History Is Written By The WinnerssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #philosophy8 years ago

A while ago a friend of mine introduced me to the idea that history is always written by the winners. And it's true. When a nation or society  is wiped out or silenced through war, the winners will be the ones who decide what goes into the history books. 

I think it's interesting that as children and young adults, whatever we have been taught or read of history, we assume it to be true. There's no questioning it because it comes from our Gods (authority figures).

But history is always written by the winners. 

In the face of this fact we have to question all of what we think we know about our history. I know that as a child I was given an extremely narrow account of history. The books left out the horrendous war crimes that England have committed and still commit to this day.

Their account of what happened when they invaded North America and took the land from the natives is shockingly warped. If anybody does some independent research on what happened to those people, then they will come to the same conclusion. Unfortunately, however, many people just aren't ready to question long held beliefs, and they ignore the information.

Think about it for a second. When a government wins a war or commits crimes,  is it in their interest to be truthful about everything that they've done? I think not. I think that government will write the history books  to create a particular image. An image that portrays themselves as valiant and peaceful – as the good guys. 

As intelligent, rational, and independent thinkers we have to question what we have been taught and why we have been taught it. Is their account of history complete? If not what have they omitted and why? Do they stand to gain by having us believe what their books say? What could their agenda be? 

I know for sure that the good guys don't always win the wars. 

I choose to question everything because governments aren't serving the interests of the people. I choose not to  take at face value what I am told by government or any other perceived authority figure because I don't believe in authority. It's an indoctrinated belief system.

We are our own authority and we are more powerful than any government. We can't buy into the fictions they are selling us – political, economic, legal, or historical. Taking our power back starts with questioning everything while exercising sound, honest, and objective reasoning.

Thanks for reading. You can check out my website at www.liamobtv.com.

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