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RE: How "Real" Are We? Does Everything Ultimately Boil Down to Math?

in #philosophy7 years ago

And this brings us to the topic that is teleportation possible ?
In order for a human to teleport, each person will need to be represented in transferable data. The transferable data of a human would be represented by the DNA pairs that make up each cell.
The total data for each human cell was calculated as about 10 billion bits and one cell contains enough information to replicate any other type of cell in the body. To rebuild a person, one must know the full information of the traveler’s brain as well, which brings the number of total information content to about 2 followed by 42 or something zeroes. How about that huh ?
And scientists have said that it would take some lakhs of crores years to transfer data alone assuming the bandwidth used is 29.5 to 30 gigahertz.