Escaping the New Age Cage- An Important Message for All Spiritual Beings

in #philosophy7 years ago (edited)

While I could say that the words have eluded me, the truth is that I’ve long dreaded writing them down, but now it seems that I must. It is time that I share a warning about the New Age movement.

Some will probably become offended, while others may shake their heads in pity as I rant, but one or two may hear me, and a few might listen. I only know that I have a responsibility in this world to share what I know, and now I know only that this can wait no longer.

So that this epiphany of mine can be shared effectively at this time, I will give a short account of how it came to me.


My Desk: An Ancient Artifact?

It started for me a while back when a friend was visiting and suggested that my stone desk could have been part of some gigantic structure in the distant past, and that our world is littered with these clues to our possible origins.

I could see what he meant, and I didn’t doubt it as I had seen many of those clues myself, but my friend’s voice shook as he continued. He’d heard that these ancient builders were due to return to our world soon, and that catastrophe awaited us in the near future. Doom.
Furthermore, he quivered, these ancient beings are spiritually advanced, and they will have little tolerance for anyone who is not evolved to a sufficient and acceptable level, and without such credentials our potential saviors would see no need to save us from the doom.

That Old Familiar Tale

This was a familiar story, I thought, and I wondered if he was describing a new fear-based religion, where participants would be challenged to a game, as certain 'soul points' had to be earned before the spiritually-evolved bouncers at the door of the afterlife party would consider letting them in.

I knew about these types of religions because I’d fallen for them before myself; the New Age, or ‘Cage’ religions. Just like the old age religions, the New Age religion often holds up a kind of spiritual enlightenment as the ultimate goal in life, while then presenting a nearly impossible regiment for attaining it, whether it be enough hours of meditation or the right chant with each ritual, desperately attempting to communicate with our higher selves, and beyond, if only we are worthy.

Astral Projection

I remembered a time when I had rather weakly attempted to learn astral projection so that I could practice dying, but gave up when I didn’t get immediate results. I decided that I just wasn’t spiritual enough to leave the confines of my physical form at will, and that no matter how I focused outward, my soul-body was staying in.

The Merkaba

I didn’t try astral projection any more, but after a while I bought a book that was full of the right sacred geometries and symbols, and this book was going to show it’s readers how to make a merkaba, which was a pair of interlocking, spinning tetrahedrons that surrounds our bodies-- little disaster pods so that we would survive the doom. The book really did have it all, too:

  • We are spiritual beings having a physical experience in a geometric matrix.

  • With the right training, devotion, and will power, we can escape our goemetric form at will.

  • Doom. You’d better hurry, because the world is ending soon, very soon.

I wondered how many of my friends would fail to make their merkabas in time, and I thought how lonely it would be floating around by myself over the charred remains of the world. There was no need to envision such a scene though, because the level of commitment that it would apparently take to make a merkaba was something that I knew I would not be going through either. This made me think.

Could we really be more spiritual, when we are already spiritual beings?

I was a spiritual being who had been programmed to believe that I was deficient in spirituality, and that I was always just short of enlightenment and salvation.

It Hit Me

I was tempted to blame the author of the merkaba book for making such a cage for me to flop around in, but I realized that I had actually created the cage myself! Even as I knew that I was the creative force at work in my own world, I was trying to assign that creation to an outer force, instead of being responsible for it by admitting that I had made the mental cage, using my own imagination.

I’m My Own ‘Higher Self’

This was when I remembered that I was making my world, and that I was still the most potent being in that world. I wouldn’t have to wait for my higher self to come down and tap me on the shoulder when I was ready, because THIS IS IT. There’s no ‘getting spiritual’ for beings like us. We are there already!

Being the force of creation, the intelligent source of all life which finds it’s way into the physical world in the form of consciousness, we soak in our creation, and then beg to be pulled out of it, either with the guidance of our ever-so-shy higher selves, or from some advanced race that might find the grace to show us a way to that supposed higher existence. The truth is, that we are consciousness, and it doesn’t get any higher than that.

Winter Isn’t Here

Now the air is filled again with rumors of a coming winter, but from the compost I’ve found a berry in which to dip my pen, and the food is plentiful as I write. The nights have been noticeably cooler, but it’s daylight right now, and I no longer mix the two. I see what’s going on now, and this is it.

Now is the time to write about all of this because the external programming is still underway, depriving us of our power by assigning it elsewhere, so that we wouldn't notice ourselves beaming with pure creative vigor. Now we hear stories of races of blue birds who are coming to save us all if we are good, and before that it was a galactic brotherhood of saints who would decide if we were worthy. Please don't take it the wrong way, but I think that you and I are the most powerful beings that exist, and as we live as such, we will manifest such.

This is the time for me to write this because this is the moment of them all, and as for those who are disappointed with themselves for not being spiritual enough in the past, they can rejoice now; we are all infinity, and that includes everything. That same infinity can only express itself through one conduit in order to flow into the world, and that is us, right now.

image above is watercolor and ink on watercolor canvas, by me



Haha I'm guilty of trying astral projection myself haha! I think we all have that phase. No? Just us then haha!

we soak in our creation, and then beg to be pulled out of it

That's the fallacy, isn't it? We try to be in the moment, yet we mull the past and look forward to the future. Are humans destined to just repeat this sort of cycle? I would think if we get over the hump, enlightenment will come... by not seeking enlightenment, that is.

I learned a lot about that pull into the future and the past by ego-- the moment that I was able to be for more than a few seconds at a time, all kinds of epiphanies and realizations came to me, and I realized the traps of trying to attain a higher level of awareness when this existence was suddenly and obviously the whole point. This. This is it!

