I Wanna Be a Cool Girl

in #photography6 years ago


Me letting someone else photograph me is so unusual that @jasonrussell noted a jump in Steem price when I published the first images takes by Juho Jääskeläinen. The price continued to climb higher as I posted another set of the images he took, and I still have this and one more set to go, I think. So let's see if I can prove Jason's theory right and get Steem price to jump up a little higher!

As I'm going through the hundreds of photos and photoshopping the best ones, I notice that I was having a little too much fun. I really need to learn how to control my face and stay still. A lot of the photographs are ruined by my face, no surprise there though.

Photography by Juho Jääskeläinen, post process by me. He was using a Canon something something, who cares, it's a Canon. You know I'm a Nikon girl ;)










Evil nipple will make an appearance in the next photo!


Breathe easy, the nipple is gone now!


Who cares about a nipple?
We all have some of those
I'll take the other body parts
Of course, without the clothes

Each part has something special
That makes them stand out too
Just take the time to check them out
You'll find one just for you

Whaaat a baaaabe! Okay, but what do you mean by wanting to be a cool girl? You already ARE ONE! At least in my eyes, it takes a lot of coolness to take/post such awesome photos, so yeah, I'd say you're pretty cool :D

Thihihi thank you! 🤗 My titles are not to be taken seriously, actually, everything I say needs to be taken with a grain of salt!

If you want to be cool in this kind of weather it is very smart to position yourself in proximity of a vesijohto.

"Breathe easy, the nipple is gone now!"
Made My Day ;D

God bless that nipple, this is the best content on Steemit, keep pumping that STEEM price girl!

keep it up, I checked my wallet and its the highest I have seen in months!

simply beautiful ... the amazing thing about your photos is the naturalness with which your body adapts in any environment

Yes, you should be scared, I'm like a scary predator version of a chameleon, a spy really 😈

“In photography there is a reality so subtle that it becomes more real than reality.” ...

thanks for the new blog. that is great and nice photography.

I love the afternoon light! It suits you well :)

The afternoon light suits everyone! ;)

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