Let things fix themselves? Everything auto-corrects? No, people make things change.

in #philosophy6 years ago (edited)

Engaging in certain actions or behaviors will produce a certain result. Problems are present and are created by certain actions or behavior. If the resulting problem is to be corrected, behavior needs to change. Causes lead to effects or producing certain results. Some causes can be changed to produce different effects or results.

Some people don't want to change. They will just keep doing what they want no matter how it affects others or the general operations of a community. To produce change in human society, the causes of undesirable effects need to change. Causes and effects aren't self-correcting. A change of input into a system of interaction is required. It doesn't work when no one engages in applying different actions or behaviors.

What people are doing doesn't self-correct without them changing what they're doing. To change what some people are doing, they need to change what they're doing. They can either change on their own, by realizing they need to change what they're doing. They need to desire or want to change, to care to change.

People can also be made to change by others applying their own causal force to produce effects as consequences onto those who don't want to change by their own accord as "self-correct" in isolation. You see, we are all in a "web" of interaction and interconnection, since we live in a common system of living, on a common space called Earth.

Nothing people do is in true isolation, as a man on an island perse. The causal force produces effects that affect others in most cases. When others are affected, they too can causally produce effects as a respond to what others are doing. Cause and effect is a reciprocal interchange, which is what "karma" is called, reaping and sowing.

Reciprocal means back (reces) + forward (procus), alternating, returning the same way. It's not only returning mutually beneficial acts, but anything. If someone punches you, you can reciprocate that back to them.

When someone acts in reality, a causal force is output through action, and that causal action produces effects. Cause and effect. Think of pushing a rock. Desire to push the rock. Push the rock. Then the rock gets pushed.

Made by @krnel

This is not an auto-correcting mechanism unless an other causal force changes things. In human interchanges, humans act and produce certain effects. If something wrong is happening, if there is a problem, people need to act on that to change it. Speaking is an active causal force to influence change. So too are actions and behaviors an active causal force to produce change.

Things don't just fix themselves unless someone who is doing something that produces negative consequence will be affected negatively as a result of their own actions. They won't auto-correct themselves unless they feel the need to, unless something motivates a desire or care to change their behavior. Consequences to their actions will produce a desire to change in many cases.

Consequences can be felt by someone's own causal actions that produce effects upon themselves that they are affected by and don't want. Or, consequences can be applied by others who are affected by someone's causal effects. One person acts, produces effects, which affect others (consequence-1). Those affected can then act to produce effects in return, which then affects the first (consequence-2).

This is cause and effect interchanging and going back and forth, it's reciprocity, it's "karma". This is how things can be fixed and corrected. Someone who doesn't feel the need to change their behavior because they don't produce negative effects upon themselves, can have negative effects produced upon them by others (consequence-2) who do have negative effects produced on them by that person's actions (consequence-1).

Here is an example. The enslavement of others. One person, or a group, decide to enslave another or a group of others. Do you think that will auto-correct and fix itself if no one acts to change it? No. It won't. And it wouldn't have, if no one acted to produce causal effects against enslavers. Things don't just "runt heir course" and auto-correct. That's fallacious thinking.

Hey slavery, let's let you run your course, let's not become abolitionists to end slavery! Or stop buying products from slavers... Nah... it's not the right time until it is, at some point, when it magically happens on its own without people making it happen... right. Don't stop supporting them by removing your support and not buying their products, and don't physically stop them from doing slavery either. That would be using morally lawful justified necessary due force to stop unjust and undue violence, and we can't have that moral law operating to stop immorality, can we? It's not like things change for the better that way...

The market too, with people buying and selling... no interchanging behavior their for people to keep buying into BS or let it blow up and fail... it all "just happens" and "self-corrects", right? No.

In a market, people are interchanging behaviors. If you don't want a company to produce something that is harmful, stop buying it. Stop supporting it. They won't make money. And even if others don't care about the negative consequences being applied to others or everyone and still want to buy something that is producing negative consequences, others can apply force, friction, pressure and interference to make something stop.

There is a way things "self-correct" and "fix themselves", when people are dead and nothing is done. If we kill ourselves by our own stupidity and greed, then things will kind of "self-correct", "auto-correct" or "fix themselves", but not ideally. The problem stopped being produced because no one into left to create that problem into existence. That's an awesome solution. Let's do that! That's proactive and responsible behavior, right?

We can just let things go to shit, and get worse, and then maybe at some point when we start to feel the negative consequences to our own survival or existence, then maybe things will change... LOL.

