The Realm Of Thought

in #philosophy7 years ago

We often don’t think of thoughts, as being in another realm. Since they appear to only be contained within our heads, but are they? Is it really so hard to consider the idea that thoughts might actually exist in another dimensional realm, outside of the confines of the physical realm that we live our lives in? A realm that is very much interconnected with the physical realm, but still having it’s own reality, that we are simultaneously aware of while going about our daily lives. Sort of like the blueprints for a building are only 2 dimensional, they represent something that will be functional in 3 dimensional form, thoughts are similar in that respect. Doesn’t it astonish you, that you can close your eyes, and think up how to build a car, or come up with the idea to write something like Harry Potter, in the fraction of a second. We don’t even need all the details of it, we just need the idea, and the more we think about the idea, the more it expands and grows until we take the action to create it into a physical experience. And it all happens in seconds, not minutes or days or months or years, but seconds. The computing power required to operate that fast hasn’t been invented yet.

When you look at it that way, you sort of begin to understand the idea that your brain, is not a creator of thought, but rather, a receiver and transmitter of it. Ideas come to you, and you express them. We don’t create the idea in our minds, we don’t create thoughts, we tune in, we listen, and sure enough, something comes though, an understanding, an intuitive jolt of inspiration, an ah-ha moment when you realize the answer to a problem, or where you forgot your keys. It is an entire realm of reality that we tune into every single day, every moment of our lives, and it is the thought’s we’ve tuned into, that determine what actions we take, and how we express ourselves. We’ve all met someone who is depressed, and after spending a little bit of time with them, we can feel their depression weighing down on us. We’ve also all met someone who’s happy and energetic, and after spending a little time with them, we start to feel happy and energetic. Why is that? It is because since our brains are receivers and transmitters of thought, we are picking up what others are transmitting.

This is also what politicians play upon when running campaigns for election, or the media when it reports the news at night. It’s the subtle instilling of thoughts, that make us feel a certain way about something, from which, we base our opinions. From that point forward, our opinions on certain things become automatic, as if they were built in. This is why it is so hard for religions to get along, it’s why people are divided in politics, and separated by racism. There is a whole realm of thought that is in action, that we cannot see, but we think it and feel it, and as a result, it shapes the world we live in. However, when our opinions are formed based on the media, and politics and religion, and other things, the vast majority of people, lose the ability of critical thinking, of free thinking, of forming their own opinions. In a sense, they lose their individuality. A Conservative must have conservative opinions, a Christian must have Christian opinions and so on. So critical thinking becomes an impossibility, because they cannot see past their automatic opinions. Usually it takes some sort of catalyst, or a series of unfortunate events, or a radical shift, a revolution, a paradigm shift of some kind, for people to see beyond and around their old opinions, and be open to new possibility.

Once that possibility is revealed, the realm of thought becomes available to that person once again, and it can be a shock, it can be a life changing moment in their lives, and only then, are they capable of great change, because they can see who they thought they were, from a new perspective. It is that perspective in which, they can see unlimited possibilities, and understand, that they create their own limitations. The thought realm becomes wide open to them, great inspiration and wisdom can arise from this. The courage to face fears, the calmness to be brave, the strength to face anxiety and sadness, and the power to overcome addiction. This also enables someone to be a light in the darkness for those still lost, because when we overcome suffering, and face fears that hold us back, most of us automatically gain a moral obligation to help others do the same. That is why certain people with illness’s dedicate their lives to researching it and helping others overcome it. Because another realization comes with the ability of free thinking, and that is an understanding that we are all connected, that the suffering of one person, affects all of us in some way or another, even if it’s not evident. So by helping yourself and freeing yourself, almost by default, you help others do the same.

The realm of thought, is where all of us unite with each other. It is where every human connection is made. We have our relationships based on how a person makes us feel, and how we make others feel. It also determines our relationship with ourselves. How many of us don’t like ourselves and have self esteem issues and self doubts? How many of us have difficulty liking or loving ourselves? Why is it so difficult? It goes back to having an automatic opinion instilled into us, most likely based off what others have told us. Since we can’t see past that, we believe we don’t like ourselves, and we are shut down to any other possibilities in the realm of thought, because we’re not open to receiving any other way. This is why it often takes a great depression, or a close shave with death, such in the cases of Eckhart Tolle and Anita Moorjani, for us to see beyond that identity we believed ourselves to be.

The biggest problem is that while the realm of thought exists, most of us have identified with certain thoughts, and closed off to all the other possibilities that we have merged physical reality, with the realm of thought to a point where we can’t distinguish between the two. When we can distinguish between the two, we discover that we are not our physical bodies and we are also not the thoughts we think. We are the awareness in which the thoughts flow through, and the life that powers your body. That awareness, contains all thoughts and all emotions, not just the ones you’re expressing and suffering from, in this life, but in all people, animals, and plants. You are all of it, you are all the life that powers all the bodies you see in the world. You are the infinite possibility of all that is, and you get to use the realm of thought to ponder how miraculous it all is.

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This is the kind of posts I love to read and absorb. Thank you very much

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