Personal Message to all Luke-Warm Christians.

in #philosophy8 years ago

The very rulers, authorities, ". . .powers of this dark world and (against the) spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms (Ephesians 6:12)" TREMBLE at hearing the name of the Almighty God, simply because they have seen how great he is. I imagine the fear being exponentially greater than the fear i get from laying on my back at night looking at the clear sky because of how great and far space is.
Truly If we are with God we have nothing to fear, but then I worried and thought to myself. Dang If im not with God then I am weak and vulnerable. I began to worry about not having God with me, and then was warmly comforted. "Don't worry if you aren't with Me, because I am always with you" Even when we are not connected with God, Hes always beside us. We are never truly alone, Even when we lose ourselves away from the herd, Away from our Shepherd. Its not the Shepherd that's lost his sheep, He knows where His sheep is the entire time, Its the sheep that's lost his Shepherd. We look and look for Him but ARE BLIND. So BLIND that we can't see Him right in front of us, beside us, all around us, and sometimes even carrying us. How great is his love and faithfulness, always loyal to protect us. Nothing can separate us from Him, Not Even WE CAN!!! Only He can, and will, to those who chose that they truly want God out of their life. We cant do it, so he will do It for us.
Picture yourself on a bed. Old, tired, in turmoil . Your bodies so torn down, so broken that you should have been dead a long time ago. Whats keeping you alive is life support, Jesus. Which is the man standing next to you, trying to get you to see that the state of your painful sorrow heart, and broken dyingbody Is because of your decision to be away from God. Away from The Caregiver and instead chose to be in your own hands, your own Caregiver, you cant fully be your own Caregiver (God) unless you disconnect from that Life support. You are too weak to move, So Jesus must disconnect His Life giving self from you. Gods eyes filled with tears as he remembers the very first warning about Sin, It brings death. Warning after warning, chance after chance. God wasn't going to let you go that easy. He let us choose what we wanted BUT walked with us throughout it all. In his word we find a guide, a manual, and thorough explanation to the results and reality of this decision. After 1000's of years of having God point out the consequences and ask you "Are you sure?" Are you still going to chose, well.....You? Whatever you choose God loves you so much that He will respect your decision, even if it is too..pull the plug.
He does not force His love on us, but gives us freewill, because its a relationship. Neither side controls the other in the slightest, Its all wholeheartedly each sides decision to do whatever they chose, for or against that relationship. To love or not to love. WAKE UP CHRISTIANS! Let your eyes be open to the result of rejecting your loving Creator, and realize Its not what you want!! Delusion to see a life without God as a happy, peaceful, and enjoyable life! How do I know? We have been living in such a life for the past millenniums, and you know who have been the only truly happy people? The ones who chose to Have God in their Lives!!!! True Christians!
The true lights of the world, Salt of the Earth!! But what do we see now? Lights covered by school, money, relationships, selfish ambitions, lust, lethargy? Why are these lights without passion?? Why are these lights without luminescence? If these are lights, why are people still running into doors and buildings as if they cannot see? Cant see anything, except for a path that leads to self indulgence and that which is temporary. Do you not see the disguise you place on??? The Father of Lies lying-prowess has strengthened from constant active commission while some of Gods people sleep away their muscles tone, shrivel up their warrior strength as if we were no longer in battleground, as if we were...what home?!?!? Hear your thoughts carefully, read your emotions truly for Satan has us believing lies we tell ourselves. Dishonesty to even our own selves. Look in the mirror, is that you? Or is that a costume. Unsure what a costume looks like? Pray, God has told us what a true christian looks like. You know a tree by its fruits. The Holy Spirit plants seeds that transform the people who let God grow this tree. Trees that give off fruits of the spirit.
But everyone knows, deep inside everyone knows what they want and are choosing. How great and redundant is Gods message of REPENTANCE!! I, as many others, have things I do not want to let go. If I hold onto even just one treasured sin, Then I am saying No to God and Yes to myself and Satan. Lukewarm Christians, dangerous territory because its the enemies territory. Only serve one master. Stop thinking you can be Christians and right with God but yet refuse to let God take those crimsons stains, simply because you love those stains more. ITS ALL IN or ALL OUT. Jesus talks many times about this!
"Jesus replied, "No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God." - Luke 9:62
"I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other!" - Revelations 3:15
"Jesus called them, and immediately they left the boat and their father and followed him." Mathew 4:22
-And you know what happened right after this?!?-
"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them." Matthew 4:23
They went out and spread the news, brought the sick, depressed, possessed, the hurt, broken, the weak, brought them to Jesus. News all over Syria, they had no cars or internet...If you step outside the comfort zones, you'll discover that there are people dying, people with absolutely nothing. People who have been raised in nothing but evil and sin so they know nothing else. People who have nothing but pain, pain not treated by anyone even their families because no one knows how to love someone other than themselves. They haven't had a single person come up to them and show them what love is/Who God is. They haven't had a real true friend. They are hurting and they want help, God has heard their cries.......but who will say Here i am LORD send ME.
Salt that has lost its flavor is useless, will be thrown out. Lots wife had her hand on the plow, but she looked back, as we do, and become what many of us are now. Pillars of flavorless salt.
"You are the salt of the earth. But what good is salt if it has lost its flavor? Can you make it salty again? It will be thrown out and trampled underfoot as worthless." -Matthew 5:13
The message is still the same, Repent
"From that time on Jesus began to preach, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”" Matthew 4:17
God will never give up on you, never leave you. He loves you too much to just let you continue suffering, He pleads to come to him so that you can receive rest, peace, and comfort and so much more.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." - Matthew 11:28
"Look! I stand at the door and knock. If you hear my voice and open the door, I will come in, and we will share a meal together as friends." - Revelations 3:20
He wont give up on you, and remember he will never leave you.
"And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:20.

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