The Unexpected Way
As our responsibilities increase, so do our desires to stay busy with action we think will accomplish our goals. This is logical and expected, but there’s also a more mystical reality I’ve seen manifest again and again. It tweaks with my linear, masculine, left-brain thinking. It’s serendipitous, unplanned, unexpected, and gift-like. Things we previously judged as important can become irrelevant and solutions we never could have planned present themselves in fascinating ways.
How does this magic happen?
I don’t know. If I did, it probably wouldn’t be described as magic. What I can do is look for the patterns. The feel of it connects to letting go and letting be. Enjoying all moments as they come and consciously spending time reflecting on the bigger, important issues we’re drawn to which others don’t prioritize. The busyness of life can be a trap to keep us feeling accomplished as we check off our lists, but still missing the larger things we are meant to contribute to. Few feel they have the luxury of sitting in contemplation due to lack of time or energy. If we’re in flow, I’m beginning to realize, this really is just a feeling, nothing more. We do have time. We have this moment right now for a deep breath.
Time is something we created to understand the now. Now belongs to us, not the expectations we create.
So yes, there’s plenty of “work” to “do”, and I will continue to play that game as I am meant to, but I’m also giving myself permission to simply be. To think. To ponder. To let the curves of life surprise me as they will and relish in the truth that things will turn out better than I can imagine if I continue to follow the path set before me.
It’s all a mandala... destined to be scattered to the winds. What was, is and will always be.
Agreed. :)
@lukestokes, In my opinion our life surrounds around the reality of Dualism and by that i mean, we are living in a flow which is flowing in a way of Circularity, sometimes we live in busy life of Materialism and there will be a moment when Spiritual Circle will going to make all other aspects Irrelevant. Stay blessed.
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Thanks for the insight and sharing. Sometimes I get caught up or hindered by the spiritual guru sounding words. I think others do also. It's almost like technical jargon that non-technical people get frustrated by. I don't quite know what some of the words mean in a strictly logical language sense of meaning... but I'm open to feeling them out.
In my opinion beauty of life is, Truth is one but we pursue it through diversified ways and that's why Life Is A Circle. One path can be found as Complicated but other one resonates more effectively because at the end of the day it's a Individual Journey. Stay blessed.
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