New age sounds like old age 😝

yep, same old program recycled again.

The power of belief is bizarre. New agers can be the hardest to talk to, because it's a combination of blind faith and often a smug sense of superiority - the idea that others "don't get it" because they're just fools falling for society's tricks.

The New Age does sport it's share of holier-than-thou egos, but maybe it's a good way to learn that we all need each other in the world now, and that those pedestals are in our way.

Sounds like old age religions also. You could remove the term "New agers" and enter Christian, Muslim, Islamist, or buddhist, or any religion, and your statement would hold true.

Immortal living spirits having a physical/earthly experience, sounds very much like your conclusion :)

I'm back! Whew, that was a jam packed trip. And the experience exceeded my daughter's expectations, how great is that? Coolest cast in history, these guys are so far from Hollywood Baal worshipers it's actually difficult to imagine any of them at a red carpet event. They film everything in Vancouver and those that don't live in Canada, seem to live in Texas, ha! They are a big family and they make the fans feel a part of it, and now it makes complete sense they've lasted thirteen years. I generally hate things of this nature because I'm too sensitive, feeling the emotions and vibe...hard to put in words, but if there's something off or dark and superficial about the atmosphere or people- I am saturated by it. I've been to a couple of conventions where I thought I might have a panic attack I was so overwhelmed by the 'wrongness' of it, and couldn't wait to go home. But there...I didn't feel any different then if I were in familiar surroundings which pretty much says it all for me. Or for them. The best way to put it is the way I started this comment- the cast, the vendors, the fans, several thousand immortal living spirits having a grand physical experience, no 'robots' passing themselves off. I have this lingering feeling like I just came from a 'love can change the world' hippie fest despite it being held in a modern, gargantuan building :)

I have a lot to catch up with, and lots to sort through and turn into posts, but I am fully here again- missed you! :)

Oh I'm glad you're back, I've missed you too, and I'm happy to hear that you met some Earthlings out there-- I knew they must exist! Things are changing out there, quickly. Even my daughter is noticing, and she just got here.

Now, have those actors aged in the 13 years of the show? Just curious. ;)

I think you got the conclusion right for the article, and here I was also throwing in and stressing the idea that the whole point is this here, and we don't have to try to ascend or any of that carrot on a stick stuff. This is it!

Ha, yes they have indeed aged. The two main guys look like babies when you go back to the first season, being in their early twenties, now they look like men. Still handsome...actually, they were very cute to begin with and now they're handsome :) The most recurring female character, Kim Rhodes, hilarious chic--she was asked about her hair and said, "Well, I was thinking what would be the best color to express a big fuck you to the shallow Hollywood stereotype and it hit me- Grey! Let the shit go grey!" hahaha! And her sidekick female co star is a beautiful woman, who is alll woman. She's got some serious thighs and bum, and expressed that a part in Supernatural where she could be proudly bigger boned was a dream job, because she sure the fuck wasn't giving up on her love-food. LOL And yes, the swearing was all them. They swear a lot, which is hilarious since it's a prime time show so there's not much swearing in it.

At the Saturday night special, which features their own homegrown band Louden Swain, (the lead singer being a member of the cast, the rest of the band simply friends of people on the show), most of the cast was backstage getting shitfaced, and one of the guys stumbled on stage with a beer then had an "Oops" moment before shouting "You guys don't mind, right?" When he was assured quite loudly that we didn't, he proceeded to dance down the aisles and pull people out with him. Needless to say, the security was not very tight and didn't need to be.

I was definitely in the moment these few days, not thinking about a bigger picture, just enjoying the picture I was a part of. No matter what there might be after this, the fact that we can't possibly know supports your conclusion. I've recently been thinking of it in terms of a very elaborate story based live action video game, one that we chose to play, and one of the features is that we have no past or future, in big and small ways. And if that's the case, then eat, drink, and be merry :)

Buen post, muy interesante

Saludos desde Ecuador :)

Gracias- thank you for the comment.

Imo, we, the ordinary, must seize our own heroism. Thanks for this excellent post pointing out the doomsday programming.

We the ordinary are extraordinary as it turns out.
thanks for the comment, and that's a great user name you have there!

You are so right. I need to make a post about that, as it is a main theme that repeats in my head, and I have some great quotes from wise people. Thanks for noticing my handle, ya know if they can cremate it, we can create more care! More compassion. We can truly be the change we want to see if we stay focused. No more programs. Blessings to you.

Very nice painting. The truth people scream for and deny when it is presented. There is only one truth, all other truths are perceptions of the perceivers.

Religions are designed to bind, and we know how to tie ourselves into some complicated knots already, so a new religion is the last thing the world needs!

I really appreciate your writing style. It's very digestible. Creeps like Dr. Steven Greer and David Wilcock are great examples of disinformation agents of the New Cage movement. People are not as stupid as they'd have us believe.

Yeah I've been keeping an eye on David Wilcock, I get the impression he's trying to start a new religion, which has all of the markings of those old-age religions in it's features.

Hi friend how are you, I don't understand your post, have to read it when I will be in home. Thanks for supporting me. Good morning Friend.

I have read somewhere that time travels in cycle, when we will be on the peak of the science and technology era, we will again be seeing the stone age era. I can strongly feel this fact right now. Now people in the developed city want to grow their own vegetables, want to spend time with nature and they want to live a very happy and simple life. It seems they are fed up of all the innovations and technologies.

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