Live or Dead(A MUST READ)

in #philosophy7 years ago


I know an eerie odd and strange topic But can anyone of you tell me the meaning of this topic or what you can understand by it The meaning of this topic is to live your life in its fullest cliché right everyone tells us to have no regrets in our life but do we even live our life to its max Sadly many people die thousands of lile death before they finally make it official. The goal of so many people is just to survive if you had one shot or one opportunity to seize everything you ever wanted In that one moment would you capture it or would you let it slip?. It all depends on what u chose ‘‘ALL THAT WE ARE IS THE RESULT OF WHAT WE THOUGHT THE MIND IS EVERYTHNG WHAT WE THINK WE BECOME’’ Now the queson arises how do people actually die without officially dying An odd but important one so according to me here are some points how people actually just give up their lives. They just give up and if u happen to meet these kinds of people you will feel that they might have a soul but they have no aachments to their emoon their ego and what not Anyways without further deferral I’ll discuss these points with you

  1. Believing the Naysayers 2. Being Happy Later 3. Chronically Complaining 4. Not Valuing Time 5. Living in Fear 6. Failing to Take Personal Responsibility
  2. believing the naysayers ‘‘Someone’s opinion of you does not have to be your reality.” –Les Brown Haters, Dream Stealers, Naysayers—it doesn’t maer what we choose to call them, their deadly effect is sll the same. What if you would had le your passion just because ur family members thought that it was Here’s the truth of the maer: Advice from anyone (yes, including our loved ones) that would drive us in the opposite direcon of our dreams isn’t “well-meaning,” it’s dangerous. Your dreams are here for a reason. They are your life blood. They don’t belong to your parents or to anyone—they belong to you. If nothing else, please believe this: Trying to silence that persistent voice inside of all of us that is nudging us to go aer our best lives, will not work. It will never work 2. being happy later ‘‘Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something you design for the present.” –Jim Rohn
    Few things are more effecve at slowly sucking away our life force than making the devastang choice to delay our happiness. Unfortunately, many people make this choice on a daily basis. Chasing happiness outside of ourselves is like eang coon candy for energy. Sure, it might make us feel energized or happy temporarily, but it will never nourish us as deeply or for as long as we thought it would. So, we keep chasing happiness, and if so, just like stuffing our faces with coon candy for a temporary high, we’ll keep slowing dying in the process. There is a much beer way. We can reject the fairy tale of being “happy later,” and make the life-affirming choice to be happy now. It may not always be easy, but the effort will always be more than worth it. True, long-lasng happiness will never be found outside of ourselves. That’s because real happiness is, and always will be, an inside job. ‘‘The best day of your life is the one on which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. The gift of life is yours. It’s an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it.” –Dan Zadra 6. FAILING TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY The most important point of all, and quite possibly the hardest one to master, has been le for last. There is lile to no hope of avoiding a slow death at the hands of the previous 6 points above if you fail to master this one. We can all agree that none of our lives are flawless, right? I’m confident that in less than 5 minutes, we could all list at least 20 issues that we would like to improve, change, or remove from our daily lives–I know that I could. Truthfully, that’s okay. What’s not okay though, is choosing to make excuses or blame others for why those issues are in our lives in the first place. Doing so is basically stang that those things and/or other people have power over the quality of our lives. Simply put, we’re either giving our power away by making excuses, or we’re keeping our power by stang confidently that we are in full control of our lives. One opon is life-affirming. However, the other opon will kill our lives and our dreams faster than we have ever imagined. Accepng 100% responsibility for the awesomeness (or lack of it) in our lives is what true heroes do every single day. We may not be able to control the events in our lives, but we can always choose our response. Just like Andy Dufresne said so brilliantly in the epic movie, The Shawshank Redempon, we can either :

“Get busy living or get busy dying.”

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