The Powerful Act Of Intention

in #philosophy7 years ago

So I have a story to tell. I have been an observer lately, watching the events in my own life, and in those around me unfold. I have been looking for certain things to understand consciousness and the universe, and my observations and experiences have certainly led me down a path I wasn’t expecting. I have learned that we are very capable of manifesting opportunities, with the simple act of intention alone. You do not even have to meditate to be able to do this. The law of attraction works simply by what you are thinking about, what you really want. So this story I am about to tell you, is a true story, and it begins right around the time my kundalini came back. Because once again, kundalini changed my perspective on life into a greater understanding, and I have certainly noticed it.

A few weeks ago, I was reflecting upon my life, and about the things I wish I would have done, or things that I would like to change. Since my original kundalini awakening, I have changed my life in so many ways, from the way I do things, to what I eat. But it hadn’t changed much into what I do. I have had the same routine for many years, mainly working, and sitting around at home not doing much at all. I never really got much excercise, never really hung out with friends very often, no sports, no hobbies to speak of, just work, my couch, and tv/computer. I thought back and wondered what my life would have been like if I would have joined ice hockey when I was a child. I wondered how much different my life would have been today. But then I realized something, I realized just by thinking these thoughts, I was dwelling on the past, something I can never change. My first thoughts, were, “its too late now,” but then I thought, now I’m worrying about the future….Which is kind of silly because it hasn’t happened yet. So I made a decision, I decided right then and there, that I would learn how to ice skate, and get into ice hockey. That night, my Kundalini returned, and it was an incredibly beautiful and amazing experience, and I loved every minute of it. A couple of days later, I bought ice skates, and went skating, for the first time in 15 years.

Later on that week, I was working with my cousin, who was talking about how he wished he had his drivers license because it would give him so much more freedom in life. However, he hadn’t driven in a long time, and had already failed the driving test a couple of times. But he told me that he had booked his next test, which was only one week away. Because he hadn’t driven in a while, he wasn’t motivated to get behind the wheel and practice. Instead, he wanted to cancel the test and wait a few months so he could practice and get good before taking the test. So I said that he could pass that test easily if he would just get the motivation to practice. He didn’t believe me, and was going to go watch the hockey game instead. But perseverance paid off, because I kept offering to take him out driving, and my grandfather also offered when he heard what we were talking about. So finally he decided to accept the offer, and we went driving. Somewhere along the way he had decided that he was really going to try hard to pass the test only a week away. And because of this act of intention, several people from the family offer their help. He was driving every day with someone different, and offers on the table from others if he needed them. During the next week, his confidence behind the wheel increased, and with such little practice, he passed the driving test with flying colors. It was the act of intention that caused this result. Had he gone to watch the hockey game, he wouldn’t have his license right now. But this story is far from over.

I run a lawn care business, and my cousin works with me a couple of days a week. He wants to work with me more often, so he can quit his part time job that he doesn’t enjoy. So we both talked about how we need to get more clients to make that happen. I had made the intention to ask my existing clients if they knew anyone else that wanted their lawn cut, and with my cousins intention to combine with it, it wasn’t long before something happened. While on a job, someone randomly pulled over and told me the guy across the street needed a lawn guy. I got the client. Later that day, I got 3 more calls, and 3 new clients. And even today, a lady walking her dog approached me and said she knows someone across town who needs a lawn guy. I haven’t even advertised yet. The act of intention, has literally manifested these things into my life. And this happens to everyone, we just fail to see how sublte the universe really is! Meanwhile after getting all these new clients, my cousin is talking about how he wishes he could get a cadillac, kind of a dream car for him, knowing full well they are out of his price range for his first car. He showed me cadillacs on the street as they drove past, or in a photograph on craigslist……. Because of his intention to find a cadillac, believe it or not, the following day, we were on a job and there was a 1999 cadillac deville concours for sale, and the price of it was 1500 dollars. It did need a new alternator and a couple of other minor things wrong with it, but there it was. What are the odds? Because of this event, I offered to loan him whatever amount he couldn’t afford to buy the car, so he could get it. Sadly, everyone else he told about it, told him he would be an idiot if he bought it. So he waited too long and the car sold to someone else. He manifested the opportunity just with intention alone. Many people reading this may see this as a coincidence, maybe its one of those you had to be there kind of things, but I have another story to tell you, that I now understand completely.

A few years ago, I was looking to buy a truck. I wanted a decent truck, because the one I had was very old and had nothing but problems, I was fed up of it. So I searched for weeks, and found only trucks out of my price range, or didn’t have the features I wanted. Then one day I found a beautiful ford f-150, 2004, in great condition, it had everything I needed. The dealer said nothing was wrong with it, and I was happy about that, because I really didn’t want a lemon, because I was sick of repairing my old truck. I put a deposit down on the truck and said I’d be back in a few days once I had my banking sorted. A couple of days later something amazing happened. The dealership I was buying the truck from was in another town 20 mins away from the town I live in. I was coming home from work one day, 5 minutes away from my house, and had to stop at a 4 way. A ford truck pulled out in front of me, and it had dealership plates. It took me a second to realize that this truck was the same one i had a deposit on. Baffled, I followed it to see where it was going. I was trying to figure out what it could possibly be doing out here. A few minutes later the truck pulled into a residential drive, and a man got out dressed in ford coveralls!! He was a mechanic, fixing the many problems the truck had! Can you believe that?! In rush hour traffic, in a different town, this truck pulls in front of me….. The odds of that are staggering. Coincidence…. I think not. My intention was to find a good truck, not a lemon. The universe prevented me from making a very big mistake, because it was not true to my intentions. It wasn’t meant to be. A week later, I found the truck I own today, and have had almost no problems with it, except one which was covered under warranty. I have been very happy with it.

To conclude my story, I should tell you about how my ice skating skills have improved dramatically, because where there is a will to learn, there is a way, the universe will help you achieve it. My cousins and uncle now want to create a hockey team, and an employee of mine wants to join as well. The intention of wanting to play hockey, is literally unfolding around me, opportunities coming from all directions. When I went to skate for the first time, I met someone who randomly decided to talk to me, and showed me some tips and tricks on how to get better. It has helped me majorly, the people I meet, the opportunities that arise, and the things I experience, are no mere coincidence. It is the universe working in its beautifully mysterious ways. One of the most powerful acts of consciousness, is intention. When you truly intend to accomplish something, the universe will help you achieve it.

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