Producing unique and top quality content is not as easy as many people believe. It is tough and that’s why exceptional quality content is sold at expensive prices. Everyone knows that buying quality content would require spending a considerable amount and that’s why people choose to copy the content instead of buying it. Original digital content is copied millions of times and some people do it for free.
Copying original content costs a lot to the content creators who invest a lot of money, time, and resources in creating engaging content. They need a reliable method of promoting their work so that their content can be legally distributed among the consumers. It is a tough to achieve goal and it can be achieved only by reaching the audience through a decentralized platform. Wemark is designed to be that decentralized platform where the content creators can gain a very large portion of the profit produced by their high-quality content.
How does Wemark operate?
In order to deal with problems associated with the centralized content distribution industry Wemark is offering some brilliant solutions. It will empower the original content creators such as photographers, video producers, and music producers. As a content creator you can gain a complete control over how your content will be licensed, priced, and distributed among the users. Wemark will provide you an easy and beneficial way of making profit from your work and that’s why it is getting popular among the digital content industry quite fast.
Every content producer can use the Wemark platform to deal directly with the customers. There will be no third-party or middleman involved whenever you find an interested customer who seeks the license of using your content. This blockchain-based platform will work only to connect content creators with their potential customers.
Whenever a deal is made, the content creator and consumer will sign an agreement in which licensing terms, fees for royalties, and other associated information will be mentioned. Once the contract is signed, it will dictate important processes related to royalties including fees, price range, and license issued to the users. The terms of this digital agreement will change only when all the involved parties will agree.
Reward Mechanism
Wemark needs the attention of all the hard working content creators who are constantly looking for a decentralized platform to distribute their work. If you are a Wemark user and invite other talented content creators or consumers for joining this platform, Wemark will reward you with the WMK tokens.
WMK Token
Wemark is supplying total 135,000,000 tokens. This WMK token is a general utility token that will be used to make and receive payments. The sale of this ERC20 standard token will soon be completed and you must buy it if you are a content creator or consumer. Token price is
1ETH = 2,375 WMK at ICO price BUY NOW
Final Thoughts
Wemark’s approach is unique and it will reform the way content creators are paid and appreciated for their hard work. The customers will also admire Wemark’s support because they can directly deal with the original content creator and get the royalties at affordable prices.