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RE: If it made nothing...

in #philosophy6 years ago

The money is secondary for me. Don't get me wrong, I certainly need it. But steemit has a built-in mechanism for ensuring quality and eschewing crap... between that and the waiting period, a natural barrier is formed against character assassination and mob-rule.

Sure, if you say something horrid, you can be downvoted for it... but the likelyhood that an errant tweet is going to result in your online destruction is slight. Most people can't be bothered to stoke their spite for a week just to come online and destroy someone for offending them.

That was the real draw for me. Also it's unknown and by the time my ramblings get out to the world, they'll be locked in the blockchain, and therefore perserved. It's spooky, the thought that you can never go back and "undo" a mistake on steemit... but you can't unring a bell regardless, and it can all be discovered sooner or later.

So money.. yeah, money is great. But the security is what really drew me. Well... that and cookies. ;-)


well i for one im really glad you are here... :)

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