Are You Making Good Use Of Your Weekend ?

in #photography7 years ago

After running in the hamster wheel from Monday to Friday it's finally nice to have the weekend off. You can finally do something, take the opportunity at hand and plan the day exactly like you want it ! can just lay on the sofa, it's up to you which is the beauty I guess. But shouldn't we try to make more of our weekends ?


I feel a bit guilty lately. It seems each weekend I choose the sofa over adventure. I'm living in a city with a population of more than 7 million people, so it's not like there is nothing to do here. But still, the sofa draws me inside in front of the tv and it seems I end up spending most of the weekends in front of screens. Either I am watching tv or my mobile, or even both.

Maybe it's time to change it up a bit. Am I being a bit too comfortable and lazy, and I am missing out on "real life" ?

I thought about that today and the answer is both yes and no. It's not good to spend so much time in front of screens, at least some time should be spent outside. But ! Now for the big but. No pun intended. The air quality is not very good here. Let me show you.


So I do have an excuse. A pretty good one. But I can choose where I live luckily, and I am planning to make a change that will hopefully change my life in an amazing way. I'm going back to Sweden in just one or two months now.


Even though I didn't make any New Year resolution I have promised myself to make the most of my free time in Sweden, to enjoy nature whenever I can. I even have a crazy plan! Usually if I get a crazy idea and a good challenge I want to try it.

The idea is to walk through Sweden. From the very south to the north. I will do it during the summer time of course. I will bring a tent and a fish rod, and of course my cancera to capture the adventure. I think this would be a great way to rediscover my Swedish roots by walking through the landscape and meet different people that I come across.

I am far away from the original point of this post by now as it was about weekends and using that time in a valuable way. But I guess it extends to life in general. It's moving faster and faster and when we lift our eyes from the screen we realize the whole day passed by. I guess the overall point is that we should value the time we have and to make something off it - all we need is a plan and some determination and I believe a new adventure is just around the corner !


Lol!! Love the first photo there Dan. I've been staying in more often than not lately too. It makes it difficult to go outside when it's so rainy and cold. Then again, if I lived closer to West Lake, I think I would spend a lot of time there. Or Xi Xi Wetlands.

It's weird, I thought I would also do more things like that living at such a good location. when the weather gets hotter I will definitely go out and enjoy it more

@dandesign86... That's so great you're going back home for a while. Do you even remember Swedish? Do you dream in Mandarin, English, Swedish? LOL Seriously, would love to know! 😄

I dream in different languages. Mostly English I would say. Sometimes Chinese as well, but not often. I think my Swedish will catch up rather quickly, at least I hope so haha. Soon the problem will be to keep my Chinese Alice in Sweden :) That will require some work

I speak Chinese though I’ve never had a dream in chinese....come to think of it...I don’t think I dream in language...

Yea I don't remember myself speaking too much in my dreams, only occasionally

Hey Dan. For our honeymoon, my wife and I walked 150 miles (10 days) along the Lake Superior Hiking Trail in northeast Minnesota. Do your walk through Sweden. It will both make and break you in good ways.

That's a really cool honeymoon ! I can imagine it would be very testing - but like you say it would bring us closer as well. America has such amazing landscape and I would love to go there one day .

I don't want to talk about age but I guess as one goes old, we get drawn more and more to things like sofa and bed. Just saying you are not alone. 😉

Haha 😂 thanks for the support

Guilty as charged. I always choose to play games on my Pc rather than taking a stroll. On the other hand, I dance a lot so, let's just say I am balanced...sort of. :P

That's always good with some balance , I also need to start with some exercise, but dancing is not an option, I am really terrible at that haha

I don't even know when it is weekend anymore. All days are Steemit days!

Hahah that is a very good point - Steemit addiction blurres time perception

Uh...with air quality like that, I think you're perfectly fine staying on the couch. Meanwhile, I love your Sweden idea! That would be quite an adventure!

I think it would be real awesome. I'm also thinking of writing a book about it called " A Jorney Through Sweden" I will pass through historical sights and towns and compare now and then both by using photography and story telling. People are so disconnected with their history and nature so I think it would be interesting topics to bring to the surface

Hmm very interesting post...
If i'm on your place i would risk litle bit of that bad air and go out..
Sitting in house in no good either...u have one life..use it to your maximum..
And sorry for my english i hope u will understand what i'm trying to say :)

Your English is good. You are right it's good to get change of environment once in a while

I don’t have weekdays or weekends, my work schedule is totally random and I like it that way. The work is quickly being replaced by steemit which is kind of work but mostly play. :-)

Steemit does take up more and more time hehe. Who knows maybe in the future we will all be full time Steemians

i also like adventure but i haven't enough time.

Time is always an issue I agree

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