10 Philiosophy Questions To Get You Thinking (Plus SBD to be won)

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

Day 2 (7 Day Topic Challenge- Philosophy)

Day 1- Well being

Apologies, I did want to keep this challenge flowing in a 7 day period, but sadly work got in the way and I am a day late.


Today I will be giving about 50% of SBD from this post, so please do resteem, upvote, whichever, as it could be you with the winning SBD.

So, what do you have to do to win some dosh?

Below are 10 Philosophical questions. I will pick out one debate from one of the questions, which I feel is the most interesting. Again, I will find an official judicature! 

To enter, please upvote, resteem and tag #topicchallenge

Good luck!

The 10 questions

  1. Does God exist?
  2. Is art an object or a style?
  3. Is there an afterlife?
  4. Who decides right and wrong?
  5. Who has authority over being?
  6. Are we real?
  7. Can you predict the future?
  8. Can you change the future?
  9. What is the meaning of life?
  10. Do aliens exist?

That's all folks. Spread the word, and lets gets some thought provoking discussions going.



Does God Exist

This topic has been agrued all over the world for countless of years.many people have their beliefs and way they reason and they strictly abide to their beliefs. Let's look at some of these people.
1)what philosophers think:
The existence of God is a major subject. Aristotle and patio have argued the existence of God. People like Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descartes, Immanuel Kent, John Calvin have argued over the existence of God. With what results? Philosophers have not been able to conclude if God really exist so they just keep on arguing and arguing but most of them don't believe in God. What about scientists? check the next point

2)what about scientists:
Scientists follow the scientific method. They really don't have any answer concerning the subject about the existence of God. They strongly abide to their research and are now saying that there is nothing like God because of the evolutionnal result which they have made. Scientists also sometimes feel that God exists when they see some supernatural things which sometimes occur. What about atheist?

3)what about Atheist :
Atheist don't believe in God at all. They view it as a foolish idea that God exist. These people are confident that there is nothing like God. They have some concrete evidence to proof what they believe.

4)christians :
These sets of people believe in God and are confident that he exist they strictly abide to the counsel found in the Bible. Christians attribute the good things that happen to them to God saying that he really exists and have been preforming miracles.

5)what do I believe:I strongly believe in the existence of God because I have seen his hand work in my life. I cannot force others to start believing he really exists. Every body has their own points of view concerning this matter but as for me I know he's exist. So therefore we can say God exists if we are Christians but for those who don't believe in God just wait and see that one day God will act on your behalf. Thanks @topicchallenge

Very interesting thoughts from different perspectives. The theory of 'God' being relative to different belief systems makes God exist in different scenarios and description.

Things that make you go hmmmmm

Outstanding post and narrative. Thank you for sharing!

I will take a shot at the first one. Since the question regards God as a capital G entity it leads me to believe that the term is referencing a noun or basically a construct. In the literal sense I would say that God is as real as you or I. These concepts are all thought constructs that we ascribe to our understanding of an idea of something, so in the same way anything else does or doesn't exist, God would also exist as a construct of consciousness. If that construct draws images of an old man in the sky casting judgment over all that is, I would then say that the person with that construct is drawing from a sense of self that I don't really resonate with as I tend to believe we are all reflections of the god consciousness, or higher self, and in essence we are all God as much as anything else is God.

Very interesting thought. If god is our authority, then he exists...as a consensus of thought.

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