On Steem, there are problems too. People can remove their support from individuals or from the platform or token as a whole. It doesn't "self-correct" of "fix itself" without people acting to do something to apply pressure, friction, interferences or consequences. If a problem was affecting people and they chose to act in consequence to apply their own consequences, then that would be people engaging in causal effects to make things change.

If Steem tanks because people withdraw their support due to a problem that isn't being fixed, then that's how causality is being applied to bring corrections. People are acting.

We can all act to address problems in life. Some are implicit addressing the problem through removal of support, only physical actions are executed, without addressing the problem directly where no other information is communicated. And some are explicitly addressing the problem by outputting information about a problem in order to influence change at a larger scale. One is verbally silent, but produces causal effects, and the other is verbally expressive to produce causal effects.

Little changes on it's own apart from natural forces that don't require human input. The weather changed before any human existed. But in the human world we've created, in societies, in communities, in interactions with others, it's always people that change themselves or get others to change.

Thank you for your time and attention. Peace.

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Exactly. You can't expect a different result if you keep doing the same thing. That's what insanity is.

The worst part is, we expect others to bring change when instead it's us who lack initiative and the will to make a difference. Kinda like how we blame the society for everything wrong (for which I recently made a post about and would love if you could check it out here).

Great post @krnel! Looking forward to the next one :)

Yes, we are society, but even when we change individually, there is still the rest of individuals in society that need to as well :/

Well, as I said in my blog, you can become the role-model you're waiting to see.
Thanks for the upvote btw :) Appreciate it.

Nothing is automatic, and everything has an driving force. Change is vital because change is expansion but change should be productive and which brings goodness. Full of technological change with huge buildings but people are not happy and hate is spread everywhere, this is not an change, in a way it's an negative change.

Changing is core and our every moment is change means, if we are moving from one place to another so here we are changing the places and every place effects us in an different way. So, change can bring the new opportunities and opens new vision in our life and change is for exploration and not for fear.

If somebody sitting idol and thinking that change will come then they are for sure living in an illusionary world. Change is action, and we have to put efforts to change something and without any effort it's difficult to achieve the change which you want.

Many Steemians want to see change but many don't have the answer How, so expecting change is not solution, inputs for how to change is solution. It's easy to question but to act on loop holes, next person have to put lot of efforts and change is two way process means, it's combination of thoughts and efforts.

Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day. Stay blessed. 🙂

A lot of change is not in doing something else, but in not doing what we already do. Some things just need to stop, not expect something else to takes it's place.

Yes, we are doing which should not done, so that doings should stopped for those change which you are expecting. 🙂

People do make change happen and more folks need to be proactive. With all the countless causes out there, one must asses and know where they will be most effective in producing change. I have learned in working for change, when a city council is hell bent on doing something, no amount of people can sway them. Sad. One must have wisdom to know how to maneuver change either by being 1) in their face proactive or 2) subtle and under the radar innuendos to sway minds. Both strategies work. But knowing which to use is key. Healing an open sore is not always cured by rubbing it. Knowing when you can help and when you should wait and let someone more gifted speak up is wisdom at work for change. Thanks @krnel.

City councils would work better if people would create contracts for each dollar they are taxed for, and nothing could be done with their money unless they approved of it with a contract for a service.

Bill has a field of corn. Bill is a farmer.
Bill lives in a town of 54,398 people.
2305 of those people are not eating well.
Is Bill starving his 2300 and five neighbors?
What if Bill’s neighbors applied some causal
force? This, in order to get Bill to share his
crops with them? Maybe they get a police
officer to commandeer Bill’s crops so that
everyone can eat. That’s fair right? I mean
Bill should not be able to starve his neigh-
bor’s right? Or was bill responsible for
feeding them in the first place? Should Bill
be allowed to sell and profit from his corn
if his neighbors could eat the corn for free?

Why can't anyone else grow food to feed themselves? Bill isn't starving anyone necessarily, unless he unjustly owns all land that was never his right to claim and prevents others from being able to live free and survive. Land ownership is a big problem, where no one is able to live free because a long chain of actions has led to some people claiming land as their and selling it, while everyone one comes into existence and can't claim land to use themselves for their own existence. All of civilization is built on unjust foundations that result in our current situation where we are enslaved to a false system.

It's not a perfect system that's for sure. Despite the illusions
of man, in the end the land owns us. Yet, while we are alive
people tend to like to have exclusive dominion over property
that they are all too willing to pay for, even if it's just to rent.

You have a minor grammatical mistake in the following sentence:

it's not the right time until it is, at some point, when it magically happens on it's own without people making it happen.
It should be its own instead of it's own.

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