, is really you in different dimensions and that when your body dies and you get reincarnated you will be one of them, specifically the one you want to be!

In this life, you get to know, see, meet and feel all (according to your perspective) so you get the idea of the best character you want to be and it becomes a dream to you as you go on living and that's according to your very own experience. When you come back in another life/dimension, you become this character.

Remember, you can't meet or see anybody without knowing them subconsciously beforehand, because the brain cannot invent faces or characters!

To be more frank, all the universe exists only in your mind, and the universe/universes are nothing but unlimited dimensions and infinite possibilities.

It's like a movie, but you act in this movie. The movie is about you seeing and "living" with your endless other selves (The people in your life).

We could actually be one person and each lives in their own dimension and "you" live and interact with all these characters. The trick here is that you're deceived into thinking we all live in one dimension, one realm and one "life", but the truth could be that everyone lives in their own dimension, realm and "life" including you.

So, in simple terms and for example, in another parallel "realm" (if we think it's one realm), you are your neighbor and experience everything that happens to them and how you treat them . In return, in the same "realm" (if we think it's one realm), you are the other guy you're now, but the overall truth is that you're all one and each one of you experience their very own dimension/realm.


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It an interesting thought but hard to demonstrate or scientifically falsify. I would rather say that every single person on earth has a little of each other inside of them. Read this quote from Cloud Atlas expressing the idea:

To be is to be perceived, and so to know thyself is only possible through the eyes of the other. The nature of our immortal lives is in the consequences of our words and deeds, that go on and are pushing themselves throughout all time.

Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others, past and present, and by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future.”

If we were all the same person, all chess games would end in a tie. There is no one on in this universe exactly like me, or any of you for that matter. They can try to imitate to the best of their abilities, but at the end of the day we all have unique experiences. There isn't a chance I'd be reincarnated as anyone else. First of all, if I had been reincarnated, I'd have some previous consciousness trying to control me. Believe what you want, good luck proving it.

Great thoughts, this kinda reminds me of a Grant Morrison speech where he talks about time as an entity and how we are all just centipede like things moving through time that can be traced back to a single point,
-crazy, just makes you think haha , anyways great post im going to follow you :)

Yes! All possible realities exist and we just experience the ones that on some level we chose to. If you laid each snapshot out next to each other, we experience time as moving down a straight line through one current in order to create a story like a movie. When we dream we kind of float around and experience realities without as much restriction although usually within our vicinity (so that we experience as the same identity that we do in waking life). I imagine when we die it would resemble that and that we could choose to live any one of infinite versions of whatever life we choose.

I hope to see more on steemit who want to talk about these topics.

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