Buying Needs Instead of Wants

in #photography6 years ago


I am a materialist, I like to buy nice things, new shoes, new tech, but I don't like buying things I need.

Somehow buying items like socks, laundry detergent or spare batteries does not give the same satisfaction as buying lenses and shoes, wonder why...

This topic was prompted by my purchase a few days ago, when ordering filters to my Sigma lenses. I didn't want to spend a fortune on clear pieces of glass but I had to, it's an investment to the future. I spend a whopping 200 euros on clear protective filters from Hoya. I didn't do that much research on these but what I did know, is that there is no use buying a 5€ filter to a 1000€ lens, that would just ruin the picture quality. Why would I spend good money on a lens if I would just put a shitty filter on top of it.

I am going to be photographing some rally cars over the next weekends and the conditions are dirty and there is often little rocks flying from the road. I don't want to risk my babies getting hurt, so I finally got the filters I've been thinking of getting since I bought the lenses. I am quite careful with my camera gear, but now I don't have to be a helicopter parent to them in terms of shielding the huge front glass element. The "little one" is 72mm and the big bro is 82mm, that is a lot of surface that can potentially get scratched or cracked.

I have one more filter coming my way, a polarising one for the 18-35mm lens. I bought it in hopes of making photography on a clear sunny day more enjoyable. Will do some comparisons once it arrives, but until then, at least I have some protection on my lenses.

Always remember protection!

PS.If you want to comment that materialistic things don't matter, save your time and go preach to someone who cares.


Yeah, materialistic things don't matter, it doesn't matter that you heard this thanks to a material computer, not at all...


Lol at the PS... why not? I say. My favorite line to give my wife when I want something “we can’t afford not to buy it!”

That is a good line, I'm gonna use it on myself from now on!

The lens you use the most?
buy the crappy 5€ UV filter and keep it in your bag.
If a bit of gravel flies up while you are shooting for the day, its better to remove the nice cracked filter and put on a cheapo to keep shooting than to shoot bare lens!

If anything happens to even the filter, I will pack my camera to the bag and cry for the rest of the day 😅

Ahhhh.... no!
it's a track day.
Any day out shooting is a good day to play!

Give me some photography lessons eve. It’s hard out here for an amateur.

I am an amateur too! But if you have some specific questions, I'll do my best to answer correctly :D

This is how amateur I am, I don’t even know what to ask. I’m only armed with a Panasonic g7 and a kit lens.

Maybe you can write some tips?

I really don't feel comfortable teaching about something I don't know that much myself either. I'd just start from learning the basics of aperture, shutter speed and ISO, and understanding how they effect the image.

Lol back when I had a job I used to be like that, shoes, games, tech, booze anything that I wanted I’d get it! Then I discovered crypto and I’m like oooh dem bitcoins are cheap gonna get some! Nothing gets me off as much as buying cheap crypto does well that and holidays! I’m still buying crypto every month and I’m not going to stop!

Yay, buying money! How much fun! But it's only a tool to get what you really want, like the new sneakers :P

Lol point taken as much as I like seeing more 0s in my account I also like shoes and I only have 34 pairs! I need more 😭😭😭

Ohh, I have met my match, you have even more shoes than me!

Materialistic things matters, I believe sometimes we need to spoil ourselves to the best things of life, because life ain't forever we buy what we want and wear what we want.

P.S **i still need that photography job 😁😁

I'm treating myself a little too often to the things I want, instead of the things I need. I should go to the dentist and all that crap....

Well needs and wants all economic scale of preference shit, remember to party all night too, you'd love a little hangover 😂

Don't worry, will probably get one for Sunday or Monday 😂😅

I prefer spending on experiences. A trip and similar stuff but if I had extra spending money I might spend more on material stuff.

"Always remember protection!"
Sorry but from all your photoholic talk I only understood this part.

Of course materialistic things matter. I do not have a goal of having x amount of money. But I want many things that can be bought with money. Things like better training equipment to improve myself. Things like more expensive tools to better my art. And things that would simply bring me joy- travels, experiences and so on.

I'm not materialistic, unless it's about art equipment, camera stuff, books, computer gear...oh no hang on...i am materialistic...nice gear btw, one day i dream of owning this level of quality for my photography...very nice indeed. have fun with them ;)

the money is to spend on what makes you happy ...

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